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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Protip: disabling physics for a part disables physics for the part, oddly enough
  2. Harvoification, sidfu, nope that's because texture compressor takes a while to compress that texture (it's huge). Only occurs on first time loading ksp, normal after that. Just wait it out. Someone asks every page or so...
  3. Frizzank, woohoo! Nathan hasn't releases a patch for this because Nathan's away again sadly and will have to wait a while to try this out.
  4. Oooh, you hero you. I was worried about the colors being off and you do my work for me. Extra awesome for an already awesome mod!
  5. Raven: there's a much better solution, which is to add this to a new cfg file in GameData (assuming ModuleManager 1.5.6 is installed, which it should be): //Starwaster/NathanKell @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines],@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %isTweakable = false %hideFlow = true } } This will fix the problem for any engine ever, and it will also not involve changing amounts or anything, just adding the two fields that are required for .23+ engine parts (or anything with 0 amount).
  6. Did you, like I told you, delete the RSS folder and then download v6pre fresh and install that? No it does not need PF. I would say so in the OP if it did.
  7. That's because MM changes don't survive a database reload. You'll have to quit and restart KSP to get MM to apply again.
  8. Luckfish: you have two (or more) copies of Module Manager somewhere in GameData. Delete all but one (the one with the highest version number) and place that in the root of GameData.
  9. What to do? Ask. Coders will be dying to play with something this amazing.
  10. Yes. Home now, so that's coming soon.
  11. Woohoo! I am happy not least because it means I *don't* have to do something like this (only mine would be worse) for RF. Can we specify parameters ourselves yet? Or can you only pick from EngineSim's own models?
  12. You most certainly can go to LEO. You need to loft high with the first stage and circularize after apogee. With the second stage, burn level until you start descending and then pitch up to manage descent rate such that you reach desired orbit altitude at 0m/s vertical velocity.
  13. Don't worry about it; it's just people not understanding how textures in KSP work, and the difference between an uncompressed file on disk (huge) and a compressed file in memory (same size no matter what file format is the input). What I *do* suggest is maybe cutting down your texture resolution--you really, really don't need 5 1024x1024 textures (with alpha!) per part!
  14. All that's required is the engine configs use non-stock gimbal modules. For example RftSEngines uses careo's Exsurgent Engineering gimbal, and is soon switching back to dtobi's Space Shuttle Engines KM_Gimbal.
  15. Oooh, fairings! Do like! FYI, as I understand it that's e-dog's model, and e-dog releases derivatives-allowed. He exported a normal-enabled mesh for cBBp.
  16. Did you check actual memory usage, or just look at the disk space usage and think it's at all meaningful...?
  17. All high performance RCS is bipropellant, Gemini, Apollo, Shuttle. For US, generally NTO/MMH. LM used main tanks for both engines and RCS so it was Aerozine not MMH with NTO for its RCS.
  18. Really looking forward to your next stuff; I'm enough of a realistic-look junkie that I'm a bit put off by the cartoony look of stock, but you're turning out really high quality parts and I've wanted a Shenzhou-style orbital module for, like, ever.
  19. calkurne, that looks like your video card doesn't support 8192x4096 textures, maybe. Try reducing the size of EarthColor.png to 2048x1024 and see what happens. maccollo: wow, that may be the largest stock launcher I've seen! metaphor: bloody impressive, as always. I see you've now added RT2?
  20. Specific impulse (Isp). It's a measure of efficiency, when given in seconds it's the number of seconds one lb of fuel will provide one lb of thrust (or 1 newton / 1 newton). KSP takes the thrust the engine produces, uses Isp to find out how much mass is required each tick to produce that thrust, and then subtracts that much total mass worth of resources according to the volume ratio, presumably by adding up the densities of all components multiplied by their ratios (d1*r1 + d2*r2, etc), dividing by the total mass required, and getting a multiplier m, then subtracting m * ratio for each resource. No problem.
  21. Happens every time? I'll try to replicate when I get home (I don't recall it ever happening to me...), but meanwhile, post output_log.txt?
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