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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've finished my 2nd video, which includes my "Kill Me" craft which - no spoilers - may be appropriately named.
  2. Oh that's sweet. That first image would make a cool background. Does Windows know what to do with svg files yet? It didn't a few years ago when I tried it last. I may make a script that downloads the current first image every 30 minutes or so. Or I may play more KSP and just check the page every once in a while
  3. Just a stab in the dark, but where is KSP located on your computer? It could be a permissions thing, where you don't have write permissions on the directory. Unlikely as you're able to save files and write logs, but still. I'm at a loss And note: Reinstalling isn't that bad. Just save your entire "saves" folder (and "gamedata" folder if you use mods) and put it (or them) into the new KSP install folder and you'll have exactly the same game you did before.
  4. Yeah. Sadly tiny ships with lots of torque don't know what to do with it all. Big ships with lots of bend can shake themselves apart. Mid sized ships with low(ish) torque though tend to keep their headings fairly well. I've seen tiny ship shimmy-shake themselves into slow circles, wandering far from the intended target on the navball.
  5. I am 99% sure he was talking about Arsonide, PorkJet, and RoverDude there. That was a near-quote that I probably should have either quoted or elaborated on. He meant that Squad, while working on getting Unity 5 working, was also tangentially, partially, and/or de-facto working on 1.1 as well. I've modified the original post to make it more clear. Thanks
  6. There are 3 Squadcasts because Twitch was being difficult. Not much was said that wasn't said before, and the 2nd half nothing of import was said. I will say, though, that Max did pretty well getting to Minmus and back. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I usually don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, (parenthesis) are asides by me, and italics are descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, rife with more asides and commentary. The first was 6:26 long, so no timestamps. Busy week, unity 5, it's complex. Harvester tweaking wheels, people working on ui stuff. While Unity 5 is the main thrust, Squad is "sideways" working on 1.1 awesome collaborators, working on content for next update. price will be $0.00 (I presume he means for current owners of 1.0.x) 1.1 will have both stuff and things within it. cannot share, but it will be pretty sizeable. keep up with scheme from before. Porkjet, Arsonide, and Roverdude are all doing cool things. Can't reveal what. ------------- The second video is 35:34 Stream's back up. 1.1 is a while away. Core team is on unity 5. Doing a lot of work so everything is exactly like you know it. Except wheels, they're great. q: Could we see [lowering?] landing gear in stock? (I didn't understand the question, though I listened to it 4 times) a: I don't know we'll have to ask Harvester. The Unity 4 wheels simply do not work in Unity 5. Q: 1.0.5? A: There are no plans for a 1.0.5. Straight into 1.1 Engineer is the first thing Max installs when he plays Kerbal. Max lands on Minmus. Pretty good mission, so far. He flew quite well. He then lifts off to go home. 10:00 They are hyped at Squad about Pluto pictures. Max time warps through the atmosphere. Twice. He's afraid of re-entry hurting his ship, so he makes his Pe ridiculously high. It's like 65km. q: Female Kerbals working in the VAB? a: That's definitely possible. Chat says to put Pe at 45. Max thankfully does so. Well, 48. Good enough. Better than 65. He mentions how many "liters" of fuel he has, then admits they call them "units, but who knows they may be liters." He talks about his thoughts on Kerbal biology, then mentions that none of this is canon. 20:00 Someone suggests a "Stargate" type expansion to KSP. Max says he thinks that if there are any expansions to KSP they have to be hard sci-fi. Currently available or being developed, or we know how it works. Example: The Martian. ...lots of oribitng, aerobraking, and chatroom speculations on Kerbals and stuff that Max isn't speaking on in any "official" context. Nuclear reactors. Alien invasions into Kerbin. Kerbals may shed skin. Max lowers his Pe to 35 on the 5th pass or so. 30:00 Max pauses the game because he realizes he doesn't know what speed is safe for the chutes. Or, apparently, that you can right click the chute and see if it's safe. He successfully lands. ------------- The third video is 14:18 Max is looking at contracts, thinking of surveys on Mun and Minmus. He opts for a survey all in space at Minmus, planning to just do a polar orbit. He uses basically the same ship he just sent, Minus the landing legs and large science parts. And adding solar panels that he just unlocked after this past mission. 10:00 Teaser: Next week maybe they'll have more about 1.1. (Hopefully! They can't have less!)
  7. ...hopefully. Source: The latest Suqadcast. Check out the note right after 10:00
  8. GP2+ is shorthand for "More Planets," which most people think means more gas giants, analogues to Saturn (rings) and Uranus (tilted on its side), plus (ideally) interesting moons. A stock motor would be - I am guessing - a rotor that can turn electricity into angular momentum. So we could make our own wheels and propellers. Right now, Unity 4 has major issues with this kind of movement but who knows (I'm sure someone does, but I don't) about Unity 5.
