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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Hmmm, while microwaves don't really lose energy over distance, I would think it would be hard to hit a target a few billion kilometers away instead of a few hundred thousand away. Although... the orbit is so slow that far that it might be easy for the transmitter to stay on target... hmmm. I don't know now. You might have a point to beamed power to the outer solar system. Ah, right, true true. You could put a shield between the microwaves and crew.
  2. Wait... are you suggesting beaming energy from the inner solar system to Eeloo? Beaming Energy to a moving target would be difficult, so an ion probe would be out of the question. There would also be the problem of energy losses due to the distance. At some point, you would need to switch to something like RTGs or Solar Panels. Same with a space station. Moving targets are hard to hit, and you're beaming HIGH ENERGY MICROWAVES to the target. Humans and Microwaves don't mix, so I doubt Kerbals and Microwaves mix too. The only logical thing would be beaming energy down. As for solar sails and laser sails, would be nice, but I believe Intercept said no to those.
  3. I suspect @K^2 just loaded up the Mun arch in blender or maya or whatever and just deleted the rocks.
  4. The rocks of the Mun arch and the solar system... thingy are two separate entities. Just remove the Mun rocks.
  5. I was thinking beamed energy would be nice to have as a mid to late game mechanic. We already have IR energy transmitters for the home. Yes, the power isn't that much, but the technology exists today. NASA and other space agencies have shown interest in beamed energy via solar arrays out in space. They would beam the energy to a receiver and then the receiver would send the energy into the power grid of a city. I think this would be very nice to have in KSP 2, especially for tidally locked planets where the sun never sees one side of the planet. Here's a picture and a video of the idea for anyone who doesn't understand:
  6. Ah, well, you won't have to wait long. Science is the very first major update, so probably 2 to 4 months after EA? Just guessing of course. I thought Moho was tidally locked? Or is it just near tidally locked? If it isn't tidally locked, that means you got some long nights ahead of you. Yikes. Hmmm, I wonder if Intercept will give us beamed energy. If they did, you could setup solar arrays in orbit and just beam energy to the base when it's on the night side.
  7. Ah, I was talking about exploring Moho at EA launch, before colonies.
  8. Well, it's been confirmed that the entire KSP 1 Kerbolor system is in KSP 2, unchanged for the most part safe for face lifts and possibly some terrain changes like we've seen around the KSC. With Metallic Hydrogen and "Torch" engines, should make getting to Moho so much easier.
  9. So... Atlas Heavy didn't go so well... I guess I shouldn't have tried to lift like 60 tons though... Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  10. You should always clean install, to avoid problems like this. But the resize patch was in the extras folder.
  11. Ah. Hmm. Well, can't help you there. What you can do is make it happen, instantly quit KSP, then upload your log file here. Someone more adept in loganese might be able to find the problem.
  12. A lot of the Saturn and Apollo parts have double/hidden nodes within each other. Make sure you're using the right nodes.
  13. Voyager Mars probes are bigger. Teaser image of an upcoming test launch: (Yes, taking a break from the probes of BDB) Yes, that is an Atlas Heavy. Yes, it has boosters galore. And yes, the engines are AR-1s.
  14. Feels more like the world's worst lawn mower, though a firey explosion of death is the best way to make sure your lawn is clean...
  15. 1) Players will know exactly what they are getting into, because of gameplay videos and early access reviews. 2) The amount of people that actually play early access games is VERY low. The most interest is going to be at official release, not at early access release. 3) Most people want a finished game, not a game with missing features. The best time for them is when the game actually launches. So no, the best time is not now. 4) Source? They could just be looking for more people to help with KSP 2. Do you know 100% that it's a new game? While success now would be great, it's not needed. The place it's most needed is at 1.0 launch, because THAT is when people will jump on the bandwagon.
  16. Mars Voyager time! This is a super long album, so check the link! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Um... opss, make sure the control point is the right one before lift off:
  17. I would hold off on a gameplay trailer until closer to 1.0 release, stable framerate, most if not all gameplay aspects in game, etc.
  18. That's not cursed at all, kind of based actually. The Voyager (Non-Mars) probe is a joint venture between @akron and BDB, though I think @Invaderchaos was the one handling that project, but Invader's life has gotten... well, chaotic from what I've heard. And yes, pun intended. So yeah, we might not see Voyager Space Probe anytime soon.
  19. True, hmmm. Then a cinematic trailer just showing off more details of already known stuff, or something to that effect.
  20. Here's the thing. The product isn't releasing, so why market it? Would you market a car that is still in prototyping phase? No. You wouldn't. You would wait until it entered production to market it. KSP 2 Early Access is like the prototyping phase of building a car. You don't market a prototype. KSP 2's marketing won't kick off until Intercept is sure they are ready and want to release 1.0. That could be 5 months after EA, or it could be 5 years. A new cinematic trailer would be nice, something to show off the new scope of the game, yes. But only after they've calmed down a little. Remember, they're quite busy right now with the looming release of Early Access, and things are only going to get worse for them when EA does finally drop. They're going to be swarmed with bug reports, feature requests and more. Intercept Games is going to get real busy real soon.
  21. Why would I put that option in the poll when the title itself is "If Planet 8 is real..."? Baseless speculation? These sepculations aren't baseless. They're far-fetched, yes, but not baseless. There's that one screenshot of an object on a developer's screen that looks like it is in an orbit outside of Eeloo's orbit. I'm not quoting any sources, mostly because I can't remember where to find the speculative screenshot, that's why I invited discussion about the eighth planet on the assumption it is real, to see what people think. This thread is made with the assumption that planet 8 is real and encourages discussion of planet 8 as if it were that, real and coming to KSP 2. It's not outside the realm of possibility that Intercept Games has indeed expanded the Kerbolor system and has done a heck of a job keeping it quiet. Hell, they could introduce 50 new planets to the Kerbolar system. Is it ridiculous to think that? Maybe. Does it hurt to speculate about them adding 50 new planets to the Kerbolor system? No. Definitely not. This is just all good healthy speculation. If you don't want to speculate, you don't aave to, ignore this thread. Hell, I just call it planet 8, but really I'm just curious as to what people think this mysterious object supposedly outside of Eeloo's orbit is. Comet? Rogue Planet? I want to know what people think.
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