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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. On the loading screen above the progress bar, does it say there are any ModuleManager warnings, or especially ERRORS? If any ERRORS are there, then you have a mod that has a bad patch which MM cannot process. You definately have to read the link posted above, and post your logs.
  2. ***POST RESERVED *** So I usually dont post a new thread till i am already finished with authoring & formatting it, but bear with me as I convert the OP to forum formatting & finish writing it. It was killing me, not being able to preview how it would actually look. (which I see is... *horrible* rn)
  3. Welcome to ASET Consolidated Your one-stop shop, where we have dusted off, rebranded and provided a comprehensive collection of ASET mods created by @alexustas. Our Products: Part Packs: ASET Consolidated ALCOR ASET Consolidated Landing Leg ASET Consolidated Dock-o-Matic Ports Prop Packs: (seperate thread) ASET Consolidated Avionics Pack ASET Consolidated Props Pack IVA Packs: (separate thread) ASET Consolidated Stock Replacement IVAs Includes IVAs for these stock parts: Mk1 Cockpit Mk1 Lander Can Mk1-2 Pod ============================================================================= **Shared ASET Consolidated Installation Instructions:** Installation method is the same for ALL packs in the ASET Consolidated product line: Two Methods are available: Find the packs you wish to install listed on CKAN. Manual install: Dowload the .zip file for the Pack, using the links below. Either extract the .zip to your KSP install folder, *or* open it and drag/drop the "GameData" folder to your KSP install folder. You may get a message asking if you are sure you want to merge the GameData folder with the existing one, click "Yes". All of the ASET Consolidated packs share & install to the /GameData/ASET/ subfolder, in turn creating their own sub-folders in *that* folder. ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated ALCOR ASET Consolidated presents the ALCOR capsule, "Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous". What exactly is ALCOR?: YouTube Videos: Downloads: ASET Consolidated ALCOR: [Spacedock]() [Github]() Required Dependencies: ASET Consolidated Props Pack ModuleManager *NOTE: *ONLY* support requests having this version of MM are supported. *NO SUPPORT PROVIDED* for installs having any other fork of MM installed Also *at least ONE* of these mods, depending on what each specific IVA mod you are using needs: (both may be used together) RasterPropMonitor Adopted (RPM) MOARdV's Avionics System (MAS) Supported/Recommended Mods: RevIVA - It allows for easy in-game IVA switching, for mods which support it. Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) KeepFit Refitted Connected Living Space (CLS) MechJeb (MJ) SCANsat VesselViewer Continued Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DPAI) Astrogator TAC - Life Support (TACLS) USI Life Support (USILS) Kerbalism And many others Changelog: Credits: License: "ALCOR" and "ALCOR Advanced IVA" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated Landing Leg ASET Consolidated presents our advanced What exactly is ?: Downloads: ASET Consolidated Landing Leg: [Spacedock]() [Github]() Required Dependencies: Supported/Recommended Mods: Changelog: Credits: License: "ASET Landing Legs" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated Dock-o-Matic Ports ASET Consolidated presents our advanced What exactly is ?: Downloads: ASET Consolidated Dock-o-Matic Ports: [Spacedock]() [Github]() Required Dependencies: Supported/Recommended Mods: Changelog: Credits: License: "ASET Landing Legs" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  4. Wow... so this was the hardest, messiest forum thread I have ever had to do. Sorry if it looks so bad, and my horrble formatting butchery. ANYWAY!... I'm considering these three Packs out of WIP, and now RELEASED. YES!... CKAN will be Soon... I have a small hold up on my end that needs to be resolved for NETKAN approval. CKAN availability of all three packs is now up!!
