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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I'm not sure what's causing it, but the "problem" only seems to have affected cockpits from this mod. I haven't noticed it on any other part. What's really interesting is, in my image above, I have a external command seat on the plane, and I'm using the mod, Take Command, which allows you to assign kerbals to the external command seats before launch, and then they 'magically' spawn once the vessel loads. It doesn't show up in the list as assignable either, yet it does for any other craft I try and launch, so long as it does not have a cockpit from this mod, So I'm wondering if perhaps Take command, and your mod aren't playing nice together? I'll try removing that mod later and see if that's causing it.
  2. Has anyone else seen where you can't assign a kerbal to the cockpits in the SPH, or the VAB?
  3. @Nazari1382 Have you seen: I remember you, or @Avalon304 someone commenting on how bad the stock engine module was at keeping the KSO stable, Could this help^ ? Just trying to be helpful. Figure it can't hurt to ask.
  4. Loving this part. having a blast playing around with it Made a quick video of me playing around and testing the regular sized part. I'm keeping this mod. :
  5. I would love to use a mod like this to help me build better planes and such, but... I'm an idiot, and have no idea how to read a graph like this. it's all meaningless gibberish to me.
  6. Strange thought I had.... will double check. maybe I downloaded it and forgot to actually do the upgrade.
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k931waiflw3vxwu/AABvBSogZYYrAA9VmNLGFwJUa?dl=0 link to new output log.
  8. UPDATE: For some random reason, after a period of approximately 30 kerbin days, {was waiting for kerbal construction time to finish building a rocket} the minmus probes strategy deactivated itself. Not sure why there was such a large time delay in there, but it is no longer repeatable for me.
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/62gfzui2ka54o25/AADT9oLU03jr21hqK9-iaPZLa?dl=0 Save file and outputlog
  10. Question, are the probe strategies meant to be repeatable? I just did the minmus probe program and completed it, now I can take it again... doesn't seem right that you could just do this over and make the money for it again.
  11. If I only wanted the landing legs from the falcon 9 pack, does anyone know what files I need to copy to just get those parts? I can't seem to figure it out on my own.
  12. These mod authors have to deal with a lot of crap from a lot of different people, and there is a fine line between humor and sounding like an ass, and in typed letters on a forum, it's massively difficult to tell if you're being funny, an ass, or some in between level of sarcastic. Experience has taught them to expect it to be of ill intent. It's always a good thing to keep that in mind. It might be humor to you, but to them its pointless chaff they have to read through to decide if you have a legit bug, or just sour grapes griping.
  13. On my install, for some reason, I have a mod, and I don't know which one, that's applying shadow forces to the launch clamps and large vessels when they release. for the KSO, this causes it to yaw hard to one side. it is not a mechjeb issue. I was just commenting that I had found a way to use mechjeb to compensate.
  14. That's good to know, unfortunately Kerbal Construction Time did break and Magico's on honeymoon till Friday, so no hope of upgrade till then at least. my save game SHALL NOT MIGRATE> until that time. playing without KCT is simply illogical. ;P
  15. Most major mods will be updated in just a few days, a week tops. It really depends on the mod makers and how much time they have to adjust the broken mods. Some mod makers don't have a lot of time anymore, Like trigger AU, he only just got the alternate resource panel mod fixed to work on 1.1.2 a few days ago, and now 1.1.3 dropped. not sure if that will break again
  16. I've done it both ways. with and without mechjeb the craft kicks into a hard yaw.
  17. It's the launch clamps I'm sure of it, but I have no idea why. I only have one mod that changes the launch clamps, and that's to add a fuel pump to the clamps so there's no loss of fuel in the first few seconds of engine ignition. I've tested with that out but it still happens. something else is having a shadow effect on the clamps but I have no idea which. It can't be a problem with the craft itself, as it happens with the stock KSO craft file that comes with the mod. It's a mod on my end changing the ship or clamps sharing the craft file probably won't do any good unless I can give you the mod that's causing the problem.
  18. I had to start a new save game and updated GAP at that time. I had to update another of my mods that killed my save game because of part changes, so there was no GAP update mid-save.
  19. No matter what I've tried, I cannot get rid of the yaw kick when launching the KSO, but I have figured out how to use mech jeb to stabilize the ascent and make it more controllable for me, by mounting multiple SAS units inside the shuttle, recessed into the hull and hidden, and a properly oriented probe core in the nose as a control point, Mech jeb can control it and eventually damp the wiggle. Still have to work on my orbits though. but that's just a more practice issue.
  20. Well, I do have a mod that adds fuel pumps to the clamps. maybe that's doing something. will remove and check again. I agree its coming from the clamps just not sure why.
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