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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Yup.. they are gone... This is per the wishes of the mod author. Unfortunately, the mod has an All Rights Rerserved (ARR) license. Therefore, it is technically illegal for anyone else to ever distribute it, or receive it by any means other than those specifically provided by, or approved by the author. Unfortunately, its just best to consider the mod dead and gone, unless the author themself ever comes back to change the license.
  2. Wow!... nice! hopefully someone could do up B9PartSwitch patches once this is updated, as an option to use, instead of the FS/IFS switching... vOv
  3. @theflamingswords that snippet of your KSP.log doesnt help much... *other* than to possibly indicate you dont have the mod installed correctly. If you dont know how to manually install mods, may I suggest trying CKAN?
  4. @Psykikk Did you install manually or with CKAN? Try starting a sandbox game (with a different name), and see if the parts then show up. In a sandbox game, *all* parts *should* be present right from the beginning. Also make sure you have only *one* copy of the current ModuleManager.dll file in your GameData folder If that doesnt work, then read this topic and post your KSP.log:
  5. Does this require Contract Configurator, or is it stand-alone in a stoc game?
  6. Asimpler way, might be to just delete those instructions, and paste this link directly to the releases page... Its future-proof too... you never have to edit the link, if you ever release updates https://github.com/FFX1234/Kazal/releases
  7. Sounds like For extending contracts, you'ld want: There are a TON of contract packs for it out there... Unfortunately, no real way to find them but searching... I dont kknow of anyplace they are indexed or listed...
  8. 1st, chec to make sure you have this file present: /GameData/NearFutureSolar/Plugins/NearFutureSolar.dll And fyi, yeah.. many peeps use GoogleDrive to host their logs
  9. I have no idea if the color coding is the same, but there are better biome maps than those in the wiki, located here: Kerbal Maps
  10. Yes, thats Alternate Resource Panel Yes, you can change the navball textures with Texture Replacer. If you dont want to install TR *only* for changing the navball textures, theres this mod that will do it. Also, the textures in that thread/mod, can also be used with Texture replacer.
  11. i have a court appearance in a few mins... I'll come back in about an hour to post again
  12. @Xtra looking at your log, the first thing I see is this: [WRN 17:53:29.371] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'RATPack' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.0.0 [WRN 17:53:29.371] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'RATPack' is missing 1 dependencies I would get the latest version of ClickkThroughBlocker installed.... not only does RAT Pack seem to depend on it, but just about *all* of the several hundred of LinuxGuruGamer's mods depend on it, as well as MANY others. Also, you have at least one copy of MiniAVC.dll... i would search your whole GameData folder, and delete any found copies of it. You also seem to have a lot of errors related to drag cube creation, on many parts. i would also try deleteing the PartDatabase.cfg & the Physics.cfg in your main install folder. (dont worry, they will be freshly re-generated the next game start)
  13. Yeah.. there again... KSP itself doesnt allow animating of attachment points. i mean, the nodes probably *are* animating like you want... just any *other* parts attached to them *wont* move with them. Again, if you *do* need that functionality, mebbe tae a loo at that modlink i potsed. It *would* require that mod, to be a hard dependency for *your* stuff, tho As to your part cfg, you dont need this line: module = Part Also, the model definition key has been deprecated. (ie the `mesh = Actuator.mu`) Look at a recent part mod cfg, and you'll see a node, that replaces that deprecated key. Looks like: MODEL { model = <URL path to model filename> } You also dont need the `scaleFactor = 1' line... *unless*, you want to rescale the part by a factor *other* than 1... 1 is already default
  14. Its totally possible from a modelling standpoint. However, I am pretty sure animating attachment nodes (with stuff attached to them), is either not possible, or pretty tricky IIRC, from the way KSP itself is coded. There is a mod, that did some stuff with animated attachment nodes. Not sure if it works in 1.12.+ or not, or if it would suit your needs: *THIS*, you can absolutely do... as long as you're talking about gameobjects *within the same model/part*... MANY mods do this. And yes, you can also have them *translate* as well... again, as long as they are in the same model/part.
  15. Yes... I guess you can "fix" this, if you've set your keyframes using Euler... but its quite a pain in the butt. So, yes, before inserting your keyframes, make SURE your rotations are set to Quarts first.
  16. Your issue would be starting with this mod: Have tons of fun
  17. Correct... I ass-u-me you are developing a *plugin*? IIRC, TextMeshPro is mostly only needed for KSP modding, generlly to make in-game UI's for plugin mods... Otherwise, you should be able to pretty much do without TMP.... Just adding this as an FYI for others who also may come across this, and not know you generally dont need TMP for developing/modding *parts, or IVAs* for KSP
  18. Would be kewl if you could have, like bonus *stuff*, that relied on having this installed/setup
  19. Hopefully it might be added to MAS soon... if it does, I might make a tablet-looking prop that does similar... mebbe with emissive display On topic: Soo.. how do you have the story setup, as far as "finding" locations & stuff? ie, any riddles/puzzles you have to solve, to get you coords for the next? I'm thinking, like, puzzle geocaches or something
  20. Heh... You know... You can also have the "Book" used as an interactive prop in IVA?... You know, for those long waits between manuever nodes... Here's an example of such a prop in use:
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