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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. W is a U. Albeit a "double" *U*. Grape Nuts are nuts. Albeit "grape" nuts. A meerkat is a cat. Albeit a "meer" cat. Language is funny. 2 words put together does not necessarily mean that an object described by those words belongs in another group of object described by one of the words. With no evidence to the contrary it's generally safe to assume it does, but when the people who defined the category specifically state that it does not, you have to defer to them.
  2. I don't get it. The guy uses a bunch of KSP promo video (Made by Squad) and puts some music to it, and then shows some of his own stuff? I assume? Unless he took the non-KSP stuff from somewhere else too? I wanted to see more of the Men's Room/Ladies' Room sign stuff. That actually looked like it had potential.
  3. I've had a lot of fun with the easter egg contracts. They're not really a story but they kind of help put some sort of narrative in the game. The big problem with "tutorial" type contract packs is that the people who will most benefit from them are probably not even aware they exist, as you don't start looking for mods on the first day you install a game.
  4. Answer 1: A lot less than it used to (in 0.90 and before) Answer 2: It's how close you are to whatever speed would be freefall. Mostly you can ignore it, but you should never intentionally break it unless you're going for some challenge or something. Once you pass 100%, if you're going straight up, you're losing more fuel fighting drag than you are fighting gravity. However, it's so hard to reach it with normal rockets and you should almost never be going straight up, so the number is less and less indicative of anything important. But back in 0.90 and before, hugging 100% on your first 10km of your climb was critical to an efficient flight to orbit.
  5. Hello hello. I've "only" been playing 2 years myself, but welcome to the forums!
  6. I would rather that space hold more info. Say, how much dV you have left.
  7. None taken! I can be a bit blunt (and snarky) at times. I see from your warning you can be too
  8. You could say that about any aspect of KSP, though. Say, the lack of realism in some parts of the game. It'd be a little blunt to say "Oh you don't like that Kerbin is 1/10th the size of Earth yet has the same surface gravity? Too bad. Go back to Orbiter." Sadly, a full blown story mode is far harder for mods to implement (going merely by the fact that many desire it yet it does not exist) than something that multiplies everything by 10.
  9. At the very least, cut it down to 2 Thuds. Or better, a single Terrier. You'll go farther and have more control. One other bonus of the single Terrier design: If you still have too much power, you can thrust limit it easily. Try doing that with 4 Thuds while trying to maintain a hover 30 meters off the ground.
  10. I didn't use it as an excuse. I used it as a reason. "It's a video game" is also my reasoning for liking time warp and patched conics. This is exactly the same thing: Something that makes the game better but less realistic.
  11. It's a video game. I don't want to manage monoprop usage or plan my missions down to WHERE I WILL WANT TO AIM THE SHIP during every step. Also, have you SEEN the monoprop a pilot uses when you tell him or her to hold a heading? May as well just not bring any at all to save the weight, as it'll be gone in seconds.
  12. Instead of taking the satellites you have off to the side, re-build one of them on the decoupler. Then use symmetry to duplicate it. If that ghost satellite off to the side was a sub-assembly, delete it and copy your new - and working - satellites into a new subassembly for later use. What I think is hapening is that your satellites' root parts aren't the part you want to attach to the base. That's critical with subassemblies. When you build a vessel from scratch, the first part you place is the root part. When you detach a subassembly from a vessel, the part you detached is that subassembly's root part. When you try to attach a subassembly, you can only attach it by the root part, which on your original satellites would likely be the probe core, which is not what you wanted. Note: You can change what the root part is in a vessel, but you can't change the root part of a disconnected subassembly like your satellites are.
