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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Space is hard. Really hard. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly hard it is. I mean, you may think it's hard to beat the boss in some AAA 20-hour RPGfest, but that's just peanuts to space.
  2. Imagemagick? I love that program's "convert" utility. I have no idea what a webm is but "convet whatever.webm fileiwant.jpg" still works. Love it.
  3. As I've returned a Kerbal from the surface of every planet in the game... Eeloo
  4. Translation of the decouplers is buggy. There is no other way to say it. I personally use the mod No Offset Limits to overcome the bug. However in this case you don't need to offset the DECOUPLER. Place the decoupler at the top like in @Foxster's pic, and then place the SRBs on it in the middle so they're way too high. THEN, drag them down with the offset tool. Don't even TOUCH the decoupler with the offset tool, though, or it'll do what your pic shows. That said, I almost never offset SRBs on the decouplers. I just place them as high as I can and that puts enough twist on them to keep them from hitting my center stack on liftoff. Your mileage - of course - may vary. EDIT: I may have misunderstood the question. You may not know how the translate tool works. In your pic, it's the 2nd of the 4 icons floating in the upper left of the main window, just next to the Wheesley. You can also activate it by hitting "2" on your keyboard. That and the rotate tool ("3") are amazing tools that will transform your rocket building experience.
  5. I don't know MechJeb, but will assume you are trying to select stuff in the map mode? If so, put your cursor in the middle top of the screen (against the top edge) and a dropdown will drop... down. On it there are all the ship types, including Debris and Flags which are disabled by default. Click the debris icon and you'll be able to see it on the map and then - ideally - select it.
  6. This doesn't sound like my thing, but note that the ability to quicksave in atmosphere will make timing that final suicide burn a bit easier.
  7. "How do you get to Duna" is way too vast a question to ask. What particular part is giving you trouble? If you want general ideas, @Vermil's post is a great one. Once you can do everything in that post, Duna should be... well, it'll still be quite a daunting task. But you'll have a lot more tools in your toolbox to conquer it.
  8. To do this in Module Manager you're going to want to use the Multiplier. It's *= I'm by no means sure if this code will work, but it should be at least close. And it shows how the multiplier works. @PART[*]:HAS[RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]] { @RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] { amount *= 10 maxAmount *= 10 } } @PART[*]:HAS[RESOURCE[Oxidizer]] { @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { amount *= 10 maxAmount *= 10 } }
  9. I prefer peanut butter. Chocolate is for dirty cheaters.
  10. Click the "Like This" button in the lower right corner of the post. That will grant the user one rep point.
  11. I'm really trying to stay out of this topic because we're just talking in circles, and nobody's going to agree with anybody else. For what it's worth I do understand your argument even if I don't agree with it. I've explained my point, and if I did it so poorly that nobody can understand me, then I am at a loss to explain it further. But I'll try. One more time. Essentially, I can see a situation where there is oxygen in the rocks AND stuff that can be turned into LF in the rocks, and they have not combined for some reason. So, we're not separating them from each other, but from the "other stuff" in the rocks. That is (relatively) energy-cheap, and then when we combine them in combustion (which never happened originally to them for whatever reason) we get more energy from that than it took to separate them from the rocks. Now in reality this should mean that there is "LF-Ore" and "O2-Ore" and maybe there are different amounts of each in each area, but the game is abstracting that away as it very well should, lest we end up with hundreds of resources in a cacophony of confusion that I don't want to deal with. I'm perfectly happy just mining "ore" and being done with it. As an aside, I'd also be perfectly happy just mining "LF" from the ground and dispensing with that whole ore middleman.
  12. Something about the ground texture and the way the color changes as you get near the top of that picture makes that look like it's not a Minmus base, but an underwater Kerbin one. I actually was wondering if the Solar Panels still worked
  13. I never have done that. I have built 100+ part ships with no struts, though. And my 300+ part ships frequently only need a dozen or so.
  14. I consider a heavy lifter a "normal method." If my computer can run it, it's not too big. And from what I've seen in the 1.1 prerelease, that measure is only going to allow LARGER behemoths to fit under it.
  15. I've been playing a game that is so broken as to be unplayable... for 3 years? I think you meant "I really don't enjoy playing without KJR, to the point where I'd quit." Which at least makes sense. I understand the people who prefer procedural fairings to stock, but naming that mod in this thread just confuses me. You'd really stop playing if PF was not available? REALLY?
  16. No mods (lack) would make me quit totally. I still do "totally stock" challenges when they strike my fancy. However, without a couple must-have mods I wouldn't do more than that. I won't do anything serious without KER. I won't leave Kerbin's SOI or do more than 1 mission at a time without KAC. I won't dock anything more ambitious than a Gemini-type mission without the Navball Docking Port indicator or NavHud (preferably both). Those are the biggies, really. I tend to not do anything but derp around until they're functional on whatever the newest version of the game is.
  17. The game abstracts Ore, though. "Ore" isn't one thing. It's essentially everything on the planet that you need to make fuel. There is oxygen in the rocks. There is "liquid fuel stuff" in the rocks. The processor part does all the necessary stuff to split the actual useful stuff from the ore. Ore is not "burned LOX" and you don't have to unburn it to separate the OX from the L. Is it realistic? Not in the least. Does it violate the laws of thermodynamics? Not in the least.
  18. Yes to removing those two circled decouplers. Place a strut somewhere near the top one, strutting inward to the central tank. It's essentially filling the role that you thought the unattached decouplers were filling: It'll give that booster an extra connection point to the central stack.
  19. Not just "not a bad idea." It should be a setting in a config or menu option somewhere to be the default.
  20. Okay then it just doesn't work in 1.1. I've got it installed and there is no icon anywhere that I see.
  21. And as usual, the timing is perfect as I have time to play right now, but won't be able to download it for about 12 hours. And after that time, I won't have time to play for probably another 12 hours at least.
  22. (EDIT WITH ACTUAL NUMBERS, I FINALLY BOTHERED LAUNCHING IT IN 1.1) This is the "Why God, Why." It's almost 3,000 tons on the launch pad and about 660 in LKO, almost all of that fuel. Its job is to fill up my Grand Tour ship with about 7.5 14,400 tanks of fuel. It's got 8 Mammoths around the outside that onion their fuel into 4 Rhinos, which then onion their fuel into the "mostly payload" stage that is a single Rhino. All 13 engines ignite at launch. It's a real pain to fly, mostly because the 2nd stage (that starts when you drop the Rhinos, and would otherwise be hoping to start flattening out your ascent angle) has a TWR of 0.65, and the final stage (which is one Rhino pushing 10 full 14.4 tanks to start, and starts when you're about 50km up and have a Pe of about -350km) has a TWR of 0.25.
  23. It apparently relies on Blizzy's Toolbar, so even if it does work, there's no in-game way to access it yet.
  24. Why do the math? HyperEdit ships into the appropriate orbits (or load an old save with ships already there if you for some reason consider it "cheating") and draw maneuver nodes.
  25. I actually deny that that... THING... is a runway at all.
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