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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Also I should mention on this point that RF v4.1 on sets minThrust to 0 iff throttle = 0, so MJ can shut the engine off after the burn and (try to) turn it on again for next burn, without having to keep track of enabled/disabled engines. It also means your dV doesn't go to 0 (on dV stats) due to disabled engines
  2. Special thanks to a.g. for speed increase! Changelog: v4.2 = \/ *Updated cfgs to support new lab (note: Rapier handled automatically) *Now supports RealChutes *Speed increase by a.g. *Now should properly rescale engine heat when engine maxTemp changed (for ModuleEngineFX too) https://www.dropbox.com/s/68s8q66qay4oc3d/DeadlyReentryCont_v4.2.zip
  3. Woohoo! With IR's turntable we can even spin-stabilize it.
  4. Only the ones that don't have max Q settings (i.e. that don't break at >= that dynamic pressure) will survive, plus the heat of reentry has to be blocked by some other part(s).
  5. Scripto: IspV and SL work like this: first, you look up engnie type and tech level in the list of atmosphereCurves. Then you multiply the sea level Isp found there by IspSL, and the vacuum one by IspV. You can find the techlevels stats in RealSettings.cfg or on the Isps sheet of my Calcs spreadsheet (link in second post of this thread). Regarding mass: your problem is having an origMass in the ModuleEngineConfigs entry. If you speciy origMass, then part mass will be always set to origMass * techLevelMult (which is complex, but is roughly equivalent to original_vacuum_isp / current_vacuum_isp). Take origMass out and leave basemass = -1 and then neither ModularTanks nor ModularEngines will mess with mass. AbeS: add :Final to each of those @PART[]s. Also, heatProduction is a ModuleEngines value. Put it inside the @MODULE[ModuleEngines] block, say right next to maxThrust. Eadrom: nifty!
  6. Do you mean dry mass (not including resources) or gross mass (including resources)? Dry mass is easy: foreach part, part.mass = 0.01 * part.mass Note that that won't persist, you'll have to do it after each load or vessel switch. Gross is harder: resource mass per unit is defined in the resource definition. I guess you *could* maybe change them on the fly...But they'd take effect globally...
  7. The way mirroring works, wings would have to have omnidirectional heatshields IIRC, as otherwise they'd point up on one side of the fuselage and down on the other. Assuming you go for a high-alpha reentry.
  8. Wow, loving the IVA! And the LM exterior too of course.
  9. Fuel tanks by ~4.2x, engines by ~3.2x. Maybe more, maybe less on the engines--TWR varies.
  10. Scripto, sure! Can you post the block that includes where you're setting basemass = -1? It works every time I do it.... EDIT: AbeS: that's weird. It *is* what controls heat production for engines. Which engine, what flight regime?
  11. cbjamo: at least three quarters of the code is still AncientGammoner's, and some of it is now swamp_ig's so congratulate them! And you're very welcome to add stuff--please! A new collaborator has added some neat new features: everyone give a hearty thankyou to swamp_ig! Changelog v8.1 =\/= *Fixed fuels being re-added at launch for non-MFT/RF users. *Fixed BlueSides repeating *Fixed sea level SRB nozzle giving blackscreens (thanks to DYJ and swamp_ig) *swamp_ig: support tweakables, add structural tanks, refactor code *updated tank descriptions https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyqs13yltsy02nj/StretchySRB_v8_1.zip
  12. Alas not yet. Both obviously are planned though. Also, changing body names can break other mods, so I've been putting it off a bit...
  13. Why would frizzank need permission to make a model, and/or an experiment? Regarding fuel cells: all it takes is adding/editing the ModuleGenerator in the part.cfg. You add your input resources (LiquidOxygen and LiquidH2, say) and their rates; you add your output resources (Water and ElectricCharge, say) and their rates. Presto, done. (Although ModuleGenerator is kinda broken, and Squad still hasn't fixed it...)
