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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Neat trick, that, and one I didn't expect. I suppose it makes sense as the EVA'd Kerbal is part of your craft. Now as far as fixing it is concerned, I'll have to give it some thought. The cheap and easy way out would be to just ignore chaired Kerbals, but I think before I (inevitably) resort to something so blunt I'll give "checking the astronaut complex level" a try first. Good find!
  2. I've noticed this on my own ships that have lots of struts. I've also noticed those ships starting to rotate on their own with SAS off right after time warp. In extreme circumstances I can get them to explode on the launch pad after shaking themselves apart, and removing a few struts (ironically) fixes the problem. I've not replicated it in stock yet (I haven't tried) but when I do Squad will be getting a bug report.
  3. I've experienced this as well. I don't know if it's Hyperedit, the game, or a combination of the two at fault. I've found that if you move the ship (sometimes just rotating is enough, but sometimes you need to do a little burn) the ability to create nodes returns.
  4. I never thought of them myself, but I used to enjoy making them using the rules in fictional universes. Like Nightcrawler in Marvel. He could just BAMF something heavy to the top of a tower where it is slowly lowered down some mechanism designed to turn the potential energy into useful electricity. Then he could just BAMF back down, grab something else, and repeat
  5. Try it. Take a ship that can get to orbit by burning up to 10km and then turning 45 degrees, and using that ship get into orbit with a proper gravity turn. Use a mod or math (or just burn your engine until the fuel's gone and see how fast you're going) and check the difference.
  6. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn history are doomed to watch OTHERS repeat it.
  7. I never used 1.2.2 because I didn't try anything that needed much maneuver node editing (due to stock issues) until KSP 1.1.2 came out.
  8. If you think ions work poorly, try your propeller in space! 1kw of energy into the propeller and you get NO MOVEMENT AT ALL. In space, you throw Xenon (or any propellant) one way, you move the other way according to the law of conservation of momentum. Doesn't matter if it took 1kw or 1.21gw to throw that propellant. To answer the actual question: The energy (that isn't used to toss the propellant out the back) turns to heat and radiates away. At least, that's all I can figure
  9. It sounds like maybe you're following some old tutorials. Before 1.0, you had to go up 8-10km before turning. Nowadays, you want to start turning slowly once you're going about 50-100m/s, and slowly arc your way over so you're going about 45 degrees at 10km or so. It's far more an art form than a cooking recipe these days (and far closer to how actual rockets rise). Also, solid rockets are great for boost (and cost) but terrible for control. For your upper stage I suggest regular engines and fuel tanks, so you can throttle and steer. And your English is far, far better than my french!
  10. When you're on the launch pad and looking at your ship, with the ocean (East) to your right and KSC (West) on your left, and you're looking North, North is SUPPOSED to be down on the navball. This is disconcerting at first but set up so that 90 degrees (East) is to the right just like for your ship. Compare what you see to the navballs in this Google Image Search: KSP Launch Pad That part seems weird. I'd love to see your pictures once uploaded to Imgur or something similar. One possibility: your ship got turned around in the VAB, so right actually IS West. Remember, when you're on the launch pad you're actually moving over 200 m/s East due to the rotation of the planet. When you launch your arc will appear to go out over the ocean even though you're not actually going that way relative to the ground. Though in that case, North on your navball should be pointing UP, not DOWN. When you say it's pointing toward you, do you mean up, toward your ship?
  11. If you're in map mode, spacebar won't stage. You can activate a deactivated but not staging engine by right clicking it and clicking "activate." Other than that, I'm not sure. I'd have to try the tutorial myself.
  12. The question I'm asking isn't *should* it deflate. It's *can* it deflate. It's not a balloon or a tire, and when you're coming down through Eve's atmosphere you should be glad it isn't. So let's ask the question: What exactly do inflatable heat shields fill with, and can you just suck it all back up when you're done and re-use the shield later?
