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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. xEvilreeperx made a mode to change the confetti to a clam shell : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124031-1-0-2-Stock-Clamshell-Fairings-%28June-1%29
  2. I would love to see these texture applied to the stock fairings.
  3. Don't know if its ever been suggested before, or even if its possible, but here's a suggestion I'd like to have for MJ. :
  4. Mk2 docking ports. hells yeah. One question, is the texture/color for the new cockpit final? the texture doesn't quite mess with the stock Mk2 parts, and my OCD makes it hard for me to actually use it. Just curious, if it is final I'll learn to live with it. Over all this mod is awesome.
  5. Why do you have to keep making contract packs that I just have to have? Downloaded. Edit: and found an issue, Contract pack is providing science contracts for parts that I haven't unlocked yet. Minor-ly frustrating, as you can grab a contract you can't complete without realizing it, then either have to have it taking up space in your contract allowance, or pay the fine for cancelling it.: Contract for Hydrogen scan. Also, the new contracts don't seem to work with the admin building contract modifiers. I have the funds for rep plan enabled, and it takes away funds from the contracts, but returns no rep? Maybe small bug there? Hydrogen scanner, 2 tech nodes away. :( For the time being I'm going to have to hold off on using this one. Its a great mod, just seems to have a few small issues that need addressing. Sorry. Also possibility I'm not understanding something in here, so If I'm in the wrong, I'd appreciate an explanation of what I've misunderstood. Thanks.
  6. So just ran into an interesting situation, had an orbital rescue, and I can't rescue the poor kerbal in orbit, because she's been without food for too long, and I don't have any of the claw, since the to be rescued kerbal doesn't have a docking port, can't use them, and I have KIS, but no parts yet that can be moved and attached to the part to feed the stranded kerbal, and no winches or attach parts for KIS, KAS. Had to edit the persistence file to move one NOMS unit from the rescue craft to the rescuer so they'd leave the pod. 'Jeb did a space walk and brought her food.' Edit: and apparently that's not going to work, everytime I edit supplies into the craft, and even try to set her status as grouchy false, the game resets it back, as soon as I restart. Got to figure something else out. Edit again: even removing the Lifesupport mod hasn't helped, even without the food resource she's locked in, says she's a tourist.
  7. While we are requesting parts, I just found the Mk2 station shaped parts. no we need an inline Mk2 shaped docking port, so we can assemble Mk2 shaped stations in orbit. Just saying, that would be grand.
  8. I believe you're thinking of the MK IV expansion mod, not this one. And good lord the new stuff in this expansion is amazing. one little quibble... typo.
  9. I only understand about 1/3 of all that, but what I do understand, I like.
  10. As to the Antenna issue people are discussing, I found that by just moving the large dish up the tech tree, I haven't had any real issues. I've got it so once I get the small antenna, the next tech gives the medium, and the next tech gives the largest. You get them all relatively quick.
  11. Your new formula works like a charm. Thanks ever so much. Have some rep.
  12. Awesome, Thanks!! Edit: Doesn't seem to work. game crashes instantly when I try to load or start a new game. Thanks for the effort though.
  13. Yeah read that, understood (.)<-- that much of it Sadly I'd need step by step instructions. change line a to .... add x to line b... and so on. exactly. More play styles for the win As long as its not too much trouble. Magico's given us a great mod, and I love it, I don't want him to put major effort into a feature few would use.
  14. Magico13, A question, KCT's build lines for the VAB and SPH seem to be linked to the line in front of it, what I mean is you can spend an upgrade point right away to open a second build line in KCT, but you can't upgrade that line, until you've upgraded line 1, you can't open build line 3, until line 2 has been upgraded. Is there a way to disable this function? I just had to start a new game, and I was hoping to start a game with extremely long build times, with no build line over .15 BP/s but I want to run a lot of them to really make me think ahead and plan stuff out, I've found that with the default method it really becomes too easy to rapidly turn stuff out if I get into trouble. Here's a picture showing what I mean a little better.
  15. I was returning from Minmus. Had I think 16 days on the mission counter, got interrupted by RL on reentry, and blew up, tried reloading a quicksave of my ship as I was approaching Kerbin, about 3K out, error hit.
  16. I tend to launch smaller rockets out of the Space Plane Hangar. Seems to help cut back on that back log.
  17. The new version seems to be working for me, although in a whole-y unrelated note, I've just managed to lose my entire save. {Thou shalt never attempt to edit thy persistence file whilst game is running, under pain of Kraken-ing.} :( :(
  18. ah that's good, I really liked the lines, it really helps me visualize my network and see where the breakdowns are.
  19. erm... I had just muted chatter for a video I recorded and forgot to unmute. wasn't going to say anything....
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