  14. Also, J_Davis, my apologies. :] And good work!
  15. Re: 3, Well, according to the CFG the Dragon pod does have a modular tank in it. So you can put up to 1000L of whatever you want in. Also you can add either a ModuleFuelTanks of appropriate size, or two RESOURCE nodes, to the SuperDraco nacelles. Also, a note: rather than basemass = part's_mass, when you want to have MFS *not* change the basemass of the part, use basemass = -1 (that's what it's there for ). Regarding SuperDraco, what I could find after quick googling is "~300s": http://www.murc.ws/showthread.php?72548-SpaceX-SuperDraco-abort-landing-thrusters Now, it doesn't say whether that's SL or Vac; my gut says 270SL, 310 vac would be about right. However, in the cfg it's listed as type O, which is right for the fact that it's pressure-fed, but it assumes a vac nozzle. Try this (also fixes the fact that it's listed as TL0 when it should be TL7--it's certainly not using 1940s technology! ) MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs origMass = 0.25 techLevel = 7 origTechLevel = 7 engineType = O configuration = MMH+N2O4 modded = false CONFIG { name = MMH+N2O4 maxThrust = 134 PROPELLANT { name = MMH ratio = 0.345 DrawGauge = true } PROPELLANT { name = N2O4 ratio = 0.655 } IspSL = 2.15 IspV = 0.85 throttle = 0.0 } }
  16. Ferram: yeah, I just worried since it's evidently not in a try/catch that it might stop the module. But since it obviously doesn't....yeah, no matter.
  17. Open BoulderCo/common.cfg, increase the distances inside CAMERA_SWAP_DISTANCES by a factor of ten (like Kerbin = 2000) Also, just as a general note, demanding things is not usually a good policy with mods.
  18. Ferram, I'm running into an issue with NREs when I add your control surface module to the FASA Redstone fins. Appears on load craft in VAB, but seems to work fine thereafter (in VAB and in flight; error doesn't recur either). NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetTransform () at UnityEngine.Component.get_transform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ferram4.FARControllableSurface.CalculateSurfaceFunctions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ferram4.FARControllableSurface.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  19. Congratulations! You've just discovered the well-known fact that toroids are bad for fuel storage. Consider this example. First, consider a perfect sphere of volume 1m^3. It has a radius of about 0.5m. Now imagine pressurizing it with fuel. Now, consider a small cuboid, 10m x 10m x 0.1m. Same external volume. Fill it with fuel to the same pressure. Do you *really* think they'll both have the same structural mass? Heck, do you even think, given how thick the sides must be on the cuboid, they'll have the same internal volume?
  20. No, this is _obsolete_. It's been obsolete since _May_. Do _not_ put mods in those folders like Plugins or Parts in the root KSP folder. _All_ modern mods go in GameData. Exactly according to their install instructions! In particular you should only have _one_ ModuleManager dll and it should be in the root of GameData.
  21. Oops, yeah, totally forgot about that. You're absolutely right, there's no support for persistent doubles. Or rather, there is, you just have to deal with them manually (override OnSave to spit it out, and OnLoad to parse it).
  22. The issue with using an interstage adapter for that (or in any case where radius far from adapter > radius at adapter) is that when topradius (farthest from adapter) > bottomradius, the radius of the fairing does most of its expansion near the adapter. Gives you a "U"-shaped fairing, if you will, rather than a streamlined "V"-shaped fairing.
  23. It already *is* configurable. in config.xml, the sonic and incompressible drag lines, IIRC. Correct values for RSS/RF: <string name="incompressibleRearAttachDrag">0.01</string> <string name="sonicRearAdditionalAttachDrag">0.2</string> And, if using RO, <string name="attachNodeDiameterFactor">1.0</string>
  24. @PART[foo] { %breakingForcce = 200 // will set breakingForce = 200, whether or not it exists. } just using breakingForce = 200 will add a duplicate if a breakingForce line already exists; @breakingForce = 200 will fail if no breakingForce line exists.
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