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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. @jstnj Thanks! And yep. You don't need more than one stage if you're using RealFuels on regular Kerbin. :]
  2. It has an open license. What you need to do is make a copy of the RSS files, change all the :FOR[RealSolarSystem] to :FOR[whatever you're calling your mod, but no spaces], and then change whatever you want. Have it under a folder in gamedata, just like RSS would. Etc. Then in the readme and OP mention that the mod is based on RealSolarSystem by NathanKell et al.
  3. @sDaZe: Yeah, fork RSS rather than requiring it to be downloaded. Then you can change things to suit you.
  4. You are. KSP parts generally mass what their real counterparts do (1.2t for a complete Mk1 pod setup / Mercury, ~5.5t for a complete Mk1-2 pod setup / Apollo) but they have 40% the surface area (~.64x the linear size, = ~.4096 the drag area). That means they have much higher terminal velocities than they should, and much more dangerous reentries. It also messes up aerodynamics on ascent, and also you generally need >=2m rocket parts to launch even a tonne into orbit in RSS, so might as well scale up the tanks too.
  5. On the contrary, it's much better do it this way. You do _not_ want other mods thinking RSS is installed when it is not, and if you go this route, involving installing both RSS and this, then everything will falsely think that RSS is installed. @sDaZe @Blacks
  6. If you have a problem with FAR then post in this thread. If you have a problem with CKAN (i.e. CKAN not listing FAR) then post in the CKAN thread.
  7. AFAIK the base version is 1.1.2 compatible (have tested it); not sure what might have been added that might make it not so.
  8. @PTNLemay RCS is available in the start node. Further, ullage motors are available in the start node too. To answer you and @jstnj here is what I do. (Note: This is basically copying what was done historically). 1. Either hotstage or use ullage motors for my second stage. If there is a third stage, it's probably solid, so ullage doesn't matter. 2. Fly a shallow enough gravity turn that I insert into orbit at my desired perigee (or thereabouts). That means making sure I don't go higher than 185km until all stages have done their work. Boosting to apogee and circularizing at apogee isn't just impossible with limited ignitions, it's inefficient. Any time spent not burning is time you're taking gravity losses you don't have to. 3. If I'm going beyond LEO, pack another stage (or use something with relights, like the AJ10-Mid or the later XLR81s or the 11D33M). Yes, this stage will need either ullage motors or RCS, but...they're both available in the starting node. Yes, you may have to use solids as kick motors, and that means you may not be able to do some things you'd like to. But remember: guided probes come in Stability/Early Probes, and that's not that far away. Hotstaging is super simple: Just light up your next stage a second or three before the lower stage finishes burning. So are ullage motors: add some Inline Sep Motors around the base of your stage and fire them before igniting the stage. One final note: Real life rockets don't tend to stage until outside the thicker parts of the atmosphere (say, no lower than 60km). If you're building something with A-4 engines (with their short burn times), you might not have that luxury, and then you'll really need to hotstage; ullage motors may not be enough. This is because you won't just be fighting the natural diffusion of the propellants after thrust goes away, you'll also be fighting aerodynamic drag, and going at, say, 1500m/s at only 25km...that's a lot of drag.
  9. The problem is the rename dialog allows you to change vessel type. You could change the flag to be of type ship.
  10. Dragon01 was temporarily banned. The length of that temporary ban was public knowledge, and expired, jeez, about a year ago or more IIRC. If Dragon01 chooses not to post, that is up to her/him.
  11. It was to fix that one could trigger that on Kerbal EVAs and on Flags (both of which would break the game in...interesting ways).
  12. @peachoftree you're most welcome! Only the engines with a flipped Y and Z axis on the gimbal transform need the fix, btw, and this fix should work for any other mods' engines that do that. Also you should probably base off the current state of the repo, not the last release, when compiling your 1.1 update. @peachoftree one other question, sorry--what's the deal with the reflections?
  13. @peachoftree you forgot to fix the path patches. That will break any other mods that clone or otherwise reference the landing legs (e.g.).You will need to delete the pathpatches for any models you remove. For the engines, try this: @PART[VenLV909b|liquidEngine3|Size3AdvancedEngine|liquidEngineMini|liquidEngine2]:FOR[aFirst]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] { @MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { @gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform } } I don't recall anyone mentioning what the issue with the Kickback was so the above doesn't fix it.
  14. You can temporarily fix gimbaling by changing the gimbal transform from what it is to thrustTransform. That will prevent the nozzle from moving, but it will still give you the pretty, pretty part and also still give you correct gimbaling. This is because some of Ven's engines have their gimbal transforms misaligned compared to the thrust transform (Yup instead of Zup).
  15. I mentioned in the other thread, yeah, I goofed. == instead of !=
  16. Really need logs for this. Also, just to be clear, your GameData folder looks like this? Kopernicus RealSolarSystem RSS-Textures Squad ModuleManager.2.6.24.dll ModuleManagerLicense.md Right? The first two folders and the two files come from unzipping RealSolarSystem_v11.1.0.zip into GameData. The RSS-Textures folder comes from opening the RSS-Textures zip, opening its GameData folder, and dragging the RSS-Textures folder inside there into your GameData folder.
  17. @ShotgunNinja Ohh! Looks like the default for volume in KSP is 5, so alas no.
  18. @ShotgunNinja without a resource present even the loading screen will break, IIRC, but IMO that is better than having local fallbacks. Yes, tonnes/L is a reasonable assumption, though invalid for stock resources. If density is not specified then something is very, very wrong.
  19. @Toonu my understanding is Kerbalism is a "lite" version of various mods. That's...rather counter to the point of RO.
  20. FYI I'm on the KSP forums and this post just gives general complaints and then falls over when I hit pagedown. When I looked for logs I didn't find any, so I uninstalled the post.
  21. If you require something, doesn't that by definition mean either (a) the user will have the mod, or (b) bad things will happen? Isn't the fallback "break"? :]
  22. @pellinor actually taniwha did. On the RF end, I will try to set up a similar message system to what taniwha did. And regarding the long-suffering @Svm420's issues, yes, those still persist AFAIK, and last I checked I couldn't tell if it was our side or yours, and due to crunch didn't get a chance to look deeper.
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