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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I almost missed it. I literally didn't catch it the first time I ran the experiment. I was looking over my science archive in the research screen for something else entirely, and noticed a partially completed surface sample. took me a few hours of playing around to figure out what had happened. Couldn't understand how I'd gotten a surface sample when I shouldn't have been able too.
  2. Downloaded it here, and still working in 1.1.2, thought I have discovered it allows you to do science you don't actually have access too. if you have a kerbal in an exterior command seat, you can collect surface samples, even if you haven't upgraded the astronaut complex to allow surface samples.
  3. You might need to re-download the mod, I don't get this warning, and you may have gotten an out of date version by mistake.
  4. There used to be a mod, that would create a temp save of your game, in these situations, so you could fly a plane up to altitude, and drop a small rocket, and boost it into orbit, then once you were in orbit, it would jump you back to the plane, at the moment of separation, and you could fly the plane back to KSC and recover, and it would then merge that 'save' into the save with your rocket in orbit, so the plane was recovered, and your rocket was still in orbit. Can't remember the name. Flight Mangaer for reusable Stages or some such, maybe? no idea if its been maintained. i used to use it for side booster recovery, until this mod came along.
  5. Okay. I thought the craft had to land intact, and wanted to let you know the mission may not be working as intended, but if there's nothing wrong, per se, then never mind.
  6. Seems to me, that glider exploding on impact and ejecting Val from pilots chair hardly qualifies as "safe" landing?
  7. it does, there's just a small issue with the airbreathing solid rocket boosters unlocking the build an airplane contracts before you actually have air breathing engines unlocked.
  8. Yeah, no worry, I'll play around with it over the next couple of days and see if I can narrow it down. {I have a lot of mods to move out and test around} I'll also need to redownload and install the files for those gear, as I removed them because they overstress and explode at insanely low speeds.
  9. Hmm. well that's embarrassing. It was a new craft made in 1.1, and I am using many mods, but I didn't think there were any mods that would have affected the landing gear. will have to experiment and see what I can discover. The issue did persist when I pulled them off, and re-attached, and after a game restart.
  10. I said screw it, removed the fixed gear from my install completely, and moved the small gear to aviation tech. not messing around with all that nonsense.
  11. Hopefully the last thing i'll be posting here for a while, is anyone else noticing issues with the new stock wheels just exploding for no real reason? This is what I'm dealing with, can anyone explain why this is happening? Sorry about the Eve Online chatting going on in the background.
  12. Don't know if this is really your cup of tea, but I feel the sound staging and decouplers seems to be significantly louder than the other sounds in the game, and turning down the sounds that control the staging/decoupler sounds makes other sounds unhearable. would love if someone found a way to fix this. if anyone knows a mod, or way to adjust this, please let me know
  13. @inigma I noticed something that you might want to address, the Mk 2 Expansion mod now has a couple of parts that are air breathing solid rocket boosters: "title = SP-R1 "Boost-O-Tron" Air-Augmented Solid Booster, and title = SP-R7 "Mallet" Air-Augmented Solid Booster" These engines gets unlocked very early in the tech tree, and seems to cause G.A.P. to unlock the build a plane contracts, because of it's air breathing engine mode, yet because it's a solid rocket booster, it doesn't meet the requirements for the build a plane contract. Its a small thing, and I don't know if you want to look into it or not, but it can be confusing/annoying that the contract to make planes it being offered, before you actually have a valid air breathing engine for the contract. Link to the relevant mod, if you wish to look into it. http://imgur.com/a/tWNzw Album of screenshots showing the unlocked mission and parts in tech tree.
  14. Not really sure that's a 'bug' really, more a combination of the engines/fuel tank's mass, versus the ejection force of those smaller decouplers. In my opinion those smaller ones aren't made for kicking away things that big, under the influence of gravity, in space they'd be better. I replicated your setup, and It's fairly easy to fix, just use a few small seperatrons to kick the side tanks/engines away, or use the longer decouplers to hold the tanks and engines farther away. struts advisable. I didn't use them here, as I put it together quickly.
  15. I've also been waiting for an official update release, don't want to risk getting invested in a career game and having breaking bugs, but I've played with this mod so long, I literally can't play without it. Game just feels broken and cheaty. instant build ships? pffft what's up with that? ;P
  16. I'm using version 5.3.0. not sure what AVC is, I think its the bits in the beginning that pop up and say hey this mods got an update. If that's what it is then yes I am using those for mods that have that feature.
  17. No prob, wasn't trying to rush you or anything, I just can't play without community tech tree, and I can't use it with all those empty nodes on it. It angers me.
  18. When I add the new version of this mod into KSP 1.1 it says incompatible mod detected, but I see the newest version says it's been updated for 1.1, should I just ignore that warning.
  19. I was talking about: Not familiar with the one you're talking about.
  20. So glad this is updated, now if only that mod that hides empty tech nodes updates soon, I'll be good to go.
  21. Are there plans to update this mod, I only ask as I see there's not been a lot of activity here lately.
  22. Yeah I just edited my post above, I somehow made a mistake, thought I was in the clear on personal error, and I wasn't. My bad.
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