  5. Welcome to ASET Consolidated Your one-stop shop, where we have dusted off, rebranded and provided a comprehensive collection of ASET mods created by @alexustas. Our Products: Prop Packs: ASET Consolidated Avionics Pack ASET Consolidated Props Pack IVA Packs: ASET Consolidated Stock Replacement IVAs Pack - Includes IVAs for these stock parts: Mk1 Cockpit Mk1 Lander Can Mk1-2 Pod Part Packs: (separate thread) ASET Consolidated ALCOR ASET Consolidated Konquest Landing Leg ASET Consolidated Dock-o-Matic Ports ============================================================================= **Shared ASET Consolidated Installation Instructions:** Installation method is the same for ALL packs in the ASET Consolidated product line: Two Methods are available: Find the packs you wish to install listed on CKAN. *or* Manual install: Dowload the .zip file for the Pack, using the links below. DELETE the existing, corresponding /GameData/ASET/subfolder, for the Pack you are installing. Either extract the .zip to your KSP install folder, *or* open it and drag/drop the "GameData" folder to your KSP install folder. You may get a message asking if you are sure you want to merge the GameData folder with the existing one, click "Yes". All of the ASET Consolidated packs share & install to the /GameData/ASET/ subfolder, in turn creating their own sub-folders in *that* folder. ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated Avionics Pack A props pack consisting of mostly Aircraft-style controls, instruments & gauges, both "modern" & "classic" in style. Note that this pack does nothing on its own, as it is just a pack of assets, and *requires* the installation of a seperate "IVA mod" which utilizes it. Example Images List of included props: Downloads: (Avionics) Supported/Recommended Mods: For players who enjoy aircraft gameplay on Kerbin, with the introduction of our new Navigational Aids, we've also made available these "Jebbesen® Kerbin Aerocharts", kindly created by alexustas & our ASET Aviation Agency. Available as a seperate PDF file: (Click image to download) Changelog: ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated Props Pack A full-featured set of different devices & decoration elements for creation of interactive interior spaces for parts & crafts. It includes various Multi-Function Displays, buttons, controls, knobs, switches, devices and "other stuff". This pack was originally designed by alexustas for use in the ALCOR capsule, and then in his other projects, as well. Some other modders also started to use it to make their own interiors and he decided to release them as a seperate ASET Props Pack mod. Example Images Downloads: (Props) Supported/Recommended Mods: Changelog: ============================================================================= ASET Consolidated Stock Replacement IVAs A set of three advanced, functional IVAs to replace the bare-bones, function-less stock IVAs in these parts: Stock Mk1 Cockpit Stock Mk1 Lander Can Stock Mk1-2 Pod (pending update for Mk1-3 Pod) All three are conveniently, & carefully thought out designs with a realistic look. Our Mk1 Cockpit: Our Mk1 Lander Can: Our Mk1-2/3 Hybrid Pod: Moar images & details of all these IVAs: YouTube Videos: Downloads: (Stock IVA Replacements) Supported/Recommended Mods: Changelog: Credits: Many Thanks to this group of testers for their help in making this mod successful: @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special Thanks to: @JonnyOThan @MOARdV @Mihara @DennyTX @nukeboyt @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And to All of the forum users who supported & motivated alexustas to keep working on their mods. License: and (<-- READ THE DETAILS BELOW)
  6. @StormxWolf sorry if i came off strong in initial post Ok.. based on your log, it looks lie MiniAVC *is* still getting installed... Also, it *appears*, you might be installing the old, *original* verion of the mod: ver. 1.0.2... The mod was then adopted & updated (recompiled) by adsii1970, which could mae a HUGE difference since you're running 1.12.5... quite a few old plugin mods compiled for 1.3.1 still work, but thats pretty much the cut-off point... anything compiled from before 1.3.1, woudl be a rare bird, to still be working adsii's vers. should now be vers. 1.5.0 Looks like the original includes MiniAVC in the release, while adsii removed it in their release. I dont use CKAN, so idk if *only* the old original version is listed there, and adsii's is not... vOv
  7. @tg626 the problem with light "power", is thats its farrr from being a 1:1 ratio from Blender to Unity. I dont remember if I played with the alpha on it... I know I *did* spend a lot of time adjusting just about every setting I could, tho. And lie I said, I think theres no real way to *dynamically* change the brightness ingame, since its based on a "hard-coded" animation in the .mu ... Though I *did* just get an idea I think I might try soon... Also, the width & range of the light have a lot to do with it. I tested with smol, short craft, and *huge, tall* craft on the pad... with those variables, as well as distance from the pad, and scale of the tower, it was very hard to come up with a good brightness that "fits all" situations...
  8. I just posted it here: Good to see you around again, tg626! Thanx for verifying it still works IIRC, I had trouble finding a way to dynamically adjust the brightness, in-game, if its even possible. The distance you place them away from the pad, and the height/scaling you use, all affect the brightness. (well, not the "brightness", but how bright they *light-up or wash-out* your launch vehicle) I set them to about the happiest medium I could, based on a scale & distance from the pad, to generally match the stock pad, and small to medium sized launch vehicles. I'll try to revisit this real soon, and see if I can improve these moar.
