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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I think it's a testament to how FREAKING HARD it is to make a game like KSP that the only thing I've seen that even comes close (spoiler: It doesn't come close) is Simple Rockets on my phone, and that was 2d and didn't actually simulate physics very well.
  2. I tend to send up as big a thing as I (and my computer) can handle. If I need more than that, I send up 2 things. Sending one thing to another planet (or moon) takes half the (real-world, you-playing-the-game) time as sending 2 things. For 2 things, you have to launch twice, set up 2 ejection burns, 2 insertion burns, etc. You don't have to time warp there twice if you eject them at the same time, but once at your destination you DO have to dock them together that takes time and (as has been pointed out here) causes the resultant vessel to be less rigid. Though if you're new, you could very likely use the experience. That should not be ignored. Also, it's kinda fun, at least the first few times, to wrangle all those parts together
  3. That seems reasonable. Forums are not really suited to it and they have a much better setup in the official bug tracker.
  4. When I get a moment I'll test it all by itself with no other mods and upload a log.
  5. I've seen both Jupiter and Venus in the middle of the day. Wait until they're near the Moon and go outside, find the Moon, and look around. I don't think Jupiter's disc would ever be discernible to the naked eye, but I'm not willing to do the math to be sure
  6. I always forget about that. And I've already got the config so... Laziness
  7. For exactly this, I need an extremely good reason to use a mod that has parts in it. And if there's a way to get around using those parts, I take it. For example, I've not used a KER part for years, and instead use the Modulemanager config to add the functionality to all pods. That way, if KER stops working I lose dV info, but my ships are still okay.
  8. This seems to not work in 1.1.1. The icon's in the toolbar but not animated. Clicking it right- or left- does nothing, and it does not trigger when science is available. It's either flat out broke or the interface is broken and I just can't enable it. If this is specific to me I can upload logs, but if it's general it's pretty easy to recreate
  9. I have these all installed and they all appear fine. I used at least part of them with success: ModuleManager Blizzy's Toolbar AllYAll BetterBurnTime EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements GPOSpeedFuelPump NavHud PreciseNode KerbalEngineer This had no errors, but I didn't actually use it so it's possible (though unlikely) that it has a problem: AmbientLightAdjustment This one actually didn't work. The toolbar icon was present but no clicking worked and its automated functions never triggered: AutomatedScienceSampler
  10. Sweet I expected this on Friday. Possibly late. Or pushed to Monday. Can't wait to test out my particular set of pet bugs
  11. Almost this exact logic is why I stopped playing Ingress. I feel worse that I bought it for $20 and it went on sale about 3 days later
  12. I have literally never had a rocket even pause on the launch pad before rising when I disable the clamps and trigger the engines at the same time. I understand that real rockets need it (and maybe those in some of the realistic mods out there) but in stock KSP I was under the very strong impression that in a single Unity frame you went from 0 to full thrust with no spooling up time. Or half thrust if you forgot to throttle up.
  13. Sure it's possible. It'd be a huge pain though. "All you'd need to do" is make sure you have more than about 3500 m/s of dV, and then make sure you're in space and burning sideways long enough to pull your Pe out of the atmosphere. If you run out too soon, find a way to add some dV and try again. If you end up still burning once in orbit, then find a way to remove some. But that sounds like too much work for me. As @blorgon said, tough, try it yourself
  14. I would assume any binary Earth-sized planets would have become tidally locked long ago. They'd have tides from the Sun but they'd be lower than ours, not higher.
  15. Not at all. Just by doing so, your orbit will no longer be a circle. And if the Pe and Ap are at all different (which, in all but idealized situations, they will be) then your orbit is an ellipse. Perhaps this page will help you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler's_laws_of_planetary_motion In particular, the first law about ellipses.
  16. But if you move an ORBIT around like that, it WILL change shape. I really by now think that we (you and then everybody else) are just talking across each other. Nobody's going to agree. I'm going to recuse myself from this point on but I will end it with a vehement statement: What you are talking about (moving a circular orbit so the planet is off-center yet the orbit remains a circle) is IMPOSSIBLE. Not by Newton. Not by Kepler. It's not a theory. It's a result of mathematics. /done
  17. I get the impression that the game puts stuff connected together (between decouplers) in the same stage by default, at least most of the time. That's why the parachute and booster on the first rocket you make in career is always set up wrong in staging.
  18. I'm all for options, but whatever stage you prefer to release the clamps, the current setup never works. Also, parachutes should always get their own stage, above everything else except other parachutes. Drogues and regular chutes can be separated, sure, but the game should never put a parachute and booster on the same stage by default. And another also, it's a little sad that the OP is almost 2 years old yet applies perfectly today.
  19. I believe 3 is more technical (and convoluted) than how we normally quote it. Actually 2 is as well But anyway, I'm not 100% sure but I think that so long as they are gravitationally bound together (not interfering with each other) yet still both orbiting the star, they can indeed by called planets according to the IAU.
  20. I'm all for achievements. Just not Steam ones. Even after getting KSP on Steam, I have no desire to actually RUN it from Steam. I've played 1.1 for probably 100 hours now counting pre-release, and my Steam time is... Launches Steam to check ...less than 2 hours. All of that confirming something is either working or buggy in full-on stock.
  21. It may be worth it to note that Star Wars is not science fiction, but space fantasy. And all comic books (and their movies and TV shows) are straight-up fantasy. They don't follow our laws of nature because they don't have to. Star Trek's somewhere on the fuzzy border. It wants to be science fiction but the fantasy stuff is just so alluring.
  22. No the Claw is a prereq for "haul this piece of junk down to Kerbin" (and sometimes that piece of junk has a Kerbal in it that you have to save) but you CAN get rescue contracts for people in pods (but not have to bring the pods down) before you've unlocked the Claw. Source: My game. I rescued several people and didn't have the Claw unlocked.
  23. 64 bit was never the only way to play. It was the defaut for a while but they switched it back. No known reason, and as far as I know Squad hasn't said anything about it. To answer the title, though, "What happened to 64-bit KSP?", it's still there.
  24. I don't remember that part 100% but I thought he didn't steal the data, but instead wiped it. I don't know how easy that is to do with a flash drive but hey spy stuff.
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