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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Kerbin Side is good, but quite large. I personally use KSC Switcher along with a config that I made to put KSC in the correct place, remove some wonky sites (as the default config has Earth sites in it), and add a few more Kerbin-specific sites. The 2 nice things about KSC Switcher over Kerbin Side is that you just get the space centers, and they all look exactly like KSC (excpet they may be rotated)
  2. My gut is telling me that Kryxal is correct. However, you can test it yourself in half an Ike month by setting up the maneuver node for one journey, and then setting the maneuver node up for the other journey when Ike's on the other side. Note the total burn dV of each attempt and bammo, you'll know the answer. Duna and Jool's orbits are circular enough that just getting your resultant Sun apoapsis up to Jool's orbit is enough. No waiting for transfer windows necessary.
  3. I can't speak for others, but I personally would have quit the game long ago if launch times were realistic. Frankly I'm getting to the point now where the current abbreviated launch time is more than I'm willing to suffer.
  4. That's like asking what's better, chicken or steak. Except steak is clearly the correct answer. Let me start again. The two games are way to different for one to be better than the other. Also, by the time I'd found out about KSP I was burned out on Minecraft. I don't know how they'd have stacked up if I came across them at the same time.
  5. I'd say both years and days should have room for 3 digits, but they should not be 0 padded. They should be space padded. Also, hours need no padding if you're in Kerbin time but should be 0 padded if using Earth time. Also, I assumed he transposed the 0 and the 2 by accident Finally, hms should be in time format. This: 1y 47d 04:05:07.20 102y 115d 15:53:14.19 looks better than: 1y 47d 04h 05m 07.20s 102y 115d 15h 53m 14.19s which looks better than: 1y 47d 4h 5m 7.2s 102y 115d 15h 53m 14.19s
  6. Thanks for the more info. I wasn't sure about some of it (though everything I said I was sure of, I was/am). The only thing I think you have incorrect is: A scientist can reset Goo at level 0. I know for a fact that if Bob (a scientist in the stock game) tries to reset a goo container at level 0, he can. I know that if I change the "scientist" class to something else in the config (So in the game it appears that he's a "Scincey Guy" instead of a "Scientist") then he can NOT reset the goo container. What I don't know (because I never tried) is if you change "Engineer" in the config to "Scientist", if Bill will suddenly be able to reset the goo container. Like you, I've never tested the percentages but as they actually scale with xp level, it seems reasonable to assume that they rely on it. And as so far we've only come across either-or things, I'm comfortable assuming that it ONLY scales with that skill, and not the class name in the config.
  7. Note that you can give all 3 types the ability to turn on SAS and do all basic pilot tasks. You can also give all classes the ability to fix tires and other broken things like engineers. You can do this with a modulemanager config that adds the "engineer" or "pilot" modules to a Kerbal. I've actually done this in my own config, Jack Of Many Trades. I don't know if you can do similar things with the Scientist's ability to send >100% data, but I know it won't work for resetting experiments or for the Engineer's ISRU bonuses. I THINK you can also - but I've not tested this - turn any Kerbal class into a Pilot, Engineer, or Scientist, losing all inherent bonuses they had (for Pilots, there are none. It's all in the module. But for Engineers they'll lose ISRU bonuses and scientists will lose at LEAST the ability to reset experiments, and may lose all of their abilities). You would do this in the above JOMT.cfg by changing the name of the profession from "Pilot" (for instance) to "Engineer" (again for instance). Once you do, all your pilots will - in the game - suddenly become Engineers.
  8. FishInferno seems to have been referring to that exact statement in the text of his you quoted.
  9. I see no rule that would keep you from launching to 1km, hitting chutes, coming down for a nice safe landing, and then hitting "abort" at 0m to trigger the LES.
  10. There should be a line on the drill shaft to show where it'll be effective. Ideally it should be drawn on with a sharpie with the words "Go lower than this!" scrawled next to it.
  11. I need to bookmark this link. It'd save me having to remember the file name I chose.
  12. Not having your rocket's dV but having those other stats would be like not having its mass, but knowing - by element - how many moles of that atom were in each part.
