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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. No, they just don't require electricity to function.
  2. Actually I made that a while ago, and just repost it whenever someone asks
  3. Haha thanks, and no problem. I actually enjoy it. Though I'll admit I enjoy it *more* at 1.5x speed, sped up even faster when not much is going on. I assume we'll find out on Monday when she (I'm almost positive Max referred to Andrea as "she" or "her" in the episode, though have no time stamp. In any case Andrea is generally a female name) introduces herself.
  4. I'm surprised nobody's excited or wary or ... mentioned the possibility of Unity 5 coming out before 1.1. This implies one of (or both of) 2 things to me: 1) Unity 5 work is coming along significantly more quickly than expected. 2) 1.1 work is coming along significantly less quickly than expected.
  5. Note: Twitchdown was not cooperating so I had to watch this on Twitch without all the controls I'm used to. In particular, I couldn't watch it at 1.5x speed so it took longer than normal. Because of this, I spaced out during a few of the less interesting parts and may have missed something. I don't think I did, but it's possible. Every 10 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. "Something in quotes means it was directly said," though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something], and italics are descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. 0:00 He's in orbit of Minmus, taking his readings for the contracts. He burns straight down. Not in map mode. He switches to map mode and his orbit is frickin' elliptical. He gets his reading, then burns up. He stays in map mode this time so doesn't freak his orbit out again. They are almost done remodelling the office. Andrea is the new Community Manager. Starts Monday. U5 work is almost done. They should have the build within reach "very very shortly." Possibly release U5 as a standalone release before 1.1. Depends on how much impact on the game U5 has on its own. He gets the final contract reading, and misses a mountain looming upon him. "The most successful mission on Squadcast of all time." (I agree with this. It may be the only successful mission of all time) U5 update is very promising. No promises about performance updates until they have it in the hands of the testers. He sets up a maneuver node to eject STRAIGHT UP, directly towards Kerbin, and then says "[i'm] trying to figure out the most ... efficient way to leave this orbit." He has plenty of fuel so it doesn't really matter that much, but still He opts to just burn enough to leave Minmus, then burn again at his Kerbin Apoapsis. 10:00 He opts for a 30km periapsis. He has a heat shield but took off some ablator. He does his signature move of warping through Kerbin, but only does it once Re-entry is pretty uneventful, with just the solar panels hitting 50% heat. Nothing explodes. It's GregroxMun's birthday. Happy Birthday! 20:00 If the U5 update comes out before 1.1, it'll be 1.0.something He starts planning a Duna trip. He has no fairings, which makes him sad. He also has no docking ports. He misses that the Jr is in a 90 cost node. He plans for a Sun Science trip to get science to get docking ports for his Duna mission. Q: What is Squad's policy post 1.0 of updates breaking save files? A: Precisely what it was before. They'll do their best but if it must be done they will do it without reservation. He launches at 50% thrust and roughly 1.1TWR. I rip out roughly 1.1% of my hair watching it. 30:00 He boosts up until his Ap leaves Kerbin's SOI, follows it up, and gets his Sun science. Max is on Windows 10 now, streaming fine. He utilizes all his extra fuel to make his re-entry not so harrowing. He enters Kerbin's atmo with an Ap of about 2,000km Q: 64 bit? A: 64 is something they're very curious about, now that they have an editor and an engine that is more accepting. Now (in Unity 4) it's dreadful. 40:00 He's being a LOT more careful with his periapsis now than he was coming back from Minmus. He's worried about the science. No 64 bit for Mac. That's Unity. Q: New wheels? A: They're fantastic. They work like real wheels do now. Q: Will Kerbalcon be happening this year? A: Way too early to tell. We like to do it, but don't know. They want to do a physical one. "But we'll see." U5 allows for physics multi-threading. On processor, not GPU. Physics can be offloaded to other cores. His "Sweet sweet science" starts getting hot. He burns the last of his fuel to slow down, but it doesn't help. Squad HQ is way too small to host a convention. They'd have to rent a place. And it's way too early to worry about that. 1.1 comes first. The heat dissipates, the ship slows down, and nothing blows up. Another successful mission. He again misses the Jrs in the 90 tier. I am willing him to check that node. Why is nobody in chat telling him? 50:00 FINALLY someone tells him. He still can't find them. He thinks the person is saying he has them already. HE FINDS IT. I put my computer - which I had picked up and was about to throw out my window - back down. With 10 minutes left he starts building his Duna ship. The ship gets bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And I'm pretty sure he's blocking the door with a solar panel. Oh, and it's over 100 tons, so he can't even launch it
  6. And regarding your signature, you miss .9? 4 years ago KSP was pretty rough. It didn't have persistent rockets, other planets or moons, maneuver nodes... Now .90, there's a build with some meat in it.
