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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sounds like that texture didn't get extracted to the right place. Make sure you followed the pack's install instructions to the letter (extracted the blackheart folder and placed it in GameData).
  2. Your reentries aren't shallow enough then. Orbital reentries are actually less challenging than suborbitals, because of the G-limits. Although I'm thinking of doubling the limits, since the current limits are based on time to first injury, not time to death. Anyway, gToleranceMult affects parts; what you want to change are those two giant crewG numbers, warn and kill. Try doubling each. That will give you twice as long at high G.
  3. The problem is that IIRC the size parameter doesn't work, and anyway if one does this it's no longer cfg-editable in position (can be a problem). What is the advantage, anyway?
  4. camlost: how did I miss this? I was actually thinking along the same lines the last week or two, integrating an "altitudeCurve" into Real Fuels to simulate that.
  5. yes, a.g. has a working profiler. https://github.com/angavrilov/ksp-devtools/releases
  6. blackheart612: very nice indeed! Totally gonna use those in RftS.
  7. But presumably you were adding KM_Gimbal, right? PDCWolf: yes, just grab the Pods_Squad.cfg from RO. You'll probably also want to rescale your tower by factor 1.6 so it fits.
  8. At this point any overheating for engines you get for DRE *should* be the same as you'd get without DRE.
  9. Well, swapping kerbals for humans is indeed on my todo list, and IIRC some of the more artisty folks are also working on that. So while nothing is there yet, it *is* coming. Are you using KJR? I have yet to have a rocket collapse on itself from weight since I started using KJR, and now even launch clamps works well in RSS due to KJR. 64% was a consensus back when we thought we couldn't rescale planets, but since we can, and we have KJR, we might as well go 100%. That's certainly where all the realism work has been for the last three months or so. Also, the issue is if you scale down the size of things, you mess up the ballistic coefficient (and atmospheric flight/ascent/reentry gets weird) since surface area is quadratic not cubic or linear. Nor does scaling mass to 41% (.64^2) work all that well either, because while you can change payload masses as desired, fuel masses are...fuel masses, and not really subject to rescaling unless you *also* start messing around with Isp. (64% derived from looking at the size of the Mk1 and Mk1-2 pods, and seeing them as Mercury and Apollo, IIRC). Anyway, if things are breaking for you at 100%, and you're using KJR, post on the KJR thread and we'll try to figure out what's going wrong.
  10. "which is just too big to make anything practical within the confines of the game. " Um...what? People have been making rockets that will put 1000-1500t into LEO, rockets that mass in the 20 thousand ton range...it's been fine. snjo has already changed the size of the SPH; I'm sure someone will get around to rescaling the VAB soon, but for now you can just move the rocket around inside it. Here is an installer in progress for realism mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67668-Mod-bundler-for-Real-Solar-System-%282014-02-03%29
  11. 500m? Dang, you folks use high TWR rockets! With my 1.2TWR it takes me until 1.5km to get up to 100m/s! But yeah, the main point is to start your turn early. But you really shouldn't need fins unless your rocket is seriously unstable, and you certainly shouldn't be needing them for control.
  12. Probably not, but since RO doesn't change jets or intakes, it shouldn't be RO related?
  13. SFJackBauer: well, it's actually no bad thing, since the point of an LES is "up and away" not just up. Hence the pitch motor in the nose of the Apollo LES. In fact there was discussion earlier in this thread about offsetting the thrust transform to ensure turning on abort. But, as for adding gimbals: you gave it the same transform that the ModuleEngines uses? PDCWolf: best of luck getting your new rig up and running, and no hurry.
