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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. The same is true for all values. You can spend a LOT more going to Jool than the chart says, and a LOT less getting into orbit without aerobraking. But the "3400m/s vaccuum" to me means: Use an atmospheric engine. Don't use a Terrier or a Poodle. Look at the stats! Have a decent TWR. I like between 1.5 and 1.7. Have a streamlined rocket that won't flip. Do a good gravity turn. If you follow those 4 rules you will have sub-4000m/s ascents, and should usually be around 3500 at worst.
  2. I thought it was the only option for that experiment. I've seen it at least twice, and I almost never read those things.
  3. I usually have several (or several dozen) missions running at a time. I too hate to see a transfer window pass. I have found (like you) that that seems to just invite bugs. So when I finish my current career's objectives I'm tailoring the next one to a more one-mission-at-a-time approach. That's really what the game is designed around, anyway. This whole "manage a space program" stuff is really - and sadly - not something the stock game was made to handle. It's only through the use of mods that we can effectively even run a multi-mission program and when we do, things start to go wrong.
  4. Never ever go to Gilly. If you think the ragdolling is bad on Minmus... Unless you've got a weird mod interaction, you can fix it by making sure you come down slow and straight to the ground whenever you land. You have no readouts, but your kerbal should essential come to a hovering stop closer to the ground than his/her height. Then stop trusting. I never ragdoll after I do this. If you are still ragdolling then I suspect - as others do - a mod.
  5. Dude you have a crazy definition of "new" that I've never heard anybody ever use before. You're burned out. Go play Rocket League or FTL or Invisible Inc or Cities:Skylines or something. Come back when you're getting the itch. You will. I've quit playing twice now, over the past 2 years. The first time lasted about 2 weeks and the 2nd about a month and a half.
  6. Really you should get the credit for a "flyby" the moment you meet these two requirements: 1) The ship is in the SOI 2) The ship is in your physics bubble. No (sane) tourist is going to say "I wanted a flyby of Mun, but I'm sorry, all you did was land me there. I ain't paying!"
  7. I just did this recently, see the video below. Notable time stamps: 12:00 - coming in from orbit 13:10 - discussing thrust limiting (And using 2 very nice mods, neither of which are critical but both of which make it far easier) 14:30 - landed next to the base, right before actually starting the docking 16:10 - just moments from docking
  8. So what if something breaks? Or a critical update comes out to vBulletin?
  9. All it means is you can put maneuver nodes on your orbits now.
  10. Awesome. My ships' names will now be so much more punchy. No more "Mun orbiter 2" for me! Please make Blizzy's toolbar optional, not obsolete. My stock toolbar is already full of garbage I want to be better organized on Blizzy's Random thought: Order the names in the text files from "small" to "large" or "weak" to "powerful", and then use vessel mass as a way to weigh the random selection. That way, the little probe won't be named MASSIVE TITAN IV and your Jool-5 ship won't be HMS LITTLE PIPSQUEAK Though actually now that I think of it, those might be the names I pick
  11. I've made the request (https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues/289). Let me know if that's sufficient. Either is fine to change. I don't mind if all the parts are highlighted as "experimental" in the VAB, so long as they are available to use.
  12. SOMEONE has to be able to log into the server. If they can't, this forum is a ticking time bomb.
  13. You should make a thread for this so I can find it when I need it again. I HIT F2 TO HIDE THE GUI YOU STUPID GAME.
  14. I pronounce it "roche-etta" Like "Roche Lobe" and " "
  15. That doesn't do what I want. I want the node the part is in to be locked and stay locked, yet you get the part to use for all time. With that Behavior, if you don't unlock the node you don't get the part. If you unlock the node, you give the player access to all parts in it. I want neither of these things. Though, unlocking the whole node is an interesting option... It's just not what I wanted.
  16. From what I'm reading that behavior does what I stated in my post that I do NOT want. It unlocks the part at the time you accept the contract. I want a way to unlock the part upon contract completion. Unless I'm misreading or misinterpreting. Which is wholly possible.
  17. You can't switch KSCs while controlling a craft. You MUST be in the tracking station. However you CAN launch your plane onto the runway, go back to the tracking station, change the KSC to somewhere else, go back to your plane (which will now be sitting on the ground. Or splashed into the water. YMMV, warranty void if process is used), take off, and fly to the "new" KSC. You can also launch a ship into orbit, go back to the tracking station, change KSC, go back to your orbiting (even sub-orbital, but you should be in space at least) ship, and land at the "new" KSC. - - - Updated - - - I don't know why, but I prefer having the clicky button
  18. Is there (or could there become) a way to reward an "experimental" part as the reward for completing a contract, but NOT giving it at the start of a contract? What I'm looking to do is give the player a contract to go claw something (that is in orbit or landed somewhere) and bring it back to Kerbin. And when they do this, they gain access to the part even though they haven't researched the node. This may or may not be an attempt to totally circumvent the entire tech tree process for a new game type.
  19. Yeah they're not static images. It's actually using a Google Maps type interface. It may actually be Google Maps' API or something. But printscreen always worked for me
  20. Some of these settings are still esoteric to me, but a few you may want to change: repositionRadiusOffset = ???? //For KSC, this is 43. I'm not 100% sure what it means though repositionToSphereSurface = false //I don't know what this does, but I've always had it set to false. reorientFinalAngle = 207 //I've only ever seen these positive. Shouldn't hurt, but hey why not. radius = 7000 //I don't know what you acutally want, but 1 is way too small. This is the flat ground around KSC. The one around the actual KSC is 7000. heightMapDeformity = 0 //Start with 0, then try other numbers once things are fine. I've never tried anything but 0. absoluteOffset = ???? //Try setting this to whatever altitude you want to be at when you're standing on the flat area.
  21. I found a tiny mistype in the wiki (that is otherwise quite well laid out. Thank you for that) on page https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/Contract-Type In the big code block, when discussing REQUIREMENT nodes, you have the word PARAMETER in there instead of REQUIREMENT. // The PARAMETER node defines a contract requirement - a prerequisite should be // The REQUIREMENT node defines a contract requirement - a prerequisite Also, and I don't know why, but reloading the contracts won't reload Agents, even if those agents are within the contract files themselves. And yes this does mean I'm working on a contract pack.
  22. It's also pretty much how a lot of oil drilling operations work here on Earth. Maybe not quite so immediate, but most of the energy used to pull stuff out of the Earth to burn, is created by stuff we pulled out of the Earth and burned.
  23. That's what I was thinking. Send up a ship with 30 parachutes, a claw, and a grand of dV or so, and just rendezvous, claw, KIS a parachute to the pod, slow down to atmo, disconnect the claw, and get the rescue ship back into orbit. The cost to put this up would not be that much more than the cost to launch once for each rescue, and you'd very quickly just turn the whole thing into a "Kerbals and cash" factory. Too bad you can't fire Kerbals and get a "refund" of what you would have paid them. Rescue 30 Kerbals, fire the last one, and get a million credits.
  24. It's not that they stop. It's that they don't automatically start back up when the power is restored. I activated them. I did not deactivate them. They should not deactivate themselves when the power goes out, just stop running. The way it is now, you simply cannot time warp at your ground station (which would frequently be convenient for various reasons, not the least of which if you time warp in orbit you're probably limited to 50x) unless you are positive it will never run out of power. If it does at any time, you could go days of game time before you even realize it. Assuming you didn't go get a cup of coffee.
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