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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Comment out the three lines in the cfg that mention png files.
  2. Nope, just checked the source here and PP doesn't either. Hey swamp_ig, you might want to steal my ModuleEngines / ModuleEningesFX wrapper from Real Fuels (or HoneyFox's presumably-better/more-flexible one from Engine Ignitor) so that your code can use either ModuleEngines or ModuleEnginesFX in your SRBs. ...or just switch to ModuleEnginesFX and say "enough with that" which is probably easier and better.
  3. Constructive criticism, ok (and I probably should have taken the time to do/say this on the dev thread when it would have helped more...sorry). Many of the tanks seem to have only solid color textures, or solid color plus some text; I'd like to have seen a bit more detail to break up the solids, i.e. weathering, dirt, paneling/nurnies/etc. from normal maps, and the like. An issue for some of the tanks was also a lack of modeled detail. This last point is less a technical one and more one of feel/taste, but it seemed like style was a bit of a mishmash; that is, for some parts (like StarVision's) going for a stock color scheme but without the stock weathering; some (like yours, Cpt. Kipard) going for a much more realistic look in terms of modeling the tubing, ductwork, etc., but still using a mostly-stock color scheme for the tanks themselves.
  4. Do you want.... Things to make the game realistic? More parts that look like stock parts? Part packs with unified themes? Mods that add new gameplay (Kethane [mining/refining/ISRU], Extraplanetary Launchpads)? Mods that add new features/assistants/information? Visual enhancements?
  5. Fair point. Although I will add that the *buildings* in KSP (everything at the space center) are actually hyper-realistic, a departure from the not-quite-realsitic stuff in versions prior to .21. So this might fit right in.
  6. Oh yeah, kept meaning to mention this. I get this too with most control surfaces. It seems to only be a visual bug though.
  7. 1. Can't do it, licenses. If there's an instruction in the OP for how to merge folders on Mac, that would probably be best. 2. Did you read ATM's readme? Did you note how it says "when launching KSP, it will appear to hang on loading, and when launching KSP with ATM for the first time, it will appear to hang for a VERY LONG TIME, let it be"? Did you just decide it had hanged and killed it, or did it actually crash?
  8. Unzip the included "Deprecated Stretchies" zip for backwards compatibility, IIRC.
  9. This is from an output_log.txt created during a KSP session when the phantom tank appeared, right? 2 things to try. First, try running without Engineer. I'm seeing some exceptions from it. Second, replace Stretchy with Procedural Parts and see if that fixes it.
  10. Ah, ok. Then...weird. Make sure you don't have tweakableGimbal or TweakableEverything installed? Other than that--that looks like the correct form for it. I confess myself stumped.
  11. Here. How about this? Blends well with the green, I think. Released Under a layman-written version of CC-BY-NC-SA by Stary on CombatAce. Tiles neatly on all sides. We'd have to paint a night lights image to match it, but shouldn't be too bad.
  12. You can fork alexmun's launch window planner and change the planet/sun data, then let it do it all for you. http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ AbeS forked it for RSS, you can see the changes here: http://abrhmsanchez.github.io/ksp/ Ah, HAN! Also, IIRC, far less poisonous than HZ/UDMH/AZ50. Although N2O4 is still hella-dangerous.
  13. You need to add those presets to your settings.cfg in KSPRoot, probably; PQS loads settings from there. Note the Default/High/Low settings blocks, with values for each PQS.
  14. Ranger 6 at full usage was about 200W; probes in standby, or earlier smaller (battery-only perhaps) probes used much, much less than 200W. For example Sputnik used about 1W IIRC, and I'd guess the solar-powered Vanguards were in the milliwatt range. The issue with solar panels is that those small 6x1 panels are for *small satellites*. Pods need an order of magnitude at least more area. Consider that Soyuz flew with probably the equivalent area of ~20+ of those 6x1 panels, and it still had to operate on a much smaller energy budget than Apollo (less than half IIRC). Basically, you should be putting probably 4x the big 2x3 shielded panels on a 1-2 person capsule at least, if not 2x Gigantors, or mods' medium-size solar panels. Fuel cells consume LH2 and LOX and make water. However, ModuleGenerator is broken, so we probably need to use some other generator module. RO v5 will kill reaction wheels for probes and pods (at least the probes and pods that RO supports natively); that said, if you just edit the existing RO pod cfgs to do that, I'll just use those. I'll ask RedAV8R about TAC rather than ECLSS. It shouldn't be that hard to swap between them, since I would support (@ANWRocketMan) using ECLSS's/RF's standard of gas-at-STP for density, so the Oxygen amount wouldn't change; we'd just need to add Food and Water/a fuel cell. BahamutoD: sounds like maybe the engine isn't set up right in Unity? Check the Modeling subforum (Addons->Dev->Modeling) for engine-creation details...
  15. It is in RF/RO/etc. You can make it whatever you want for RealKerbin, but battery sizes get a bit unwieldy if you use something smaller than a kJ (on the other hand, draw rates get hard if you use anything larger--and indeed 10mW becomes the least you can draw, IIRC, with 1EC = 1kJ).
  16. Cool! Do you mean a list of available-for-KSP engines, or a list of real engines? For KSP, small engines are in: AIES, RLA Stockalikes, Space Shuttle Engines (the two OMS engines actually work better as ~5kN engines, given their size)...can anyone think of anything I'm missing? We can of course rescale parts down.
  17. I'd say just start from the list in the OP, and then move on to any that aren't listed in the OP (which will be motivation for me to finally put planet-adding support in RSS...)
  18. Can you post your output_log.txt from after running KSP and having that tank appear?
  19. Great! Currently digging. I've played a lot of sims, even did some terrain tiles, I'll see what I can dig up.
  20. Interesting! Makes sense for kerbal resources. Wow, LF/Ox is going to have a quite terrible Isp, assuming that's Nitrous Oxide--but I thought that was N2O? (And, also, cryogenic, unless you want to deal with gaseous N2O). A note: you probably don't want UDMH as a monopropellant (I made this mistake too at first). The point of UDMH is that it's much more stable than hydrazine...which is not what you want as a monopropellant. Quite the reverse, really. I've certainly never heard of UDMH used as a monopropellant. If you want a monopropellant that can be combined with something else to be a bipropellant, you're probably better off using HTP...or actually Nitrous Oxide! (Combine it with a hypergolic fuel...)
  21. Chris, not telling you to rebalance for realism, just popping up when I see something off-base. :]
  22. Since everyone's explaining their votes now....while visually I find Themorris's or mordin86's the best, I can't help but vote for Snjo's amazing part+plugin combo. Simply awesome.
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