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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Right, but that was them leaving Middle Earth, which was a positive thing for an Elf. So the Elves ENTERING Middle Earth was therefore a negative thing that they were doing out of necessity, not because it was so great to do.
  2. Weird I didn't get that feeling at all, and at the end of the episode some elves went back and it was the highest honor they could receive. Tantamount to going to Heaven.
  3. I suppose I could see not liking it if you were expecting the "real story" but I tried to read the extra stuff Tolkien wrote as back story and found it so boring, I gave up. This was not boring and I enjoyed every minute of it. Looking forward to the rest.
  4. I caught the first six minutes (I don't get to watch anything all the way through these days) and wonder what atrocities in film making happen in the next 4 minutes.
  5. How would you set up telling the game what the player wants to do with any given node? That menu system would get crazy pretty quick. And that's assuming they could come up with mechanisms to enact every possible "I want to do this thing" as a maneuver node, or set of maneuver nodes, in programming without weird edge case mistakes that end up destroying your ship.
  6. Nope they totally 100% fixed that in the next movie by noting it was a 1 in a million shot. ...which never happens in Star Wars.
  7. My wife asked me to post this here when I told her I do it to get songs out of my head. Here's hoping it works for her.
  8. Personally I'd say don't use any mods until you know enough about the stock game to know what you want to change. One exception to that would be Tutorial Fixes because doing the tutorials in their current state could drive you from the game before you even knew they were the problem, not you. Also, I'd recommend trying all 3 modes to see which mode you prefer. None are "easier" or "harder" than the other but some have more restrictions - which can be good as an early player because you can easily get overwhelmed by all the options if you're not careful. And as always, ask any and all questions here, in the forum, and we'll fall over ourselves to help you
  9. I assume it would but just powerful enough to stop whatever is endangering the ship while allowing just enough through to cause a few consoles to explode in a shower of sparks. But I'm just going by what they showed on 60 years of the shows, not any actual science.
  10. How long did/would it take to get to the point you could build that ship in career?
  11. Not really. If this was in the lounge, sure, but this is in the Suggestions forum so is a suggestion, and should be treated like one. It'd be a cute Easter egg once, then an annoyance forever after, and one of the nuts the KSP1 team gave up trying to crack was "determine what this ship needs to work correctly." I don't see that changing for KSP2 (but I'd be ecstatic if it did)
  12. A couple suggestions: A special kind of talent - Destroy 2 or more KSC buildings in a single crash. Did you check the map? - Leave Kerbin's SOI without having entered Mun's or Minmus' SOIs
  13. "Thanks!" Notes compass needle pointing at N. Turns around to walk away. "Oh no!" Runs to bunker. I just watched Day Shift on Netflix and while you don't go into a "Jamie Foxx the Vampire Slayer" movie looking for hard science, I got a chuckle every time someone used a shotgun with one hand, had no recoil, yet somehow managed to blast a vampire across the room (and sometimes through a wall) with it.
  14. I'd have to go with the only thing I feel compelled to still change in the game via mods, and that's the need to click 3000 times over the course of a mission to collect science. If that's changed in ANY way for the better in KSP2 I'll be happy.
  15. I don't think there was one. I mean, an official one. There was one on Fandom and maybe some other site had one too, but the "new" official one in 2012 was just that: new and official. The oldest history page on the Fandom wiki is from August 2011, 2 months after KSP was released. It may have coincided with v0.9 which may also have been a milestone that made the fandom want a wiki. I don't know. I didn't show up until 0.18 myself.
  16. I have never done one of these contracts. Could you post a pic of (or type in ALL the words from) the contract? If it's something like: Repair the rover Drive the rover to location X Then yeah I expect you need to repair the rover in some way, or that first requirement won't get a check and turn green. Maybe it wants you to use a repair kit? Like I said never done one, don't know how they work. Oh and good luck driving a rover on Minmus. It's one of the WORST worlds to do so on.
  17. Procedural fuel tanks, wings, engines, and anything else that it's reasonable to make procedural. Things that aren't procedural should be able to be hot-swapped. Don't like your Mk2 capsule? Change it to an Onion on the fly. The above with a slick interface that makes utilizing the procedural parts easy. A full universe with hand-crafted planets in the home system and maybe a dozen systems around it, and procedural worlds beyond. A progression system that doesn't involve a tech tree. I don't care what, just no tech tree. We've been doing those for decades can we try ANYTHING else please? Pretty much everything else should be like KSP is now.
  18. The concept that Humans won't go extinct within a generation of being forced to eat only algae on a barren planet with no other life, astounds me.
  19. You breathe it back out without using it.
  20. I do not consider Sandbox Mode a proper fix for a broken progression mode. I consider it as a thing on its own.
  21. IMO sandbox is everything free, and you can put anything anywhere. Basically what KSP1 has with Sandbox + the cheat menu to place things.
  22. To know your exit velocity, you need to know your entry velocity and location, and the location of the planet/moon on its orbit. Luckily KSP gives you all of these in the orbit diagram (with a level 2 tracking station) so you don't have to math. I know the basics of how to do the math, but I'm about 30 years away from college so I'm very rusty, and won't even try it here. But it's "just" vector math: Your ship has a velocity (and location) relative to the sun when you enter the planet's SOI. Your ship has a velocity (and location) relative to the planet when you enter the planet's SOI. The planet has a velocity (and location) relative to the sun when you enter the planet's SOI. Your ship has a velocity (and location) relative to the planet when you exit the planet's SOI. The planet has a velocity (and location) relative to the sun when you exit the planet's SOI. 1+(2-4)+(3-5) = your ship's velocity (and location) relative to the sun when you exit the planet's SOI. 1, 2, and 3 you can find out by knowing when you enter the planet's SOI, which you are in control of. 4 and 5 you get by doing orbit math in the planet's SOI. Good luck with that Note I didn't actually take location into account relative to the sun, but that technically matters. It matters more in KSP's smaller solar system than it does in the real one, but it still matters there.
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