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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Here Or, here are the important stats: i7 4710HQ DDR3L 1600 MHz SDRAM, 16 GB 17.3" 16:9 (1920x1080) anti-glare GeForce GTX970M with 3GB GDDR5
  2. Nope! Everything that can be done orbiting backwards can be done going forwards for cheaper (to launch) and more convenient (for that nearly guaranteed unexpectedly needed rendezvous you'll be doing for some random purpose).
  3. I'm going to start in vanilla, in sandbox. I'm going to build several rockets and try to get them into orbit via various means, to determine the best ascent path. By the time I'm done with that, I hope KER will have updated so I can then find out how much dV it takes THEN, I'm going to record the best ascent path and put it on YouTube. By then, I hope SETI and a ton of other mods are updated, and then I'm going to start a new series.
  4. You don't need to orbit retrograde around Kerbin to reach Eve. Just burn on the day side in a similar way to how you burned on the night side to get to Duna.
  5. At 60fps (which lets face it, most people don't get in this game) the stations would move 75 meters relative to each other every frame. You'd have to be pretty (un)lucky for them to intersect in time even if you had them intersect in space.
  6. Why would I take the day off when likely all that'll happen is the game will be released late in the day, the servers will go down and/or be slow, and the whole game won't actually be playable until the 28th? No the day to take off is the 28th But actually, I won't do it. I'll just play when I can during the week and enjoy the weekend of KSP. Hopefully it'll be all rainy.
  7. If you can get 1000-1500m/s into orbit, you should be able to reach Kerbin escape velocity. Assuming it's only one SOI (no Sun SOI) then that means you could reach infinite altitude. ...except no time warp
  8. *looks at YouTube series* Currently: 1) FTL 2) Cities:Skylines 3) Invisible, Inc Anything else wouldn't rank high enough to qualify as "favorite," though I'm enjoying Xcom well enough.
  9. Interesting. I find your interpretation to be almost hopefully negative. As much as you think we are trying to read into the quote that we're getting what we want in spite of the evidence, it seems to me that you are trying to find ways to read the quote so you will NOT get what you want.
  10. Was it? Like, a dev said it? I thought we were just "pretty sure." Excuse me I have a dozen pages to peruse. - - - Updated - - - Then the poll is invalid, because it does not have an entry for what I want which is a full range of options.
  11. I would be concerned that alt-f4 during the automatic saving process could corrupt your save. However, if you hit F5 to quicksave, let that finish, and then Alt-F4 a corupted persistent file could be fixed by just copying the quicksave.sfs over the persistent.sfs. There is no other danger that I can think of. In fact, I exit the current save and as soon as I'm at the menu, alt-f4 out. I've never had a problem doing that.
  12. I specifically asked this in a devnotes and HarvesteR answered me. I'm looking for it now but I'm positive it's not "tons of parts" and I'm pretty sure he said that, until separation, it's one part. Found it! It's one part. Also I find what I bolded intriguing. That implies there is possibly a way to group them so they are 2 parts.
  13. True. But when you then stream that for an audience and hide useful information within, you are performing a show, and that show should be entertaining. If it's not, the people who watch have the right to complain that it's not enjoyable. I find it enjoyable in a sadistic kind of way. I sit in rapt attention, trying to guess all the things that will go wrong with each launch. I never get them all but I usually get the ones that will destroy his rocket.
  14. I played around with it, and must say wow. That's tough. Not the launching the ship part, though it was nasty. The VAB part. No pulling a subassembly off and setting it aside to add something mid-rocket. Touching the left side of the screen just drops what you were dragging, destroying it forever. I had to stop not because I thought I couldn't do it, but because I couldn't bear to deal with that anymore. Also: No SAS (though there are reaction wheels called SAS. Ahh the good old days). No struts. No map mode. EDIT: I didn't think to try F. But T doesn't work
  15. So is it just the 3d-printed stuff we can already get packaged in a nice box for 1.5x the price, or is it going to be proper stuff? I've never heard of this company before and just glancing at the stuff they did for Hotline, Miami, it appears they do their own stuff, but it's hard to say for sure.
  16. This is the first one of these I support as an alternative to just "Kerbal Space Program"
  17. Ship Manifest isn't bad. Most single part mods will take up more RAM than any mod without parts.
  18. And the square jaw. Those are both things you give to cartoon characters to make them look male, and Kerbals are basically cartoon characters.
  19. I just linked the first one on Google. Try the other 500,000 downloaders. I know I got one working a while ago though I don't know which one. It was before the summaries were a thing. If I want something not in the summary, I just suck it up and watch it on Twitch. That pretty rarely happens though.
  20. 90% of what you could get from watching Squadcast, you can get from the wonderful summaries posted right on this forum by ObsessedWithKSP. The other 10% you can get by downloading the video via https://twitchtools.com/video-download or something similar, and then watching it with a civilized video program like VLC or Mplayer.
  21. Weird. I can see them gimbaling even when they're not running.
  22. That last picture, where your orbit is exactly in line with Kerbin's orbit, is impossible with a 3300m/s prograde burn. Are you sure you're burning 3300 m/s, and not burning until your SPEED is 3300m/s? You should have a resultant speed of about 5700m/s, assuming you're orbiting at 2400m/s when you burn 3300. And yes, you should burn at about the placement of the red dot.
  23. Only some engines gimbal. In the VAB, if you right click parts in the menu (on the left) it'll open up an info screen. Gimballing engines show their gimbal range in this menu.
  24. I don't know about "other small but important things," and I don't even *know* about dV indicators (no calculators were ever announced) but considering they were merely hinted at, and then the next thing they said was that they probably wouldn't make it in for 1.0, I suspect that in fact we'll not have them.
  25. Good call. In my defense, I dropped a ton of mods to curtail the crashes and only play for about 2 hours at a time, so I actually have stopped needing to monitor it.
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