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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Everything you can attach a claw to is a craft. Asteroids, Kerbals, the landing gear that broke off your SSTO and is now orbiting Minmus...
  2. My most recent career ended (well, was put on hiatus. I'm now waiting for 1.1 before I continue it) when Fallout came out. Before that, it's generally been a combination of game-killing bugs, new versions coming out, boredom, and actually completing the goals I'd set for myself in that career.
  3. I did this in half the required parts but "accidentally" missed Minmus and went for another cold, icy world far from its primary. ...and came back.
  4. I can't answer all of your questions, but think I can nail several of them. Do a search for "KSC Switcher." I'm not sure if it's updated for 1.0.5 specifically but I'm pretty sure it still works. It comes with a config with some "Earth" places, but you can edit it to put things anywhere. Look through the thread, we do a lot of chatting about how to place the KSC in different places. You're looking for "EVE" or "Environmental Visual Enhancements". It comes with an image file (I believe it's a TGA these days) that defines where all the cities are on Kerbin. You can change that and it'll change in-game. Spoiler alert: I designed that map I'm not sure if that's possible with EVE. The cities are placed where the light map is, but the actual city texture is a different image that is just tiled.
  5. Yup. You spent 800ish m/s to get your orbit elliptical from LKO to Mun, so the atmosphere has to cut 800 m/s from your ship to bring it back down to LKO from that orbit. Same with aerocaptures from Jool, or to Eve, or whatever. Though things can get a bit warm in those instances
  6. Mmmm? *wakes up* I gotta say, I get a warm feeling when someone says my videos got them to buy a game. Anyway, I'm obviously also playing Darkest Dungeon, and I'm technically playing Just Cause 3 but I can't seem to find a time where I both can play it and don't want to play Darkest Dungeon. On my phone, I've been playing Resources for about 6ish months and if you liked everything about Ingress except all the people arguing and fighting and backstabbing and actually getting hurt in the real world over a game, I wholeheartedly recommend Resources. It has some of the same location-based aspects of Ingress while still being a totally different game.
  7. Also, :FINAL isn't well regarded by the MM people. I'm not sure what would be best to do but most people find a way to use "AFTER" or "NEEDS".
  8. I have no problem with the size of the Sun (or the planets) in the game coupled with the spaceflight mechanics. One of the (many) things I don't like about RSS is that the Sun is way too small. I don't care if it's more realistic. It's too small. Also? When I try to take un-telescoped pictures of the Moon. That's too small too.
  9. I thought this was the thread where we say the same thing over and over. Sorry.
  10. It's not your fault. I get similarly confused when people use "Kerbol" as the name of the Sun. No. It's the sun. It should be big and bright. Bigger than our actual Sun because we misrepresent it in our minds as far bigger than it really is.
  11. After much work and testing, I can now narrow down when I'll start: Some time (shortly I suspect) after 1.1 comes out. Probably within days of KER working on 1.1. My in-space constructed ship that will leave LKO for Eve is over 500 parts. The first 300-part ship runs in-game at about half speed: 2 seconds of real time for 1 second of game time. I don't even want to know what it'll be like when I hook the other 200-part section to it. I could optimize parts of it but am choosing not to, considering the imminent arrival of 1.1 and the hopeful optimizations that will allow me to do this with only minor slowdowns. I'm not expecting U5 to be a panacea or anything, but I am hoping for at least 0.90 speed levels.
  12. And the day after, they may close up shop and all move to Northern Canada to get jobs clubbing baby seals. I fear both of these things in equal amounts.
  13. Just curious, but why is that? If you have X mods right now, and X+1 mods will make your game better then why would you stop doing it? It can't be memory footprint as this mods' is very small, and will be mitigated in part by KCT's size presumably getting smaller with the removal of the simulation feature.
  14. Good work. Thank you. If you do one more update (or heck, I'll just say it now)... habSpeedFuelPumps?
  15. You spelled "have" wrong. (emphasis mine) (And you screwed up the tense on "debated" but that one's on you)
  16. Just a rough estmate, you need 3300 or so to get into LKO, another 2000 or so to get to Jool, say 1500 to get into Vall orbit. Then you need 1500 to escape Jool from Vall and another 1000 or so to get back to Kerbin. That's almost 10,000m/s all told, 1/3 of that just getting to LKO. You can do tricks with gravity maneuvers to cut that down but until you get that down, I'd stick with that rough estimate. And probably add 10% to it for safety.
  17. Yes and a watched pot will eventually boil, it just takes a long time.
  18. So 1.0 was rushed and buggy, and to fix that they should have rushed 1.1? I do agree with you that 1.0 was rushed. I think this upcoming update is the first that could really be called a release candidate. It should be 0.99 maybe, with the next full update after Unity 5 being "KSP 1.0." But 1.1 rushed? No way. You can't pull bread out of the oven early and you can't release software before it's ready.
  19. In Winter, and far from the Equator.
  20. ENHANCE. AND ZOOM. I think we're actually in steerage. Trains have steerage, right? #HypeSteerage
  21. Thanks for the recap! It's so much easier doing these than writing them
  22. Years ago when I first started up the game, I was impressed at how the Sun (Or Kerbol as people insist on calling it) and Mun were - I assume - intentionally made the "right" size so that when you look at them, they appear to be the size that it *feels* the Sun and Moon appear to be here. Having actually done the math before (I'm a nerd. I was more of one in college) I instantly knew they were way too big. I assume that whomever designed the system knew this as well. But the Sun and Mun *felt* right, which is far more important than them actually being correct. I have not changed this opinion in almost 3 years of playing. So no, I do not think that either the Sun and Mun are too big in the sky, nor too small in actual diameter. I think they're just right.
  23. Sorry for this but could you remove or at least severely limit your "Location" attribute? It made your post about 1000% longer than it needed to be, all whitespace.
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