  13. And don't even get me STARTED on the octagonal strut. Talk about a snorefest.
  14. If you right click it, it'll either tell you the tier.
  15. I'm trying to remember. He did mention 64 bit right in there with the talk about efficiency right after the 10:00 mark but it was more of an offhand comment than anything else. Something like "bla bla bla and 64 bit bla bla bla efficiency." I remember it, but at the time it was such an aside I didn't write it down. :/
  16. Lots of tasty tidbits this episode, and some pretty deft flying by Max. At least, after he got into space Every 10 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I frequently don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, and italics are descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, with asides and commentary by me where I feel the desire. 0:00 Upcoming relay system that Ted talked about (no info, just mentioning it) Max was sick last week. He's planning on a polar Minmus orbit in order to complete some survey contracts. He's planning on bringing only a scientist, no pilot. "I think we can handle it" Going in a different direction and depth from RemoteTech. "A bunch of mods have great ideas but we don't fully agree with the entire design." Bigger picture: Why are you doing it? Back a little, they are updating to U5. So far proven to be not a small amount of work. A lot of work, to get the game to be the same as it is now, but on U5. But they also have the help of collaborators. Roverdude, Arsonide, who are helping add more stuff to the game. They are super skilled, and squad has things they want for a long time but don't have the time to do them. So, why not have the collaborators do the extra stuff while they work on U5? His rocket flips as it becomes bottom heavy. He aborts the launch. Been talking internally about antennae for a long time. 10:00 Q: If this is "step 1" does that mean that there are more steps? Specifically in 1.1? A: "Possibly. Maybe." Also have the advantage of U5 that will allow for more thigns than they could do before. More things regarding to efficiency. They have some numbers, however he will not share them because they want to get the U5 update into as many testers as they usually do, to get better numbers. Optimistic, but they want hard numbers. He launches the same rocket. Q: Will system requirements stay the same? A: "Absolutely." If it ran before U5, it'll run after U5. The rocket flips. He decides to hire a pilot. Q: Multiplayer? A: "Actually, we're working [on?] Multiplayer now." Harvester has "partially transitioned to help with the multiplayer development." Jesus has got the guts working. He can't hire a pilot, as he has 5 Kerbonauts already. He terminates 2 flights to kill 2 of the Kerbals. Then he notices (as he's about to terminate the 3rd flight) that he actually successfully got the ship into orbit 2 weeks ago. Expect more development blogs from Ted. Q: Any plans for pre-flight planning? A: "We have had that idea rolling around in our heads forever. Being able to make something called a Launch Node." "Very very very complex." 20:00 (Re: Launch Node) Maybe after U5 (which could help), but "right now it's looking really iffy." He gets an encounter with Minmus. Q: Will the new "AntennaRange Thing" going to be toggleable? A: Once it's in playtesting, they will know what parameters to tweak in it. It depends on the playtesters. He tweaks his encounter until it's equatorial and close, using a maneuver node. Then he explains that after he gets into Minmus' SOI he'll twist it Polar. I know. I'm just describing what he's doing, not saying it's what you should do. Q: Do Lagrange Points exist? A: "They most certainly do not." While super cool as a concept, it will be hard on the processor. Which KSP already is. It will also make maintaining an orbit "really, really hard." He gets to Minmus SOI, sets up a node and executes it to encounter the pole. It's not *that* expensive, 161m/s, but still Max would love one day to be in a nursing home and watching the first man on Mars mention that he got into space because of Kerbal Space Program. Q: Gamer's Edition? A: "At this point it doesn't look like the Gamer's Edition is going to happen." Not enough fan interest. But they're okay with it. Q: PS4, and Flying Tiger? A: He's excited to try the PS4 port, and is happy to be working with Flying Tiger. He wants to play KSP with the PS4 controller. He likes doing business deals, talking to businessmen. Many don't but Max enjoys it. 30:00 He reviews the contract. One of them is "below 5400." The rest are Above. Q: Is the UI going to change? A: "That is our goal" (to stay the same). "Roughly the same." He burns down to get under a waypoint that the contract says to be above. He lucks out and is still above it when he does the crew report. He also gets a 2nd contract completed at the same time. Kasper(Vid?) points out that he didn't need to burn down, as the contracts were "Above." He gets the 3rd one, and is left with the final, "Below" survey. 