  13. I went though a semiridiculous amount of work to get a config entry to add the actual KSC to KSCSwitcher. This KSC and surrounding area is - to the meter (and much less, maybe to the decimeter or less) *exactly* where the stock KSC is. Bonus: Even though it's also the exact right height (again, to the meter), the monolith out in the field is perfectly set on the ground and isn't 3/4 buried like in the stock game. { name = kb_ksc1 displayName = Kerbal Space Center description = Where all Kerbal Space Programs start out. PQSCity { KEYname = KSC latitude = -0.0969 longitude = -74.6002 repositionRadiusOffset = 43 repositionToSphereSurface = false reorientFinalAngle = 345 lodvisibleRangeMult = 6 } PQSMod_MapDecalTangent { radius = 7000 heightMapDeformity = 0 absoluteOffset = 64 absolute = true latitude = -0.25 longitude = -74.6 } } Site If you want the KSC in your otherwise KSCSwitchered game, just splice that into the file. You can also edit the beginning of the file to set " DefaultSite = kb_ksc1" so you actually start there. I could make it a modulemanager config but can't be bothered, at least right now. I've also a full config that has my KSC, a "Kairo River Delta" entry, all the entries from the below quoted post, and all of the Earth sites in the original file that aren't in the water. Some of those are amazingly well placed. I'm not comfortable releasing the file without Cydonian Monk's and regex's permissions, and really it should be a modulemanager config, I just can't be bothered to look up all the syntax right now. But if anybody wants it and PMs me, I'll happily send it your way.
  14. Random praise for your mod, being used for something it was not intended but for which it served admirably. I am using regex's KSCSwitcher mod but I wanted to put KSC *exactly* where it is in the stock game. I got it close enough to eyeball and say "yup, nobody'd notice" but I just couldn't TELL FOR SURE and it was DRIVING ME NUTS. So I plopped a waypoint down and using the waypoint editor and moved it around in a "stock" (Non-KSCSwitcher) game (I'd love an "apply" button there so I didn't have to save and re-edit every iteration, BTW ) until it was exactly on the NW corner of the runway. Then I did another at exactly the SW corner of the runway. Then I loaded the same save with KSCSwitcher installed and - sure enough - was way off. I then dropped two NEW waypoints, and using the editor got the lat/long of each, and in one go modified the config file to put my KSC *exactly* where the stock one is. And now when I load my save I can breathe easy
  15. In PreciseNode, click the "O" in the title bar. That's Options. Check all of those you want. In particular, "Show Additional UT Controls" I personally check all of them but the two that open new windows. I know 2 ways: 1) MAY NOT WORK! In stock, only drag your node around in "+/- orbit" mode (right click it to toggle modes). I've had luck with this but am by no means sure of it. 2) WORKS EVERY TIME. Use PreciseNode exclusively once you've put your node on a different orbit.
  16. I 2nd precisenode. I've sometimes used it JUST for the "go back an orbit" feature. And yes I know stock has that feature. It just doesn't actually work in this circumstance.
  17. Sure, in the past they had tidal forces acting on them actively. But the evidence of that (at least as far as this flyby goes) is long hidden by what's happened to them since they got into their perfect dance.
  18. You have two choices. One has been presented above. The other is to restart and make Jool a pre-finishing-the-tree goal. Both are valid options, based on what you enjoy.
  19. That is pretty frickin' amazing. I never knew you could make anything NEARLY that big. I thought you had to keep it under the 2.5 (or 22.5) km physics bubble limit.
  20. Earth is still rotating relative to the Moon. Pluto and Charon face each other eternally.
  21. Make sure you decline other part testing contracts, to increase the frequency of getting them. This works for all contract types. Want to build a base on Mun? Decline all other station and base contracts first, before going through the rigamarole of declining random contracts for hours. Also, you don't need a terrier for LKO. Just your standard chute/pod/decoupler, 1600 fuel (8 T200s, 4 T400s, or 2 T800s), some fins, and a Swivel.
  22. But they could be a little more obvious, in a lot of cases. I don't know what the above icons mean, for example. And for some reason I can never get straight in my mind if the boot print is an EVA report on the surface or a surface sample. And he Gravity reading always makes me think it wants me to take the reading below it. In any case I think this is a good example of KSP not giving enough information to the player. How hard would it be to change "Take reading X at place Y" to "Take reading X with instrument Z at place Y"?
  23. Does this no-longer-accurately-named site have what you need? Back in the 90s I used this data for various things orbital. EDIT: On a second look it appears that no, it's not enough. and the site is a prettied up but much barer shell of what it originally was. I guess nothing lasts.
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