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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Blueprint mode. Design ship 100x larger than vab. click "place in orbit" instead of "place on launchpad" I'm not saying it will be there. I'm saying it'd be a very simple thing to do. You don't NEED to build a ship in a VAB. The ship doesn't have to "fit" anywhere during the planning stage. And in a proper sandbox mode you should be able to place it anywhere at any time, including upon creation.
  2. You are presuming we are going to design ships in the VAB and not in some sort of blueprint mode. I'm not presuming we're NOT going to do that. But I'm open to the idea that it's possible. I am willing to presume - however - that whatever way we'd build a ship 10x bigger than the VAB in "career mode" will be available in "sandbox mode" from the start.
  3. My Olivia Newton John song stuck in my head today after the sad, sad news is
  4. It was so fast I had to edit it several times for accuracy Be sure to reload before using it as a reference.
  5. V is velocity Delta is change. Delta-V is change in velocity. If your ship has 5000 m/s of dV you can change its velocity 5000 m/s. So if it's going 5000 m/s you can stop it by firing backwards, make it go 10,000 m/s by firing forward, or make it go 5000m/s sideways in addition to the 5000m/s it's going "forward" (i.e. make it go diagonal).
  6. Back to songs stuck in our heads (and sorry about this one but hey it's stuck there quite firmly)
  7. When I made my 80s channel in Pandora over a decade ago, I seeded it with a single song. Other than thumbs up or down it's been pretty much the most 80s station I've ever heard. The cool thing is Alexa tells me she's playing "Like a Virgin Radio" which is a great name for an 80s radio station.
  8. Watched Adventures in Babysitting last week. Have had this song in my head since.
  9. I'll agree that it doesn't need it if you agree it would be fine with it.
  10. I see what you did there. I can't speak in absolutes about coffee or tea. There are many coffees that I prefer to many teas, and many teas I prefer to many coffees.
  11. I've been told this video of mine has helped. It's part 1 of a 3-parter, and when you finish it you should be relatively stationary less than a km or so from your target.
  12. I'm just going back to work today after falling to the most recent Covid-19 batch last Thursday. I don't recommend it to anyone. If you're eligible, jump on the drugs they offer like you're starving and they're food.
  13. A=3 B=2 1 / AB = ? You're not going to tell me anybody thinks it should be 2/3.
  14. Another option is the mod Kaboom. Using it you can in-game destroy a single part. If you do that to one of the 2 docking ports, that will effectively decouple your probe from the ship. Of course, you'll lose the port on the ship or the probe (depending on which you destroy) so it may take some creative mission restructuring to get around it. But as far as fixing the problem, I've found it to be a very easy option to use.
  15. 100% Windows. No chance I'll ever play it on another platform
  16. Without a picture I can't really say but I'd guess your graphics card drivers are out of date.
  17. I don't think Kerbin needs different continents. In fact I think they should stay the same. Sure the launch site could get a renovation, but based on still shots from years ago it looks like it will. Here's a pic I found that matches my memory of the video. I put it in a spoiler as it's kind of large.
  18. This is a perfect post for this thread The Hype Train thread doesn't exist to have a Hype Train thread. It exists to keep those posts contained in one place so they don't spill out all over the forum and ruin the experience for everybody.
  19. Well the original thought experiment posited driving a car on a road, so I think we need to stick to those. Unless you define a "car" in such a way to include maglev trains. And a "road" in such a way to include maglev rails. I mean it worked for tacos and sandwiches...
  20. True. If you can get your car going a good fraction of geostationary orbital speed (3km/s) then sure you may be able to fall back to Earth or reach escape velocity. I mean we're a civilization able to build a road into space. We probably have pretty good cars.
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