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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. prc: compare stats with, say, 5t payload, the LV-N, and 40 tons of fuel. Not a set volume, a set mass of fuel. You will see LH2 is the best. LCH4 (Liquid Methane) is cryogenic, but mildly so (like LOX): it will boil off, but slowly. It's usually the best bet for NTRs, since it's denser (and yields higher thrust) without losing much specific impulse. In KSP, unlike real life, fuel ratios are given as volume ratios, and in RF fuels are taken as 1 liter at STP. Nitrous Oxide is a gas at STP. So it's like 0.0003% Amines, 99.9997% Nitrous Oxide by volume at STP, which translates into a mass ratio of 6.3 kg of Nitrous Oxide per kg of Amines. Use that mode and autofill your tanks; it'll work fine.
  2. This is because Overhaul still doesn't play nice with non-stock Scaled Space Transform scale settings. It works for Earth because I have "wrap" (i.e. mess with scaled space transforms, meshes, etc) disabled for Earth as a workaround.
  3. RftS inlets don't have AJE support because I made them before AJE supported inlets. Fixed in git (or will be, as soon as I commit).
  4. You open and shut a valve enough times, it's gonna break. Especially if it's near multiple-thousand-degree furnaces called thrust chambers.
  5. Minmus doesn't have a heightmap, so changing that value won't help....
  6. Ghost13: just imagine what it's like with 8km/sec reentries, like real life! (Oh wait, RSS lets you not-imagine). If you find DRE too hard, turn down the heat multiplier. But as this thread (let alone the DRE thread) shows, many, many people have no trouble with DRE and FAR. Some people do have trouble building craft that reenter properly, however. If you post a pic of your craft (and make sure the heat shield is attached via the correct node) maybe we can help.
  7. That's not how DLLs work. They don't look for paths. Also, Never once does KOSMOS reference the old Keramzit path. You need to delete any Keramzit folder in Gamedata.
  8. 1. the Kethane_MMI error and the ScanSatRPM error are both fine. The first is because it's a zero-byte file*; the second is because you are either not using ScanSAT, or not using RPM. *which Majiir did so no one would have both the old Kethane DLL (which is of that name) and the new Kethane DLL. 2. Distant Objects is causing an exception. 3. ConnectedLivingSpace is causing exceptions. The real problem, however, is that you did not install according to the install directions. KSPModAdmin *does* mess up RSS. You need to follow RSS's install directions *exactly*. That's why they're there. Look on line 70356 of the file: RSS is trying to find its images, but KSPModAdmin has messed up the paths.
  9. Unless there's a bug I'm not aware of, DREC maintains the ratio between engine heat production and engine max temperature. DRE won't decrease an engine's max temperature without also decreasing its heat production proportionally.
  10. No, the issue was that loading crafts with modules out of order due to whatever would break due to SQUAD loader bugs. For example, try, without using MM, creating a part with two modules. Make a craft, save the craft. Then switch the module order. BOOM! Settings lost in both modules on reload of craft. MM fixed the SQUAD bugs in the loader, by dint of dynamically reordering all .craft / .sfs MODULEs to match the PartModule order in the prefab part.
  11. Yeah, that capsule shape has a far higher hypersonic L/D ratio than the Apollo's, IIRC. I mean, there's a reason it looks more like a frisbee than a blunted cone.
  12. It's what controls the planets. I assume, as a scene, it's what they use internally to add/remove/change planets?
  13. Wut? DRE is *designed* for FAR. That it works for non-FAR models is out of the kindness of ialdabaoth's and my hearts. :]
  14. TACLS keeps its settings in PluginData, which is not visible to GameDatabase. So no.
  15. MJ ascents in RSS: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/MechJeb-Ascents Launch into an inclination lower than your launch site's latitude: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/Equatorial-Orbits-from-Non-Equatorial-Launch-Sites SpacedInvader: the plan was to put it in the OP (and host on Majiir's server) as soon as you signed off on them being "ready for use" Since last I recalled you weren't happy enough with the results.
  16. Well, KAS isn't a hard dependency, surely? I mean, I've been using EI fine without it since the start...
  17. You can estimate wing loading by using your max takeoff weight and FAR's wing area (on the stability calcs tab) * 0.75 or so (since in real life wing area doesn't include the tail, but in FAR it does). You can then check vs. various real airplanes' wing area and weight, and/or wing loading. The F-15, for example, has 0.358t / m^2 loading.
  18. With the exception of changing the FOR[RealismOverhaul] to FOR[FASA] But yeah, that's the ticket--it'll "just work" seamlessly whether one has FS (and gets tweakables) or doesn't (and still gets regular animation).
  19. Beale: in the thread in Dev I linked to, nixonshead (the artist who made them) posted the links. Think it starts around page 5 or so?
  20. Lack: Huh, I wouldn't have thought you could manage only 700 dry. Was that with pwings or Squad wings? Anyway, apologies, I stand corrected. :]
  21. TeeGee: Yes, the 6.4x Kerbin has vastly lower dV requirements. Earth is about 11x Kerbin's size, so you can imagine the dV required for 6.4x Kerbin will be somewhere between KSP's 3.3km/sec and Earth's 9.3km/sec. Probably something like 6-7km/sec. As for your ascent profile: start turn at 100m/s. You can use the guides here, even though they're for RSS they should work well enough for you. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/_pages (Ferrma's for manual and mine for MJ). Circularizing after apogee is fine; many current LVs do that. Agathorn: Are orbits given as altitude or SMA? If altitude, there's not a linear scale, since LEO in real life is 180-2000km, MEO is 2000-35786km, and HEO is above that. Lunar orbit, however, may not be different from stock KSP's, whereas with Dres playing Saturn, the change is massive. Etc.
  22. Gaalidas: that may be true, but I really wouldn't always assume it's the modder's fault. First, a giant majority of reported errors are in fact installation errors; second, as you point out, KSP is a work in progress and is *seriously* broken in a lot of places, and usually there's damn-all modders can do to get around it. Let alone with the x64 build, which may break various stock behaviors (and again, we can't fix that; Squad has to change its code to be x64-safe).
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