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Everything posted by Bilfr3d

  1. Could people please keep this thread on topic to the original OP, and not deviate away from it - particularly regarding discussions about KSP and the future updates. This place is for support on the current game - not support for the future game. And, as many people on this thread have already figured out, KSP does seem to have a memory leak. Although it isn't quite distinctive for myself (I assume that's because I run fully stock most of the time), I do see fluctuations and occasionally get crashes from said "memory leak". Cheers,
  2. Reinstall base KSP. Looks like some behavioural scripts for the assemblies are missing or invalid. After that, reinstall your mods. Also, be sure to run KSP 32-bit version, as the KSP 64-bit is extremely unstable. If you do manage to get the KSP 64-bit running, and this issue occurs with the 64-bit, than do not fear, this is a known bug with the 64-bit version. Well, that depends what you mean by "Can't right click after adding mods". Does this happen after you close KSP? Is it during KSP? Perhaps both? We're going to need a little bit more information to diagnose this. Also, remove all mods that are not up to date with the current version of KSP. I see a lot of "file missing" and "filename not valid" and other things like that in the log, which means that one of your mods is not up to date with the current version of KSP, is not installed correctly or is corrupt. The first mod I would uninstall would be city lights, as there are a lot of "filenotfound" errors relating to CITUtil. Cheers,
  3. Let me first just say you are not running out of memory. This crash is completely unrelated to KSP running out of memory... a 1.92GB game data folder is impressive, but depending on what you have installed it can still run fine. The issue here is that one of your mods is referencing either something in unity that no longer exists or is referencing something in KSP that no longer exists. First thing I would do is make sure all your mods are up to date. Out-dated mods = remove them. After you've done that, give it another try. If that does not fix it, try removing some of the more inactive or older mods even though they claim to be up to date. After you've done that, try it again. If all else fails, try running KSP with only your most essential mods that you need to play with. If THAT still doesn't fix it... well... I'll think about that one later. But for now, just follow those steps above. Also note that when I am talking about "up to date", I do not mean the latest version of said mod, I mean the mod is built upon the current version of KSP. Cheers,
  4. Please read this thread which states the steps you should take to resolve the issue, which includes submitting information necessary for others to help you. In this case, a mod list... that's about it. Cheers,
  5. You have only one post, yet you have a rep bubble.... Senpai teach me your ways!! Seriously though, welcome to the forums? Also nice work not losing yourself in the great forum plague... we will remember.
  6. Just a little update; I am beginning to use the mobile uploads email address to upload videos to my youtube channel. This means that videos that I upload via the mobile uploads email will be shown as private videos. But have no fear!! Once I get to a computer to access the youtube editor, I can then make the video public for all to see. Using the mobile uploads is just a lot easier for me, which means more videos uploaded, which means more awesomeness for you to behold* Cheers *No guarantees that all videos will have awesomeness
  7. Huehuehue Yup you need to be careful about that. As a rule of thumb, try not to plug any display components into the motherboard if you have a graphics card installed, otherwise you'll run into trouble (as you found out the hard way). Usually, you can purchase adapters to convert DVI to VGA, so then you could use both monitors on your graphics card. Glad to hear you got it working though! I couldn't say I'd know what to do because... well, I've never had that happen to me before :3
  8. Thats a very good tips, probably could not have said it better myself. Although i do have one tip for you: create refuelling stations for seperate stages along the way so you can refuel your refuelling station to get it where it needs to be.
  9. That sneak peek looks to me as though you are somewhere on the mun...
  10. Hello There!! Seems you have stumbled upon my humble forum thread... What is this thread about you ask? Oh... you didn't ask? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. This forum thread is for my youtube channel: Bilfred Kerman. My channel will (eventually) encompass more games and other areas as you can see if you waddle over to the "about" tab on my channel. Anyways, the channel is mainly about gaming. And here I will release updates for new KSP videos I release. Well, without further delay, here are the videos! Channel Link Episode 5: Big Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjPw7ctm-FQ If you like this video, or any of my videos that I will release in the future, it would be great if you could subscribe to the channel. It really helps out a lot. Also, feel free to like the video if you liked it and post a comment, perhaps about some ideas of what I could do in future videos. Well, that's all from me for now!! See you on the other side!!
  11. This has not been created as a challenge, it is more of a craft request. If this IS a craft request, this should have been created in the rocket builders sub forum. If it is in fact a challenge, the OP should be reworded. Take a look at the challenge submission guide to see how to properly submit a challenge (if it is a challenge). Welcome to the forums!
  12. If you don't have a mission report... don't post a thread. It clutters the forums and takes up space. If you forget about the report, then this thread just stays here (until of course a mod or admin locks or deletes it). I also see this is your first post here on the forums. Welcome!! May I direct you towards the forum rules and also the good conduct guide.
  13. BTW its "repairing" not "reparing" on the OP XD I would like 5 tickets for the hype train please!! One for my laptop, one for my modem, one for my desktop, one for my monitor and one for my keyboard and mouse. Oh wait I forgot me... dangit make that 6 tickets
  14. Uncap rep power. Give me rep. Recap rep power. Profit.
  15. @DartBoris im surprised its only starting to slow down at 400 parts. For OpenGL, it's usually lower than that (250-350), but the part difference isn't that much XP
  16. All the 3 above posters ^^^ combine their posts, and you basically have the answer. Unfortunately not much can be done with a craft with such a huge amount of parts
  17. Target field has not been used in any posts in the last 20 posts...?? XD
  18. You have not really made a detailed challenge. I mean, people can understand what you ROUGHLY want to happen, but where are the rules, leaderboards, scoring system, etc. I'd love to give the challenge a go, by all means. Cheers, ToTheMun
  19. Some more information is going to be needed to properly diagnose this. Specifically your KSP.log, what mods you have installed and your player.log. Details are in the thread I linked for how to find these things and get them up here. Cheers, ToTheMun
  20. In case you didn't know, Mac doesn't actually have a x64 build. Mac only has a x32 build. Just FYI. @Padishar made a good point that U5 is still in beta, so it's unlikely that Squad will even use it. And as @sarbian pointed out, even if Squad did change to U5, its likely that most of the scripting will have to be changed to accommodate the new structure of U5. And also that new wheel system. I would say that at this point in time, it is unlikely that the x64 build will be COMPLETELY stable at version 0.90, but I would think that some bugs would be fixed at least making the x64 build playable/less unstable than it currently is. Also, check out my PM - I'm not sending it now, but I will send one xD I just don't have time atm. Cheers, ToTheMun
  21. So many people use AMD xD So far it seems AMD fairs better at providing better memory savings... I can't confirm that until some Intel CPUs are tested with OpenGL though. The main effect is not the FPS though - it's the simulation speeds which get increased as more of the CPU is in use with the OpenGL rendering to compress textures further, etc, etc. Hence why the simulation speed is increased as it takes longer for KSP to do it's phys calcs as it does not have the whole single thread of the CPU to do its calcs. If that makes sense At the moment I'm thinking about making two different ships, and also a ship with some mods and upload the crafts here and get people to do some benchmarking while they are flying said crafts.
  22. Is KSP moving to U5 for 0.90 though? If they are, then it should fix most of the x64 specific bugs and make it more stable, as @Xaiier said.
  23. Hey guys, would you be able to post your system specs, mainly your CPU and RAM. I would be interested to see if different CPUs made a different effect.
  24. Try right-clicking on the SAS module before you launch and turn of the torque. Also do that with your little rover command thing (if you have one). The torque MAY be a problem, but not too sure. This will narrow it down a lil'.
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