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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. No matter how similar, we wouldn't say "-gee". At best, we'd say something like "-kee." At worst we'd not say anything Kerbin specific because we don't know what their equivalent to Greek is
  2. Minmus has got to be the most-visited world in all my Kerballing. I'm not counting Kerbin because we don't visit there
  3. I'm sorry but this is not true. the "gee" in "Apogee" means "Earth" (Because reasons). Similarly, you can speak of "Perilune" for the lowest point in your Moon orbit. the "apsis" in "Periapsis" is relating to the apsis of your elliptical orbit. There are 2 in each ellipse, and the planet or moon or star you are orbiting is one of those two apsides. THAT apsis is what we are peri- or apo- from in our orbit. I was wrong above. I'm glad I checked it The "apsis" in "periapsis" comes from the same Greek word, for the top of a curved archway. In an ellipse, there are two such pointed curved areas, at the "ends" of the ellipse. The end of the ellipse that is closest to the planet is the periapsis, and the furthest one is the apoapsis. Around Earth, they mean the same thing as perigee and apogee, but they those two won't be correct if used around the Moon, or Mars. The more general terms are correct everywhere.
  4. It almost does. If you turn on infinite fuel and have any ec on your ship, you get infinite electricity. If you have none, though, it still won't work. If I may throw in a suggestion, HyperEdit is an easier way to do this than persistent file editing. There's a button to modify your ship, and one of the sliders there is for electric charge.
  5. They also didn't have revert and quicksave. And they got paid for it, so were willing to do more drudgery work.
  6. I agree with the spirit of your post, though I'm a bit less angry about it. I'll tell you, though, when 1.1 dropped and the EXACT CRAFT FILE That I uploaded for a bug report STILL had the same problem it had in prerelease, I shared your ire.
  7. Of those listed, the only one I think should go into the game as-is is RCS Build Aid. I couldn't vote, though, because none of the mods in list 2 should be made stock, in my opinion. If you're curious: MechJeb is far too sweeping in its design and operation. It turns KSP into another game. If you like that other game, great, but it shouldn't be THE game. TAC Fuel Balancer is clunky to operate. There are better options. Those options should probably not be stock either, though if one has to, I'd say GPOSpeedFuelPumps. Pilot Assistant I've never used, so don't feel the right to an opinion. It looks a bit like "MechJeb lite for planes" so my above opinion stands here. It sounds pretty cool and I plan on trying it, but it does a bit too much for stock. I'd prefer a button like the current "Hold prograde/radial/etc" buttons, that locks your plane into holding the current ground-relative angle. Docking Port Alignment Indicator is too invasive for stock. It throws up a window which I don't think the stock game should do. If you're curious, I also don't think the stock game should put up a window while scanning ore. And while we're at it, the NON-RCS-Build-Aid mods from list 1: Infernal Robotics is too buggy. The moment that bug is fixed, it should be stock. Hyperedit could MAYBE be implemented via the cheat menu. But even then it should be toned way down. Kerbal Engineer Redux has too many options and windows. Stock should have a toggleable dV and TWR display in flight and while building, and Ap/Pe (and time to each) should be viewable in the flight screen. And radar distance to the ground. "What biome you'll crash in" I'm content to leave in the realm of mods. Tweakscale I'm actually for, but there needs to be no doubt what a tank holds at a glance. Right now, any tank can have any texture, unless it's changed in the past 6 months or so. Adjustable Landing Gear sounds fine, I've just never used it so have no opinion. My gut instinct though is to say ENOUGH WITH THE PLANES ALREADY even though I know that's not 100% fair.
  8. I'd say remove half the mods, and see if it still happens. If not, it's one of the other half. If so, it's one of the half you kept. Repeat until you've narrowed it down to 1 mod. Then report to that modder with a log file etc.
  9. If by "badger" you mean "ask at all" I'm for it.
  10. In the tracking station the gui window is directly on top of the exit button for the tracking station. There are no pixels that I can click on that will click the toolbar modifier button and NOT click the button to exit the tracking station (There is clickthrough). I know of no way to move the toolbar without accessing this button, so I seem unable to use the toolbar at all in that screen.
  11. Is it the one that sets all experiments to 100% on gathering (and possibly transmitting) science, so you only ever have to do it once? If so, I believe you're looking for Full Reward.
  12. It will be difficult to give you any help without more information. See here for how to give more information:
  13. Right click a manned command pod and click the button labeled "crew report"
  14. I made a twin Juno plane that takes off fine with the 01s as primary gear and 05s to avoid tall and wing strikes. I've not tried to land it yet but that's because I suck at planes. I've gotten it up to 70m/s on takeoff though without ever having the gear explode.
  15. Seconded. Once you adapt to this paradigm you won't want any other fuel balancer.
  16. If you seriously want to actually know where the ore is without scanning, one solution would be to backup your save file, scan Mun (or Minmus, or Kerbin) for ore, and then compare the backed-up (pre-scan) file to the post-scan file and see what the game puts in there to tell if you've scanned the world. Then add that to every world in the game. Insta-scan!
  17. That's so sad, leaving them up there. You should use their suit jets to re-enter the atmosphere. >:D
  18. There is no "low orbit." You're either in space near or high orbit. You get no extra science for actually being in orbit instead of on a suborbital (but in-space) trajectory. Logical? I don't know. Is there anything unique about the temperature if you're in orbit or not? But it is what it is.
  19. The best option - ignoring the PITA aspect and just looking at "arriving at Moho with as much fuel as possible" your best bet is to go up to Minmus, fuel up your ship so it's fully fueled, and then when Minmus is 180 degrees from what your LKO ejection burn WOULD HAVE BEEN, burn to escape Minmus BACKWARDS so you fall back down low to Kerbin. Then, at your Kerbin Periapsis, burn to Moho. It's convoluted and prone to error, but if done correctly it's the most efficient. And if you nail it you feel like a baws. Source: I nailed it. I felt like a baws.
  20. That there looks like a bug. I bet Squad would love a look at your save and log files, assuming you can load it up in a stock game.
  21. 8 hours from "I wish..." to an available download that solves the problem. THIS is what makes KSP awesome. Well done DMagic!
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