  14. Cool! A question--anything special you did to get the custom flag to appear during launch? It almost never does for me. Two tips, if I might. First, if you circularize (or at least get both perigee and apogee out of the atmosphere) before heading for geostationary, then you can plan your perigee kick (i.e. GTO injection) for the AN or DN of your orbit. That will put your geostationary apogee at the equator, which means you can combine your apogee kick to circularize and your plane change to get an equatorial orbit into one burn. That's *much* cheaper. Also, as above, you can do a bi-elliptic transfer (and inject into a supersynchronous orbit with a rather-higher-than-GEO apogee) and do your plane change even cheaper than if you were doing it at GEO height. The break-even point is somewhere between 30 and 50 degrees inclination; the Russians do it launching from Baikonur but we don't from KSC. Second, since it's earth now, not Kerbin, you can use apogee and perigee (gee from geo, aka Earth) rather than the "kee" that was adopted as the gee-equivalent for Kerbin (like apolun and perilun [or aposelene and periselene, depending on if you go Greek or Latin...] for the Moon, and apomun [or whatever] for Mun).
  15. There's a 1/10th real solar system cfg in the OP of the RSS thread. Then you can use KIDS to require real-size rockets by scaling all Isps to 1/3. Note that ascents on RSS don't take 10x as long, it's more like 3x; and interplanetary burns are more like 2-3x as long at most. (After the burn, during the transit, you have warp anyway). Reentry does take a fair amount longer, but not excessive. Maybe 3-4x?
  16. No modeling, just editing the shape line in the fairing module (note the difference in the shape lines in the conic and egg cfgs). The ring *without* those crossbars is used to bear the load of the upper stage so it's not on the engine bell (the bell fits inside the ring). But the offset is necessary anyway since tanks are pressure vessels and thus have dome-shaped tops; often the fairing base starts where the side of the tank ends, but the dome rises above that, so the payload has to be offset higher.
  17. I really wouldn't recommend going above 1024x1024 for an engine's texture page. And normal maps should probably be 1/2 the size (1/4 the pixels) of the diffuse texture. *Maybe* 2048 if the engine is large and has lots of fine details.
  18. stretchFactor * topPosition + stretchFactor * bottomPosition
  19. Have you considered editing the shape of the fairing sides? I'd love to have Titan or Atlas fairing shapes. And in general something between egg and conic.
  20. ratzap: Good god that's a Saturn V-class launcher. Yeah, I think you may be overengineering (or something) I took your second craft file and rebuilt it to get a ~1700 ton craft that ended up having ~2000m/s spare. Here's how. (You really need IR so you can hinge those girders. As it stands I removed the second girder piece from each arm to make the arms shorter.) You end up with a "supersize" Atlas V. All at TL5, like your craft. 1. Delete everything under the J4R. Resize the tank such that you get ~2000m/s from that upper stage (should be enough for apogee kick and final plane change.) 2. Put a 8m fairing base under that, and fair the top. Should buldge out to about 12m? (with the second-girder-less arms) 3. Place a cryo stretchy under that. Widen it to 8m. 4. Place 3 cubic octos on the bottom and place 3x J7Rs (KW Vesta twins) on the struts. Fill/resize/fill tank to get about 8km/sec dV from the stage. Should end up with ignition TWR of about 1.2 or so. 5. Place an interstage adapter on the tank's bottom node and move it down and widen it to cover the interstage, and put the fairings on. 6. Place a regular superstretchy under that and widen to 8m. Put a LR88-4 under that (what you already had). Stretch until you have about 4-5km/sec dV from that stage (say, ignition TWR of about 1.35?) Launch, burning to circularize somewhere around 300x300. Then at equatorial AN or DN burn to make a GTO. This should put your GEO apogee and AN (or DN) at roughly the same spot. Then ditch the second stage and do an apogee kick and plane change at apogee to circularize and shift inclination to 0. Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zub0h8uexqmysw1/Max%20dish%20bus%202c.craft Note I'm launching from the Cape; if you're launching from the equator, you'll need even less dv and no plane change to speak of; then you can probably do it with 13.5-14km/sec total vacuum dV.
  21. MeCripp: for parts that support texture switching, right-click on them to get the tweakables menu (in the VAB) and click the button called "next texture"... If you want to add that capability to parts, you add the MODULE block to the cfg and point to the textures to switch between and the name of the mesh(es) the texture is applied to.
  22. What I mean by that is "please rephrase your question, I don't understand it."
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