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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Anything can be made stable. Look at Artificial diamonds. You cook one long enough in the right temperature and right pressure, bam, you got yourself a diamond. But mess up, get the wrong pressure or you under heat it, you get yourself a lump of carbon. It's all about finding the right conditions, and obviously we either haven't found them, or can't produce them without some technological advancements. The impossible becomes possible all the time. Planes Space Travel Living on Mars. Now, I've said my peace. I believe Metallic Hydrogen COULD happen and that it's not impossible. Will it be a stable metal? Maybe. WIll it break down? Possibly. Is it worth trying to make it? The results will say. The advantages are great, and we have nothing really to lose by not having it. MH might make super computers into ultra computers, but if we can't make it, then CNT super computers will do us just fine.
  2. You can't have both, at least not to my knowledge. The game has to be designed from the ground up with VoxelMap in mind. Switching between them will also be too complex and too taxing on the system. No, the best solution is to not have KSP 2 have any Voxelmap at all. It gets rid of terraforming, but not a lot of people want it, myself included. Besides, Star Theory, the people making KSP 2, are not interested in making KSP 2 into a terraforming game.
  3. IIRC, they did say that bare metal versions of all parts will exist.
  4. When you get up to a lot of craft, it can be tiresome looking through all of them to find that one specific craft you want. So I would like to suggest a search bar/filter be added to the Load Craft tab in the VAB/SPH.
  5. https://physicsworld.com/a/the-quest-to-create-metallic-hydrogen/
  6. Voxel games have good performance in the beginning but once there's a lot of entities or npcs around, it starts to bug down, especially if those npcs themselves can damage the terrain. All the calculations take a lot out of the cpu and the ram. But I agree, everything can be done without voxel maps. It would just mean pre determined caves instead of rng caves. Resource collection at different levels can be done through gui trickery. "I want my drill to mine at 1km down." "You found coal." "Go to 2km." "You found iron." Etcetera etcetera.
  7. 1) Only a hand full of players want Voxel terrain in my opinion. This is because voxel terrains are hard to run. Look at Astroneers, it had fps issues, at least for me, whenever the terrain is heavily modified. It just can't run without major resources bogging down your computer. 2) You can get ores without voxel terrain. We do it now in KSP 1, and mods add other ores. 3) Underground construction would be nice, but I see little point to it if the game doesn't have radiation from the star/sun. 4) You can get difficult landscapes without voxel terrain. 5) Voxel maps are not necessary, you only want them so you can terraform, which KSP is not about. KSP is about space exploration and space colonization, not planet changing. And to answer your opinions: 1) A game without voxel map is not crippled. You just hate that it's not in the game. The game could be well done and you would call it bad because it doesn't have Voxel terrain? 1.1) I don't even know what you're trying to point out here, but KSP 2 won't need a super computer to run. They want KSP 2 to be able to run on simple machines like laptops. 1.2) KSP without voxel map is not like a person without hands. KSP without voxel map is just a game without a feature you want. 1.3) Again, no its not. KSP without voxel map is a game without a feature you don't want. Voxel maps will not make KSP a bad game, it will just make it a game without a feature you want. 2) True, graphics don't make a game, and Star Theory isn't trying to make KSP beautiful, they are trying to make the game RUN WELL. Voxel maps will make the game run like crap. Every voxel game ever has had performance issues, why? Because computers can't handle it that well. Why do you think all voxel games go for simple textures? Because it can't handle the terrain terraforming. What sense does it make for KSP 2 not to have voxel map? Easy, PERFORMANCE. They want GOOD PEFORMANCE.
  8. Building Atlas Heavies is fun... but kind of complex. And I'm not talking about the official Atlas Heavy, no, I mean an Atlas D heavy, Atlas II heavy, and Atlas III heavy. The trouble was finding the right time to stage the skirts. (Hint, it's not all 3 at once). Now I'm moving on to Titan Heavies. Also, I know there's already a Titan Heavy in the form of LDC, my but I'm using the more cores heavies not wider core heavies. And I'm just using 3 cores, not crazy 7 core heavies... 7 cores with all the outer cores having 1-2 UAs at once... damn... eater your heart out heavy lift rockets.
  9. It was a hard pick, the gem-46 had the right length, but the gem-60s had the girth. Hmmm. Could you maybe make gem-46XW (Extra wide)? Or maybe custom boosters built to the specs on the sheet? I know the gem46 and gem60 aren't the boosters meant for the CELV, but they serve there purpose. Also, I'm planning a Mercury Mun Landing using a modified Merury on top of a regular Atlas D (minus the booster skirt) as the transfer stage on top of the Atlas II CELV. Already made it to the Mun, but had a mistake in the stage and had to restart, but then had to get off. So, I'll post pics when I can get it done.
  10. Because some people like to have actual missions and roleplay within their server and not have someone messing it up by crashing their rocket into a space station and nuking it with the Orion drive.
  11. https://imgur.com/a/xz0l1te Tested the new Atlas CELV. After a mis-caculation in separating the booster H-1Ds, it got into orbit just fine with the main tank of a regular Atlas A. The SRBs are Emeralds if any one's wondering. It looked most like the picture above.
  12. @CobaltWolf Just to let you know, the Atlas CELV should allow surface attaching, at least on the main fuel tank. It was meant to have boosters after all. So that description for it doesn't really make sense, the one about it can't have surface attachment. Nvm
  13. Yes, you should use the brand new titan parts, those old parts will get removed in the future, possibly this next update iirc.
  14. I doubt @CobaltWolf has any plans for a shuttle. There are already three shuttle mods and the KSO has been adopted and is being revived and revamped. If Cobalt does do any winged space stuff, it will most likely be Winged Titan, Winged Gemini, Paragliding Saturn V first stage, or the Dynosaur.
  15. I didn't mean every single rocket you can make with BDB, just the rockets in your blueprint picture! Also, where are people getting the Nova parts? Wait, doesn't FASA have Nova parts? Also also, you forgot Skylab.
  16. I wouldn't hold your breath. Nate Simpson said they tried N-body physics and it didn't work well, so they abandoned it.
  17. I counted six games that are due to come out before March 2020, so it will be ninth when it releases, but I would like to see it in the top ten by the end of the year, heck, I would like to see it make top five by February.
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