  9. This version of the mod is no longer active. Forum user @tg626 has been kind enuff to adopt and add new towers to the mod. Their thread is here: KSC Floodlights Mk2 (KSCFLT02) KSC Floodlight A mod for KSP, originally created by forum user Divico. Updated for KSP v1.8.0+ by Stone Blue Download: Adds 3 Floodlight Towers to the KSC Launchpad. Click the towers to turn on the light. (The click-to-turn on/off, is a bit whacky with the automatic sunrise/sunset activated. It all still works, but you may have to click-wait a few seconds, or even try a quick dbl-click.) Features Can be manually turned on/off at ANY time, by clicking the tower. By default, it also includes automatic Sunrise (off) / Sunset (on) switching. REQUIRES the installation of Kerbal Konstructs (NOT included in Stone Blue's update , and must be downloaded/installed seperately.) Kerbal Konstructs Using the Kerbal Konstructs Base Building Editor, you can edit, move, rescale, and add this tower to ANY base, created by, or for use with, Kerbal Konstructs. Changelog (changes made by Stone Blue): Renamed all objects for consistency/clarity, standard mod prefix for ease of MM patching/targeting, as well as easy organization and naming of any additional assets anyone may want to add to the mod. Fixed concavity of tower collider, converted it to a mesh collider for now Raised the light panel/collider/spotlight source further up the tower Tweaked the light panel size a little larger Adjusted source light properties, ie adding a second spotlight/per light, and upping the brightness, as well as adjusting the cone angle and throw distance Fixed the non-working emissive animation Downscaled the model in-game to default at 70%, but can easily be adjusted to any scale using the KK Base Building UI License: CC-BY-NC-SA
  10. Also, on the flip-side... it prevents any legal stickiness, *after* KSP 2 release... ie Nertea can't raise a legal issue, becuase, say, IG didnt use the assets as intended/specified under the legal agreement... or suppose IG decides to use the assets in another game, or marketing, or to mae plushies to sell... vOv Its just best, I'm sure, if assets are *wholly* started from scratch, under an employer/employee work contract, just to avoid any possible future stickiness. Now, on the other hand, they *did* hire Nertea, probably for at least one reason *is* becuase of his NF parts. SO, I would expect similarities... I mean, if you hire an artist to do work for you, based on their past work... *of course* there will most liely be similarities/sameness in aspects... I mean, *thats why you hired them in the first place*... you liked their *style* also, regarding things that *may* be exactly the same... There are certain things/aspects... where there's only so many different ways to "skin a cat"... and an artist is gonna use those methods that are most familiar to them Just my humble take.
  11. I assume, in making such a bold statement, that such a conclusion came from you having *only* this mod, and *no others* installed, on a stock install? Just be be sure the results are *conclusive* that it is indeed this mod that breaks your saves? And for future reference, when installing "new-to-you" mods, *especially such old ones*... you should *always* install them in a seperate install of the game, with no other mods... If it seems to work, then you should try again, after copying over your currently installed mod set, to again make sure there is no conflict.. If its all good, *then* install the mod in an existing install on which you have an important save game that you dont want to lose. You should *NEVER* install new mods directly into an important save-game install that you have a lot of time invested in... Also.... you should *always*, frequently make periodic bacups of your save file. Also, I just saw that this mod packages/includes a copy of the MiniAVC mod... Since this mod was released, MiniAVC got broke, and it is no longer suggested to install it, and it should be removed/left out of any install where you a mod that contains it, is installed... Due to MiniAVC causing HUGE problems in the game.
  12. Absolutely the second... if you go to Invision's examples page... there are absolutley some *beautiful* forum themes done with the software... and comparing *this* forum to the stock Invision theme.. you can see the devs here havent put much effort into customization
  13. @JadeOfMaar heh,, i read thru the thread.. and about halfway thru, i decided I was gonna reply with just about the same answer.. but as always, someone said it probably much moar eloquently than I could
  14. I dont see any bug report/issue regarding this, listed on Github... vOv Since this seems to be a *very* old issue... I would suggest first making sure you have RPM **Adopted** installed, and NOT the original Other than that, what IVA specifically is doing it? Cuz this also sounds like it could be an issue with how a specific IVA is set-up, by whoever created it...
  15. also FYI for @WarriorSabe is it because your updated code seems to be on this branch of your repo?: https://github.com/JarredEagley/PersistentThrustNavigator/tree/PTNavigator
  16. @AuddieD2015 best bet is to post your KSP.log & Player.log files Heres how to do that, if you dont know:
  17. That is correct. IVAs & the stuff that make them work, is not quite the same stuff that makes *parts* work. B9 PS (& the stock variant system), are only designed around the *stuff* that makes parts work...not IVAs... So, yeah... even tho 610yesnolovely uses B9 PS switching as a "framework", theres extra coding needed to get it all to work. So, yes, this mod is basically the only game in town that does IVA switching. and it does it brilliantly
  18. Sounds moar like either an issue with a specific IVA that uses it, or moar likely an issue with RPM or MAS. Which IVA is the issue? Are you using RPM or MAS? (or both)
  19. you *wont* see anything this mod adds, in the VAB... you'll only see it in flight, when you launch a craft with an internal that supports this mod.
  20. I've been messing with an animated part, and have run into a similar problem (I think)... I believe it has to do with the part/animation status... it seems while a part is in the "Moving" status, my PAW button which controls the deployment/animation disappears, and there is no longer anyway to interact with the part to stop/change the deployment mode vOv
  21. At the very least, you have an old version of ModuleManager installed; you have instances of MiniAVC.dll installed (I suggest installing ZeroMiniAVC to take care of that); ...then, probably most relevant, it looks like you managed to corrupt your MAS install... I see the /MOARdV folder there, but it also looks like the MAS plugins are not found. I would delete the MOARdV folder & reinstall MAS.
  22. You need to PM Lisias, or go post on one of his mod threads. They are the dev of watchdog.
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