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Everything posted by Bilfr3d

  1. For the BSODs would it be possible for you to upload the BSOD crash logs... I think they have some I havn't had a BSOD in a while XD. It is very likely you are running out of memory, or KSP is using all the memory plus some of windows' memory which windows doesn't like so it BSODs. I haven't actually read you KSP log yet tho, I will get to that later because I am on my mobile. Cheers, ToTheMun
  2. This is not an issue with KSP it is an issue with Steam. Your best bet would be to remove the local files of KSP from steam then redownload. If you need support further than that, contact Steam support or make your way to the steam support forums. These support forums are regarding support to KSP. Your issue is directly related to Steam, as KSP does not control how steam verifies and validates games and how steam download's the KSP updates and patches. Cheers, ToTheMun
  3. This should be moved to forum games XD
  4. oh no... harvestR is taking control of peoples minds.... hes making them edit their posts... what he doesn't realise is the MCB (Mind Control Barrier) has ALWAYS BEEN WORKING and we can see that he is actually ENSLAVING NO ONE AND IS INNOCENT and is making them all HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD!!!
  5. a minecraft buycraft voucher would be nice XD
  6. PM me with some details pls. I am interested in this. not for the pay just for the sweg XD. also, what file transfer is being imitated? is that in the details?
  7. he said he has already tried the patcher re-download install thingy above and it didn't work. the complete delete and re-download nearly always fixes any of these problems. Happened to me once before, and the patcher didn't fix it so I redownloaded it and it worked. just saying XD
  8. Well theres your problem! XD On a more serious note, as Padishar said, you are running out of user address space. Not only that, but you are maxing out your physical memory usage. Although t says "3585MB physical memory [890MB free]" that 890MB is reserved for Windows and cannot be used by anything else. its what 32-bit windows does. essentially turns your 4GB of RAM into 3.5GB. So you are actually running out of RAM. If you have mods, I would recommend removing them. Or you could purchase more RAM. but with more RAM in your system, you will need to install windows 64-bit, because the most RAM 32-bit can use is 4GB. which is what you currently have. Hope this helps, ToTheMun
  9. uhh... that is intended. upon the load of physics, the throttle automatically adjusts to 50% as of 0.24. I think it was 0.24. may have been 0.24.1.
  10. try reinstalling your graphics drivers. Also, if you have not yet done a clean install like tobjv has recommended, then do so. Attempt running KSP in several different modes, i.e. windowed, fullscreen, fake full screen. I'm not sure the command to run it in fake fullscreen, so maybe someone will be helpful enough to fill that gap for me Hope this helps, ToTheMun
  11. Delete the entire KSP directory. have NO KSP on said computer. Redownload from ur purchased location, i.e. KSP Store or Steam. Run KSP after downloading. If there is still a problem with the parts after you have done this, than post back here with logs and the crafts you are creating that does this. Cheers, ToTheMun
  12. whats minecraft? What is the average airspeed velocity of a sparrow? (Hint: monty python )
  13. not all mods would be able to be included for the check of the latest update. mods dealt through github would be pretty easy to check, but im not too sure if curseforge or the curseforge API has anything that allows that. worst case scenario, you yourself know its updated and just reinstall it yourself. But I like this idea. I imagine I would be pretty simple to setup for the installing. just get the links for all the mods, make a list (possibly a master list on a server that removes the need to update the program when a new mod comes out) of all the mods and when a user clicks install, the program downloads the mod to temp data, extracts the mod than installs it. The MAIN issue I see with this though is that different mods have their install structure different. some have 'gamedata' with their mod inside that, some just have the mod, some have the name of their modding 'company' than another folder in that with their mod, so that would be something that would have to be sorted out. other than that, I like the idea and would love to see it made either by SQUAD or a member(s?) of the community.
  14. DESTRUCABLE BUILDINGS!!!!!! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!! oh my gosh I cannot wait for 0.25 now
  15. does this include external command seats? becuz this would be really useful for me if it was
  16. This has been open 4 days. MODS! Lock. Now. Pls... or OP, make the description better. In other words, make it in English people can understand. K? Good.
  17. Ah, because it turns into one of the infinite scorers. I got you now.
  18. Rather than a nosecone on the ship, put one of the big flat panels with lost of struts attached to it. That'll slow you down faster. The tank wings sound like a good idea. But have the tanks FULL!! After all, you get more points by having a heavier kit.
  19. What if you a pair of 4 blades and than a set of three blades. Balance?
  20. #HYPE!!! One return ticket to Hypetown please. I believe that's only 400 funds. XP
  21. @Yakky, its a good challenge and is the first one I have properly attempted. I am going to give it another go today to try and land a real heavy ship. I re-entered so fast because I wanted to try and land above 250m/s to get the FAR speed bonus. I had an idea to chuck some panels at the back of the craft and make them angled so they could sap some speed. The only problem I think I am going to have with that is the panels ripping off, so I'll need to watch the stress on the way down. Big NASA tanks, here I come!!
  22. Newsflash - I suck at challenges. I used hyperedit to get a feel for how fast I could potentially get my ship back into kerbin... from a 12000000km Ap orbit... I reentered at 5000m/s plus. As expected, the pod - along with every single other part on the ship; including the struts - broke off and hurtled towards the ground at blistering speed. Jeb, Bill and Bob got splattered over the ground at 1000m/s plus.
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