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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I've gotten this weirdness before with Kerbalism, are you by chance currently, or were you previously running kerbalism?
  2. Okay, thanks for the heads up. I had already downloaded it and was testing myself, but sometimes even if everything looks good, surprises can still sneak up and bite you in the rear if the mod wasn't built for the older versions.
  3. I hate to be that guy, and I'm truly sorry for this, but was this designed to be backwards compatible with 1.6.1? I'm playing with the Kerbalism mod, and that PEM fuel cell would be really useful, but I've run into that part jittering tearing my ships apart issue, and I'm not ready to move up to 1.7. I can see in the bottom right corner the 1.3.0+ to 1.7.0+ Indicator, so I'm assuming it was built to be backwards compatible, but we've all heard what happens when you assume..
  4. Okay, I assumed it was a kerbalism bug due to it being the shielding which was being duplicated, I don't know how to read the output log myself, it's all gibberish to me, did you happen to notice any errors that might point me to where this is coming from?
  5. Boy did I stumble into a weird one for you guys, KSP 1.6.1, and Kerbalism 2.1.2 video and output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/efujw6xqu0fcznt/output_log Kerbalism Shielding bug.txt?dl=0
  6. I'm using kerbalism in my save game, and it's working fine. I'm not having any issues or conflicts. Missed where he said a mm cache delete fixed his problem. Only meant to say that KCT and Kerbalism, apparently, can play nice together.
  7. yeah pretty much everytime KSP undergoes a version update some mods break and it takes time to get the mods updated to work in the new version. you''ll just have to be patient and wait for the mods to update, or roll back to the previous KSP version and play that way.
  8. yeah I'm using it just fine in 1.6.1.
  9. I'm uh, using x science on my KSP install 1.6.1 no problems. there is a version updated for 1.6.1
  10. Hey I'm trying to keep any more kerbals from joining poor Ignacio Ely. Bad enough ive lost one to SRB over performance. I want my space program to be super safe.
  11. So If I have ships or bases on rails I need to remember to leave all the things running that are essential to life, or i'll have dead kerbals because it won't kick on remotely, yes? okay.
  12. THIS IS A THING!!!????? How did I not know about this!?! Why wasn't I informed!? Man just when I thought I knew everything there was to know about how to use scrapyard. {please note, overdramatic post is intended to be viewed with amusement. Does not indicate any actual rage or annoyance.} Honestly didn't know this was a thing. You've taught me something.
  13. I will admit, I had some problems with that at first. I couldn't get the fuel cell to generate EC, but I figured out the dump excess water thing, and can get the fuel cell to start manually, but this test was done after I figured out how to make the cell work.
  14. I have a question, is the auto scripting broken? I was under the impression that I could set devices, such as this fuel cell to kick on, in this example, when EC is under 20%, I got the notification of low batteries, but my fuel cell did not turn on, on it's own. Have I missed something, am I misunderstanding something, does it only work if the vessel is unloaded?
  15. Oh...okay. As someone who has zero understanding of MM configs, when the config says, :NEEDS[!BetterSRBs] its saying if better SRBs is installed the module for gimbaling WON'T be installed, not that the Gimbaling module NEEDS Better SRBs to be installed? I do not understand, but accept the explanation. Thank you for your time on this.
  16. The relevant MM config is in GameData\ReStockPlus\Patches\Engine\restock-engine-srb-gimbal.cfg I don't know if the better SRB config is somehow overwriting the restock+ config that adds gimbals, I can only say that with better SRBs there are no gimbals, but as soon as I remove the better SRB mod the gimbals return. I don't know enough about how MM works to know what's going on Config content below:
  17. okay, if you choose to do so, restock+ seems to add a total of 3 SRBs the third being the STS-1 'Anvil' Solid Rocket Booster (Nertea): 1.875m giant shuttle SRB
  18. Restock, to the best of my understanding retextures the stock parts, Restock+ adds a few new parts, including the mallet and striker SRB's and a few others to fill what is seen as a gap in the stockparts. It's no big deal. I was just reporting what I thought was an oversight in your mod configs. if the configs were donated by a third party, and you aren't motivated to figure it out, then no worries.
  19. well, I just reposted over on the restock forum, so maybe we'll know something soon~ish
  20. EDIT: This post deleted because it is no longer relevant. There was a misunderstanding of the problem between myself and the other mod's maker. Miss communication resolved, matter settled. Thank you and sorry.
  21. I've run afoul of this one before, Dstaal explained to me how to fix it, but I can't remember if it will fix a save in progress or if you have to completely remove the scansat mod and stick a clean version in. {which would reset any scansat progress you've already gotten} Either which way, I give now to you: The 'Classic Stock Resources' configs from Angel-125 override the 'Community Resource Pack' configs for ScanSat. What you need to do is remove this file: GameData/WildBlueIndustries/ClassicStockResources/Templates/Utility/Scanners_SCANsat.txt Then you'll be able to use CRP resources again.
  22. yeah it's not that big of a deal, I generally make edits to part placement for my own personal play through anyway, but I thought maybe you'd want to know.
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