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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I cannot stress enough (or often enough, apparently) that we are NOT talking about real life here. We are talking about the game, which mimics real life but does not even approach its complexity. In real life, yes. Things get captured and ejected all the time. In Kerbal Space Program's patched conics system, it should mathematically never happen but rounding errors and the granularity of the universe (both in time and space) can cause it if you're really lucky, unlucky, or persistent.
  2. Huh, I've never had a problem with the Kerbal on EVA being in the way, except once with an early version of KAC I accidentally attached a pipe to the Kerbal's head. Nothing good happened on that trip. There was a 1st Person EVA mod but it's been idle for a year and I doubt it'd still work. EDIT There was a 1st Person EVA mod but it's been idle for 6 months and probably won't work in 1.0.
  3. Not silly at all. Everybody could just hyperedit stuff into orbit but we all launch everything anyway. "Don't just delete stuff you don't want anymore that could cause issues in the future" is a perfectly valid gameplay choice. At least, it better be. I've made the same choice
  4. I didn't see this addressed elsewhere in this thread, sorry if I missed it. Most of those parts are physicsless, which (from 1.0 on) means that their mass is added to the part they're stuck to, not themselves; and (since they introduced the concept to the game) that physics ignores them. Your Minmus probe likely has less than 10 parts in it an could actually just have 3 (probe, fuel, engine) as far as physics is concerned.
  5. If you have any vessels active in the game (Even just a Mk1 capsule on the launchpad works), then hitting "]" to switch to the next vessel while at the KSC window (where you can select which building to go into) hard locks the game. 32 bit windows, fresh stock install, fresh game. I don't even have the official mods installed; my GameData folder has only the Squad folder in it. Steps to reproduce: 1) Start a new save, or load an existing save. 2) (if you have no ships anywhere, ie your tracking station is empty) Put a vessel on the launch pad. A single Mk1 capsule will do. 3) Leave it there and return to the Space Center. 4) Hit the "]" key. I would supply a log but the last stuff in it is the loading of the KSC scene.
  6. I (almost) always go to Mun first in any career, and not Minmus. Even though Minmus is easier and gives you more science. It just feels... wrong to skip Mun.
  7. KSP:Reality::The Ocean:Thursday Yes, this is how planets are captured (and sometimes ejected) IRL but in KSP the Mun's SOI is a perfect sphere centered on a perfect point-source mass. You will orbit Mun in a perfect ellipse or hyperbola (depending on your velocity). If you enter Mun's SOI you are (by definition) going downward at a certain velocity at the exact distance from Mun that its SOI extends. If you trace that ellipse or Hyperbola to the other side where you're back at the height of Mun's SOI, you are going UP at that exact same velocity. And you escape Mun's SOI. That this occasionally doesn't happen isn't due to my math being wrong. It's due to the granularity of the simulation on very rare occasions mucking up perfection.
  8. I can't tell exactly from your pictures and description if this is a bug or not, but it sounds to me like you just can't launch anything? Right click the pad, and you should be able to fix it for a cost. If you can't afford the cost, your only option is to launch from the runway until you can afford to fix the launch pad. If you break the runway, your only option is to start a new game. Or alt-f12 to give yourself money to fix it. If this is a true bug, I apologize
  9. While mathematically this is impossible, KSP iterates trough time so it becomes possible in the game. It was far more possible before 1.0 when time warping through an SOI would totally obliterate your path compared to the predicted one.
  10. We need mech versions of all of them. Too bad there aren't 5. We missed Voltron by '' this much.
  11. That is a very interesting way to word it. Once again someone in a scant few words has expressed something I've felt for a long time but couldn't elucidate. Thank you.
  12. Building to way too tight of margins. Making things hard in the VAB when the mission plans for doing them multiple (read: dozens of) times, usually to save a kg or 2 of mass. Not putting RCS or batteries or enough solar panels on, because "I can handle it" and - again - to shave off a few pesky kg of mass. tl;dr, I'm my own kryptonite
  13. Knowledge(education) also != interest in KSP. I think KSP attracts intelligent people because it rewards creative critical thinking and - after an hour or two - gets pretty boring if all you do is moar booster it.
  14. I must have been browsing on autopilot. I accidentally clicked "MechJeb" when in fact I've only ever installed it once to see what all the fuss was about.
  15. There are two ways to interpret the contested clause in the OP. 1. GoSlash has made a physically impossible challenge and there is no chance of having fun. 2. Oh, it's super duper obvious what he meant and nobody would ever actually be confused by his wording. We all chose #2. You chose #1. We all understand what you're saying. Now it's your turn to understand us.
  16. I'm a career cube farmer who has had an interest in space since I could... well... ever. I've never taken a course in astronomy or anything like that but have always had a love for the subject. Everything I know about orbital mechanics and rockets were either learned from reading books or from KSP.
  17. Could be your battery, but if the the problem started when you bought the new PSU then I'm guessing that's the cause. Your laptop should say on it what volts, amps, and watts it wants. You should make sure your PSU matches. If they're different, it's better if the PSU's numbers are higher (or they can't supply the laptop as quickly as it uses power) but I wouldn't go too much higher, percentage wise. If the numbers match and you're still having the problem, then yeah, I'd think it's a bum PSU or battery.
  18. This has been asked many times before, and discussed to Moho and back.
  19. "It will never happen again..." "...because the probe is dead." (Note this is a joke not any news quote)
  20. I have been assuming that outside resources are fine. I've even considered using outside dV calculators, though I don't think I need them for Mun or Minmus (at worst, I'll just revert and tweak. It's not like a Mun or Minmus land-and-come-home mission takes all that much time).
  21. Did you ever have your periapsis over the ground and your apoapsis outside of Minmus' SOI? I think that counts as not flying by. If you enter Minmus' SOI on a collision trajectory, and then slow down until your apoapsis is within Minmus' SOI, and the turn so you don't crash, then you never had a "flyby" trajectory. And yes, wait until you're landed. If the contract doesn't complete at landing, I think it's totally fair to complete it via alt-f12.
  22. I would prefer this, with the addition of removing the "recover vessel" and "space center" buttons that will inevitably drop down when you go up there. Does anybody use them? I hit escape for both functions.
  23. My plan is similar, but with Minmus biomes. I'm also thinking of trying to get Bob to both Eve and Duna to up his experience. Not landing, just in orbit and back.
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