40:00 Hints that Squad has more games in the plans, in addition to KSP. He goes for the final survey point. He's too high by almost 2km as he goes in... ...and he leaves the survey point at about 200m too high. Q: More planets? A: Currently no plans, but if performance gains from U5 occur it is something they'll look into. "We need better asset management before we can think of new planets." Q: Are the creators of KSP making the PS4 version. A: We are helping but the heavy work is being done by Flying Tiger. He likes Flying Tiger because of their experience with Unity and because they're independent, like Squad. He tries again to hit his survey point. He gets the survey done at 4700m. He's in orbit on the night side of Minmus. He burns up and successfully avoids crashing into Minmus. Discussing why he sent a Kerbal instead of a probe for this dangerous mission (other than, I presume, because the contract was for Crew Reports): "Since we do not have currently - and who knows about the future - since we currently do not have a life support system." He finds a contract for temp scans at Minmus, and has a thermometer on the ship. So he extends the mission. Q: Roverdude's Life support mod? A: Very sneaky question. Currently no life support plans. But who knows about the future. 50:00 Q: Are you a dev? A: No I'm a producer. This is Harvester's thing. "100% his baby." The ship goes way low to hit the contract, skims the surface, and is still 700m too high when he leaves the zone. He nails an "Above" reading. Right before the end he nails one of the below ones. He gets an orbit, and ends the stream.
  17. Pick your favorite answer: Yes. That's why an outside contractor is doing this. No. It's a video game. None of it is particularly more or less important than any other part.
  18. I'm looking forward to it. RemoteTech had too much busy work and AntennaRange didn't seem to have any interesting things to consider other than "how far are you going?" Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed RemoteTech when I played with it, but the thought of setting all that stuff up again makes me shiver. And not because it was difficult. I can't really speak to AntennaRange as I never tried it. My thoughts on it are based on memories of perusing the thread months ago.
  19. It proves that Charon's atmosphere is tenuous enough to not be detected by the experiment, yes /sounds pedantic but really isn't.
  20. Wait, seriously? No wonder nobody understands this game. Also, you mean "fuel tanks and engines" right? Because 99% of the rockets I fly the decouplers are attached to an engine on one side. Frequently they're not attached to a fuel tank on the other. And I have never seen fuel drain through the decoupler.
  21. It was a joke. Just saying. - - - Updated - - - Oops. I did meat joking. Erm, I meet joking. Erm, I meant joking. Corrected in the OP, lest someone think I was not in fact joking.
  22. It's been almost a day since we've asked people how they pronounce things, so here's today's How Do You Pronounce Of The Day. Apoapsis. Periapsis. I've heard the final "-is" pronounced and I've heard the words said as if the letters just aren't there. Scott Manley, for example, who insists on throwing all kinds of extra letters in aluminum so as to make his weird pronunciation sound correct* pronounces these two words as if they are 2-letters less long. So what is it, forum? Peri-apse? Apo-ap-sis? Something else? *I'm joking. I don't care how people pronounce "aluminum" or why.
  23. I don't see why several people here feel entitled to dictate what Squad does on their forums. Even to the point of *expecting* their unacknowledged suggestion to be implemented and being angry when it's not.
  24. Haha no kidding needed. I agree I was wrong, but just found it way too hard to change. I came around through and am now one of the collective. And to just get this all down (copied mostly from cantab) Sun like "son." I do not call it Kerbol. Moho like Soho Eve like eve Gilly like silly Kerbin like her-bin Mun like Moon. Or if I pay attention more like Myoon. IOW, I pronounce the umlaut. Minmus like bin-bus Duna like do-huh. Ike like like Dres like Fez Jool like fool Laythe like lathe Vall like ball Tylo like tie-low Bop like hop Pol like pole Eeloo like Leeloo Dallas Multipass. Or for those who haven't see the movie, like he-lou
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