  9. Not true. I tested it extensively. You can hide the gravity loss by packing on massive TWR but then you're lifting more into space than you need to. That fuel you "use up" making orbit gets you going 2.2km/s (or so) and when you eject to your target planet, you get to use it. If you do a proper gravity turn, you'll get to 2.2km/s having used less fuel than you used going straight up. We're "only" talking 10-20% loss here, which for some of us is within the expected losses for the mission, but why *guarantee* 10-20% losses when you can *guarantee* to not have them?
  10. KSP 2.0 will have none of those as it won't exist. This is not a bad thing, what you think will be 2.0 will actually be 1.x, where 1 < x < infinity.
  11. Yup, it "just came out" in October 2013 when I started my series. Oh there's another one. I used to think that the best (as in least used dV) way to go to other planets was to burn straight up at either sunrise or sunset during the transfer window.
  12. It took a lot of practice but I can get the ship to orbit consistently. I have to (via the thrust limiter) throttle down one of the engines as I rise through the air and the center of mass changes, all while making sure I aim correctly for my gravity turn. Poor Bob, but I *need* a pilot's ability to hold a heading for this one. Hopefully it won't take 9 separate missions to get all of the Minmus biomes I think I only need a couple, especially if I drill down and get the extra science doodad.
  13. I've never used these mods, so I can't really go into specifics. But in general, you'll want to look at the configs for BD armory that define the ammo. Then you'll want to look at the Interstellar configs for fuel tanks to see how they do the switch. You'll want a modman config that removes the RCS resource, and then adds the Interstellar module that lets you switch between resources, using whatever format it expects. EDIT: Note this could have odd results if you load a save that had that RCS tank on a ship. Likely it'll end up empty or something else unexpected.
  14. Ouch. I learned that F5 was a thing during my attempts to successfully land on Mun and return for the first time ever. After about 5 full missions (which seemed to take forever each time, but really probably were like 10-15 minutes each) that all ended in failure due to crashing into Mun instead of landing, I thought "OH MY GOD WHY DOES THIS GAME NOT HAVE SOME SORT OF SAVE FEATURE." Then I realized I never checked. Of course, the very next time - after quicksaving in orbit - I landed successfully.
  15. Aha very cool. Best of both worlds. ...and another must-install mod Quick idea, you mentioned you don't clear out old files, maybe allow a simple config to keep either X files or Y days worth of files, and delete the rest on load or exit? I plan on just adding it to my own personal log file clearing list so it's not going to really affect me, but it seems like it'd be nice to have.
  16. I must be misunderstanding. So "Dated QuickSaves" does NOT alter the name of the quicksave you create when you hit F5?
  17. As a kind of masochistic torture for myself, I went back and watched my very first KSP videos that I recorded almost 2 years ago in 0.22, just to see if I was truly as bad as I think I was. I actually wasn't, though some things stood out. I kept calling the Kerbals "Kerbins." I kept calling Kerbal Space Center "Kerbal Spaceport." I kept checking science readings in different situations in the same zones, expecting different results (hey, Science was new back then). Anybody else remember dumb stuff they thought or did way back in the good old days before we actually knew what we were doing in this game? Also, I'd like this thread to be newbie friendly so feel free to point out stuff that others said, that you just now realized was wrong.
  18. Random question, how does the game know which quicksave to load when you hit F9?
  19. I found the same thing. I thought about submitting a bug report I haven't tried it, but I suspect if you name the "Pilot" class "Engineer"s then they'll be able to work drills, along with the "true" engineers. then you'd have 2 classes of Kerbal, 1/3 of them are Scientists (who can pilot and/or change tires in addition to getting the science bonus if you'd like) and 2/3 of them are Engineers (who can pilot, change tires, and/or get the science bonus if you'd like). Best of all worlds!
  20. My "Kill me" (because I deserve it after designing this monstrosity) vessel should *just* have the fuel to land on Minmus and come home, if everything goes perfectly. Sadly, it REQUIRES a pilot and seats 1, so It won't get me the scientist bonus, but it's starting to look like that's a pipe dream anyway. I'm hoping to get episode 2 recorded tomorrow and posted Friday, but I'll give you a hint: non-symmetrical. I gotta say, Slashy, that this has been more of a challenge (and therefore more enjoyable) than I thought it would be. Thanks for the idea!
  21. Honestly I don't really agree with Kerbal XP as a thing. I don't need extra science, drilling faster is only important because drilling is way too slow, and a tiny probe core eliminates anything a pilot can do. Fixing things should be possible from everybody at every level. I understand the need to have some sort of RPG elements, I just don't care about them for myself. It was fun sending guys on the training tour the first time. The second time I did did it begrudgingly. The third time, I decided I'd never do it again. My next career, I made a config so everybody could do Engineer stuff and Engineers could do pilot stuff.
  22. I don't bother training. I use KerbalStats so they don't have to come back home for everything they learned to suddenly apply. Usually by the time they get where they're going, they're able to do whatever I need as quickly as possible.
  23. I can't just put an emoticon here so I had to type this too.
  24. It works with the stock ui. IIRC it's on there by default and you have to transfer it over to the real... erm I mean Blizzy's toolbar.
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