  7. For the same reason one would need to ask a question 5 times when once is of questionable usefulness Because.
  8. I support this idea. I suggest a blue background for the markers, same color as the navball blue. I can't see how it'd be difficult. You already have custom images for the smiley faces.
  9. Oh come on. VADER CRATER. That's the best named crater in all of history.
  10. Yikes. Thems some powerful engines there. In space, you shouldn't be using those for... well for anything. But that "not anything" should weigh at least triple digit tons. Once it's in orbit of Kerbin.
  11. You can get Steam to launch it, but you can't get Steam to update it and track it like it's a Steam program.
  12. I covered rendezvous in part one of my docking tutorial series. Your rendezvous is more complex what with the Mun in the way) but other than that wrinkle, every rendezvous is essentialy the same 3-step process. Align orbits, get the orbits touching, then burn so you'll get a close approach. You probably won't need part 2: Approach or part 3: Docking. When you get close, just burn hard "retrograde" in target mode until the relative velocites are near zero, then EVA Jeb to go to the new ship. However, Part 2 will show visually how to come to a stop a few meters from Jeb's craft.
  13. I'd need to see the ship (or the craft file) to be sure, but in the VAB/SPH try this: Grab the offending docking port, hold down ALT, and then put it back on. ALT forces the game to only attach things to attachment points. It'll force your docking port into the spot you want it.
  14. You are missing something. Not every inland lake is a "water" biome. The contract pack you are talking about specifically put those in there on purpose.
  15. I prefer to take a trio of contracts to put a station in orbit of Kerbin, then another in orbit of the Sun, and a third in orbit of a planet. Launch a single station that satisfies all 3, and just getting to the other planet will satisfy the Kerbin and Sun contracts. A little more work but - in my opinion - less than 3x the work, for 3x (ish) the payoff, and 1/3 (again -ish) the cost to build.
  16. Orbit of Kerbin or landing on Kerbin? Also, I assume you want to flyby Eve or Duna, and not land? I'd go with quite small. Probe core, science, heat shield (semi-optional), and enough fuel for say 2000-2500m/s. Burn at the right time to leave Kerbin and fly by the world (which will be like 1100m/s) and then back at your Sun apoapsis (after the flyby) burn whatever you need to return to Kerbin. If you're good, you can burn at Kerbin and aerobrake a bit to achieve orbit. This probe will be surprisingly small, so the lifter to lift it should be similarly small. I'm not running the game now but at a guess I'd say 10 tons would be high for the probe? So 100 tons for the whole rocket? Just back-of-envelope not-really-thinking it.
  17. Not if it's sufficiently top heavy. Fins help, but center of mass rules the day when it comes to stability.
  18. Without knowing your skill level this is really hard to answer, but essentially what you need to do is satisfy as many contracts as possible with every launch, yet also concentrate on getting as much science as possible in that same launch. You should - in a single flight - test a part, reach a destination, and/or bring something along to satisfy as many contracts as you an, as well as take every single bit of science you can along the way. This means bringing a goo pod AND a Science Jr along, as well as a thermometer and any other science doodads you have. You should take readings EVERYWHERE and your scientist (yes, bring one) should be doing more EVAs than Mark Watney to take the science and reset the goo and jr. The moment you can, you should send him to both Mun and Minmus to land and hopefully land several times on Minmus, in different biomes. He should plant flags to complete contracts anywhere he lands, and every time you complete a contract mid-mission you should hop back to mission control to find another one. It's a pain, sure, but that one mission will be far less of a pain than 20 individual mission, and be far more profitable. And the grind will pretty much be over. I personally tend to do 4 launches in the early career: One suborbital, one orbital, one to Mun, and one to Minmus. Then I'm ready to go anywhere.
  19. Yes, we will have to deal with some form of antenna range and object occlusion in (as yet) unspecified degrees. It was announced last week by Ted.
  20. I'd say yes, seeing as you can't get to one without first going to the other. It'd be weird to be penalized for hitting Ike as well as Duna. Similarly, the Sun would be 3rd in the list. I won't be participating in this. I can get to Mun and probably could nab Minmus with enough tries or fuel, and obviously Sun would be simple (in fact, maybe it should be lowest on the list, as it's easier than hitting Mun or Minmus) but anything after that? No thanks.
  21. Yeah use the claw. It's not as terrible as everybody says. Hit F5 right before clawing and the Kraken can't touch you (because you can revert to the quicksave). You can claw through re-entry. I personally would make a ship designed to enter in this orientation: Heat shield / probe body / claw / saved tourist. Once you're coming down, transfer all the fuel you've got into the fuel tank closest to the heat shield and you should then be front-heavy. This is good, as it'll keep the heat shield pointed into the airflow. Should be fine. Honestly the shield is probably overkill but hey, you're rescuing a person so why not do a bit of overkill?
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