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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. 1. Use the specially designed decoupler for the Mk1-2 pod. It's the gray one that used to be (maybe still is?) called UP40. 2. If you right-click the pod choose Show Fuel GUI; or go to action editor mode and click on the pod. RedAV8R: I've been thinking. What about making the LR-1R a vernier? Maybe a LR101 to go with the stock LR89 and LR105? That still leaves the LV-1 as the generic thruster. Also, on that note, what about making all engines radially attachable, so we don't have to use either the Proc Fairing thrust adapter, or cubic struts? Can be done by a quick MM config (which I volunteer to write). mdosogne: nuke RF and TS; redownload both fresh; install TweakScale; install RF. That should work, and if it doesn't, please let me know on the RF thread.
  2. Look, whatever one's opinion of the way this was presented or what is contained, there is zero call to rude. So let's chill a bit, please? (to each other, too)
  3. Known issue; KSP .25 is built on a different version of Unity for OSX. So far that hasn't caused problems, but Real Chute is letting you know that.
  4. Well, at least the bigger ones were space vehicles masquerading as weapons; A4 sure, but no one could claim the A9/A10/A11/A12 combo was a weapon with a straight face.
  5. News Update I just talked to r4m0n. He has been incredibly busy with work (most recently 18hrs straight work), but has promised me that by the middle of next week he'll post here and get things back on track (his words).
  6. I have no idea, since 8.2 should use *less* RAM, and certainly does for me.
  7. All surface textures are in fact black and white; the coloration is provided by vertex colors on the terrain. Textures are applied based on the angle of the surface; flat get "land", 45 degree angle gets "hill", sharper gets "rocky mountains". The colors are controlled either by noise alone (Minmus), or by a vertex color map (Duna), or by the LandClass mod (which classes land based on elevation, latitude, and longitude, and also adds the terrain scatter objects).
  8. It will change geosynchronous altitude, so if you have any geosynch/geostat commsats, they'll have to shift orbit. Paul: awesome!
  9. I'm fine with that one. The issue with the timer is that many people get up and do something else while KSP loads, so might miss it; but disappearance on scene change (and persistence on main menu) would work fine with that.
  10. However, all MM patches without either FOR[], BEFORE[], or AFTER[], are treated as "legacy" patches, and something that MM is trying to wean people off.
  11. MechJeb now supports flying "surface velocity retrograde, with a pitch offset". That's perfect.
  12. Your log says you ran out of memory. Doesn't matter how much RAM you have; KSP is a 32bit process.
  13. Apologies! Despite having this on subscription, I received no notice. I'll get back to you tomorrow, falling asleep now.
  14. Are you using the remotetech config from the second post in the RO thread?
  15. Oh snap! I keep meaning to do that, and never getting around to it. Send me a PM, or find me on IRC (easier, because realtime) and let's chat about that. (Wet wings)
  16. They probably will, and *especially* the LandClass stuff will need work. 6.4x is a good starting point though.
  17. You need a higher periapsis, then. That said, mostly when that happens it's because of flying a lifting reentry. If your reentry vehicle does not have wings, you will need to reenter with an angle of attack > 0, which can be done easily enough by adding a bit of mass to one side of the capsule so the center of mass is not centered. You then use RCS (or wheels, if you want ~le magic torque~) to maintain your roll. There's a link to a video in the second (first?) post in the Realism Overhaul thread showing how it's done.
  18. If you are using FAR, then density is calculated based off pressure, temperature, and gas constants. If you click ABS in the main FAR window, it will switch from relative to absolute density (in kg/m^3). If you are using stock, density always equals pressure_in_atmospheres * 1.22231 (or pressure in pascals divided by 82843.125). Pressure, in FAR and in stock, can be computed in pascals as 101325 * e^(-height_in_km / 5), with it clamped to 0 when e^(-height_in_km / 5) == 0.00001.
  19. I'm finding 18 hours actually works best; 12hrs still gives too much rotational boost at the equator. I had forgotten all the *other* scales to change in the clouds and city lights, so that too. Also would work better with Overhaul, then we could have daylight cities and lots of other cool stuff
  20. Then FAR is the one ripping them off. I suggest you keep all antennas well inside fairings until out of the atmosphere.
  21. What is this forum? Why am I here? Kasper, this is all your fault!
  22. Then perhaps you're getting the log from a different install, or turned logging off and so it's an old log? Because the only time that gets put in the log is if: 1. you're running KSP fullscreen AND 2. It's not in focus
  23. FiesesAlien: I must have missed the link before then, sorry. I noticed a *lot* of exceptions in your log, but the first thing to check: Do you have, anywhere under GameData, more than 1 Module Manager dll ? You need one, only one, it should be in the root of GameData, and it should be version 2.5.1.
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