  13. Back up your saves, then uninstall the game (Delete local content) and then install. Then copy your saves back if Steam deleted them (I'm not sure if it would but I suspect it will)
  14. The TWR of your Tylo lander would be high for Vall, and ridiculous for Pol and Bop. However, I'm pretty sure if you park in high Tylo orbit, you can do all 3 of those moons with your stageable Tylo lander just coming back to the mothership each time to refuel. You may even be able to do Pol and Bop in one go. And all you need do is thrust limit the engines to reasonable levels. It's technically "bringing more engine than you need" but that's better than bringing an entire other lander all the way to Jool. When I'm done with my ISRU-fueled Grand Tour, I'm thinking of doing another Non-ISRU Jool-5 in the post-1.0 world and trying to do all 5 moons with a single lander. The trick, as you parenthetically alluded to, is Laythe
  15. How is this affected by roster order in the file? I remember I once re-ordered people in the file and it totally screwed up who was where. People who'd never flown were in ships heading for other planets those who had been in those ships were sitting in the Astronaut Complex. Was that changed some time in the past few versions (I think I had this in like 23.5 or something) or must you re-add jeb at the bottom/top of the list to maintain order?
  16. KSP uses a lot of space. A whole solar system's worth!
  17. Backup your persistent.sfs file Open it in a text editor Search for "ROSTER". You should go to a line that has ROSTER on it and nothing else, and 2 lines down should have the word "KERBAL". 2 lines below that will be "name = Jebediah Kerman". If you don't see that, keep searching until you do. A bit below Jeb's name you will find a line "type = [SOMETHING]". I'm not sure what that [SOMETHING] is but it'll probably be Fired or Terminated or something similar. Change that line to read "type = Crew" Save and exit, and load up your game. With any luck, Jeb will be waiting to go. EDIT: Here's a snippet of a persistent.sfs file where Jeb is active crew: ... ROSTER { KERBAL { name = Jebediah Kerman gender = Male type = Crew trait = Pilot brave = 0.5 dumb = 0.5 ...
  18. I tried to make your plane in the SPH but got mad at the wheels (again) so gave up. I tried to make it launch from launch clamps but it never got enough speed from decoupling them to get positive lift before crashing into the ground. I alt-f4'd the game before thinking I cold have just dropped it from high launch clamps with the chutes engaged, and now I can't be bothered to go back in. But I wanted you to know I tried. EDIT: For the capsule with SRB, I know there's something wrong with your game. I'd backup all your saves, wipe, and reinstall from scratch. If a pure stock game still does it after that, open a bug report on Squad's bug tracker.
  19. That sounds like the visual effect you whenever two things (in this case Mercury and the "nothing" outside the Sun's disc) get close to each other and you get a bit of bleed-over from one to the other.
  20. I screwed up the code. I just edited the post to fix it. Sorry about that.
  21. It looks so. Here's the module: MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = InflatableHS isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = Inflate Heat Shield endEventGUIName = Deflate Heat Shield actionGUIName = Inflate Heat Shield allowAnimationWhileShielded = False restrictedNode = top disableAfterPlaying = true } I'd guess setting "disableAfterPlaying" to false would do it. If so, this modulemanager config should work: @PART[InflatableHeatShield] { @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] { @disableAfterPlaying = false } } Note this is totally untested and may not work for several reasons, but I can't imagine it'd hurt your game. I suggest if you try it to start a new sandbox save just to test the heat shield on the launchpad.
  22. Jool is a magical land of free dV. All you need is patience and experience, and a willingness to fail a lot before you get it right. And after you get it right, because Jool loves to keep throwing you (out of orbit) with (literal) curveballs in the way of moon encounters. It's really hard to explain, at least for me, but what you should do is get a ship in equatorial Jool orbit and just play with encounters and maneuver nodes. See what you can do with a Tylo encounter, or a Laythe encounter. Spoiler Alert: You can do a LOT. You can get into a nice orbit of Jool for FREE with a Tylo encounter. You can also get back to Kerbin for almost the same amount of FREE though that's a lot harder.
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