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Everything posted by Ival70

  1. The Sun sounds great with the percussion added!
  2. Banned for playing KSP inside a dimensionally transcendental spaceship.
  3. Well this is rather interesting. I expected a decent percentage of players to have joined from youtubers, but not nearly half! Youtubers have had an even bigger impact than I thought.
  4. Ival70


    Welcome to the forums!
  5. This just about sums my feelings on the matter. Also, regardless of what happens to the nerva, I would like to see a radiator part added to the game.
  6. Probably because nuclear engines aren't the only things currently in the game that spew radiation, and nobody wants Kerbals to worry about long drawn out painful deaths from radiation sickness.. or Kerbals are immune to the effects. Also, in a vacuum, the engine would only require a shield to prevent back-scattered radiation through the ships structure (as well as line of sight). Atmospheres add another layer of complexity because the radiation can scatter off of it and back into the ship, potentially bypassing the shield. But this is getting rather off topic.. I agree that the nerva's generate too much heat, and for both realism and game-play reasons, I would like to see it fixed.
  7. When the Apollo Lunar Lander was being designed, several iterations were considered with 3, 4 and 5 legs. The 4 legged design was chosen as a compromise between stability, redundancy and weight. I believe essentially, a lander with more legs has more angles of rotation which they are optimally stable. For example, imagine a weight with a triangle base, and try to push it over such that one of the corners is directly opposes your push. Visualize how far you have to push it before it tips over. Now do that same except with a side of the triangle on the opposite side of your push. You will notice that you don't have to tip it as far before it tumbles over. This is because the side of the triangle is much closer to the center. Now do the same thing with a square base, then a pentagon, hexagon, and so on. You will notice that the stability when a corner of the polygon opposes your push is the same for all. The extra stability for polygon bases with more corners comes from in-optimal positions, in which a side is opposing your push, not a corner. To put it into other terms: the more sides a regular polygon has, the greater its apothem (the distance from the center to the middle of an edge). That greater distance means that the center of mass can lean farther out in any direction without tipping over. Of course theory is quite a different subject than practice. One that note, I would like to ask if you tried landing the 4 legged lander on the hill, in which 1 leg is facing downhill, 1 is uphill, and the other two are sideways. I believe the result should replicate what you saw with your three legged design. Also try it with a lander with many many legs, 8+ and see if it will stay upright on the hill regardless of whether a leg is facing directly downhill. I am curious what the results will be, so please let us know.
  8. Doh! How'd I miss this thread. Welcome to the forums!
  9. I was under the impression that the basic jet engine, now called the "Wheesley" was a reference to "Wheatley" from the Portal series. You have to admit, it does have a slight resemblance..
  10. Bamboo staging is a type of staging in which the engines are attached radially, and tanks are dropped off from a central stack as their fuel is drained. Most commonly, there are only engines on the top stage, though they can be added to other stages as well. For example: https://imgflip.com/gif/lir3z The gif didn't turn out so well.. here is the video if you don't feel like squinting: (Can't figure out how to have it start at the right place, so skip to 22 seconds) There was a great Imgur album that showed bamboo staging, but I can't find it.
  11. That is probably true. Also, I was slightly disappointed he only put a link to the steam page and not the website. Poor Kerbalizer..
  12. I remember a while back, there was a thread discussing how the KSP community would change if it was showcased on PewDiePie's (and other similar) channels. Well, it's been two weeks since this: So far I haven't noticed much of any change, which led me to another question. Who here on the forums joined due to seeing KSP on a popular Youtube channel, and which channel? I didn't, though probably would have if I had discovered KSP that way. I think it's really been a blessing for squad, I'd like to think they have a big impact and spread the word quite a lot.I would think the channels with the biggest impact would be ones that already have a good fan base from playing other-games, as they introduce a lot of people to it. Compared to channels that are more KSP exclusive, and as a result likely have a fan base that is mostly already comprised of KSP players. Though likely have a big impact in keeping those viewers active in playing the game/contributing to the community.
  13. Just to make things complicated, I use asparagus x3 staging. (great for when you want the efficiency of asparagus, combined with the higher TWR of onion staging). So instead of: S4>>S3>>S2>MAIN S4>>S3>>S2>MAIN You have: S3>>S2>>MAIN S3>>S2>>MAIN S3>>S2>>MAIN You can also do any other level of symmetry with asparagus. x4, x5, x42, even x1. But let's not get started on bamboo staging.. (also Stages 1/2).
  14. It works in 1.0.2? Great! I had just assumed it didn't work anymore since the last activity in the thread was nearly a year ago.
  15. I tested it with different wings. Canards and other control surfaces did not cause tilt. But if control on all three axis was disabled for the control surfaces, then the rocket did tilt towards the 270. Furthermore, the bigger the wings and/or the further back they were, the quicker it tilted. By using a launch clamp to start the rocket slightly tilted off to the 90, it exhibited the same behavior, but in the opposite direction. This has led me to conclude that the issue is simply that the center of lift is too far below the center of mass (too stable) for the available control forces to correct. Now, you may be asking why does it seem to have a tendency to tilt towards the 270 much of the time? I believe it is caused by the fact that if you point a ship straight upwards and try to fly with no input, the ship will appear to be rotating westward ever so slightly, when actually the planet is rotating eastward, and the ship is maintaining an absolute heading. (This effect is much more pronounced in low orbit). And as the ship tilts slightly westward (relative to Kerbin), its engine will start giving the ship a tiny westward velocity, which the extremely low center of lift will only exacerbate. On top of this, the launchpad is slightly tilted towards the 270. There are probably other factors at play though, as this does not happen 100% of the time...
  16. Glad the rewrite is nearly done! Also, Matrixmage, have you seen this plugin? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109952-0-90-Destruction-Effects-%28flames-and-smoke-on-joint-breaks%29 The owner is no longer working on it and said someone can take it over. You should consider combining it with yours
  17. One of my favorite mods! Saves a lot of time calculating aerobraking maneuvers, I hope you can work out the kinks for 1.0.2! I could help test too if you need it.
  18. Thank you for updating for 1.0! For some reason McAfee Web Adviser says that the latest download file is malicious. Further scanning showed it was fine though.
  19. I've enjoyed Mechjeb for 3 years.. and I just realized people like me were the reason you only have 3 bars of rep :/. Seriously, you have one of the largest threads, and one of the most popular plugins in the KSP community, let alone the forums. The least I can do is rep.
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