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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You, sir, may have singlehandedly saved my Minmus Fuel Lifter. It has 5 radial engines that need to be 100% thrust to lift off full, but about 30% thrust so I have the control to bring it down and land on the docking port of the mining base. Right clicking those engines and then sliding the thrust limiter to match what the other ones are EVERY TIME I come down for a landing almost made me retire the ship and bring up another with 6 engines so I could just disable 4 of them (for instant 1/3 thrust) Now, I can tweak the thrust not only in one convenient menu, but (thanks to that symmetry thing, and assuming I'm understanding you right) with a single control!
  2. Yeah compared to tons of other stuff, that fairing is way low on my personal peeve list. If you want to talk about ugly, too big, and sticking out all over let's talk 2.5m decoupler.
  3. While I haven't done this heatshield/parachute thing yet, I have tried to deorbit a Kerbal in 1.0.2 without anything to help. And ... yeah he done gone poof.
  4. I think possibly a heat shield with some reaction wheels, some batteries, and a chair has a chance. A very poor chance, as the Kerbal would probably go poof from heat even if you did manage to keep him out of the flames. Maybe some radiators?
  5. I haven't felt the need for a task killer in Android for years. Like... 4 maybe. I think maybe Gingerbread? I'm pretty sure I had one in FroYo. Task killers can actually hurt your battery, because Android is constantly restarting the apps that you're killing. Better to actually stop them from running. That page Albert linked to has lots of good info on it.
  6. Oh! I totally blanked on all non-1.0 features. Career mode. Hands down. I quit the game for about a month because sandbox bored me very quickly, and then suddenly career mode appeared and rekindled my love for the game. I've been playing it (at least) weekly since.
  7. Aha. That part. As you did not specify (at least not in the post I quoted) I thought you were just talking about the increased difficulty, like most people do. I do agree that that should be corrected, though unlike in reality there has to be a hard limit somewhere in the game. The density curve should go down to zero at that point, though, and not just cut off at it.
  8. Waiting for it to be fixed is presuming it's broken. Many don't think it's broken, and it's pretty likely Squad is in that camp. It may therefore never - to your satisfaction - be "fixed."
  9. ISRU, I think. It's hard because generally I've been happy with the game and when I wanted to do something it didn't have, I modded it. However I never really liked the ISRU options from mods for various reasons, and having it in stock (and therefore "just work"ing) is very nice. Had I thought to want it, though, clamber would be right up there.
  10. Sweet! A new version! This is the perfect time for me to request a fix. This one's just a visual thing so it's not a huge deal, but I hates it just the same. If you strut to a fairing, then eject the fairing, the struts remain like so many whiskers. They don't actually go away until you eject the fairing base. it's like the struts think they're attached to the base, not the shell.
  11. I tend to not have any "between missions" time. Either I'm doing 6 other missions at the same time and jumping between them, or time warping (again).
  12. Oh it's not that bad. I should have been more clear. I aim at the ship in the same way you aim at the waypoint. I use it as a cardinal direction but still burn to orbit in the same way. It's still fuel efficient, but not very time efficient as I then have to wait multiple orbits before I can burn to rendezvous.
  13. I do something similar to the OP but don't clip them. Makes stuff wider but wider isn't always bad, especially on a lander.
  14. That is pretty cool. Better than the method I've been using which is to wait for the orbiter to pass over you and then aim at it.
  15. I've seen this too, but figured it was some odd mod interaction. It also seemed (for me) to go away on a save/reload or by going away to another ship and coming back. Also, it never seemed to hurt. At the worst, I'd get my ore/fuel faster than I should and as I don't think that's a bad thing (When time warp does the same thing with such a slight bit of more work what's the difference?) I just accepted it.
  16. I've one foot in the "Aerobraking is just one of my many tools" circle, and another in the "I haven't done it enough - yet - to really know" crowd. Sadly 1.0.4 came out right in the middle of a whole bunch of RL stuff that has caused me to play almost no KSP for weeks. However, I've done a couple aerobrakings (at Eve of all places) and can see the pitfalls and benefits of it. So far, I like the 100% heat setting and the challenges it provides. Sometimes I miss the "straight down to your landing spot" re-entry methods of 0.90 and before, but more for nostalgia than any actual desire for it to be the norm.
  17. I'm not a modder* but if I was and anybody came into my thread and stated it that way, I'd probably rep them for being so thoughtful as to go to all that work to follow my testing requirements. And then thank them publicly as well to make sure others saw how great it was to go to that extra work. *unless you count those little modman configs I made and that drill I hacked together from others' work. Which I don't.
  18. Yeah you gotta slow down manually. I personally use KAC and set a periapsis alarm with a 5 minute margin. Or drop a maneuver node near the periapsis and warp to it.
  19. If you can get your payload safely into orbit before the lifter would be deleted, you don't need a probe core on it; you just need to follow it down. Of course, with no probe core you can't automatically pull the chutes and with KSP's new habit of totally destroying chutes it's a bit difficult to deploy them in space and hope. Better to spend the $700 and 1/10th ton for a probe core. Personally I usually just let them get destroyed.
  20. You expect a movie that shoehorned a possible romantic relationship between two people who showed zero romantic interest in each other to kill them before them even getting together? No. It's more likely that Coop and Brand would fight genetically engineered dinosaurs while riding transforming robots.
  21. Kerbal Kart. Those to names were meant for each other.
  22. At how ridiculous it is. Entertainment is an extremely important aspect of life. And at the fact that we're having this discussion on a video game's forum.
  23. I haven't played with it yet but a new probe core and solar panel seem pretty useful to me. I can live without the new antenna and new science doesn't really excite me (when you can clear the tech tree out without too much trouble already), but the other 2? Especially the panel? Sign me up.
  24. I hope (and for the time will assume) that this will be like the NASA ARM "mod" that came out. It had its own directory in GameData for a while, even though it came with the base game. I wouldn't be surprised if the next version of the game to come out had this "pre-installed" and then a few versions after that it was just baked into the Squad folder. Interesting. I thought we'd all settled on the idea that modders get to decide where they put their stuff. If you don't like Curse so much to not download this mod, then that's your own business, not Squad's or anybody else's.
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