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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. 2 bugs I'm concerned didn't seem mentioned to me. Issue in the vab both modded and not causing crashes when deleting parts with 2x or higher symmetry turned on and issue with pinning windows making clicking them away or anything else impossible. Possible they are mentioned here but lack of knowing their coding roots may have caused me to miss it. Glad to see tho that that many bugs got squished!
  2. Just a thought, but why not just play science mode? Beyond that science should be a thing in sandbox!
  3. I got ksp about 3 days after .21 dropped and landed on steam. I run from the x64 shortcut but used to run from the x32 shortcut before 1.1. Steam counts the hours for me and im sure as i can be it will for you
  4. @SuperFastJellyfish Lol ya, true enough. Wish i had more for on this. Btw does changing your camera angle fix it?
  5. thats an odd issue to be sure. for some tho, pinning causes issues with being able to click ANYTHING on screen. a fix is coming for that. as to the its hiding under your mods, why not just turn the mod off for a moment, move the box from the part to a better place, turn mod back on?
  6. over the last 2-3 days I have been tinkering with a new pair of mods since 1.1 came out. nothing new in terms of who they are, KIS and KAS, but, its been ages since I last used them. Decided to pack a ship up with one of KIS nice big cargo pods, 1 man command pod, some RCS and other assorted bits to make both a small station for which I could build on and from, and of course a ship in a bottle. Wanna know something funny? With enough patience and enough hand holds planted around the area, you can build a ship in ORBIT!! Not by docking, but by attaching each component bit by bit! take a look! the ONLY thing that was built in VAB was the fuel tank and engine with probe core and rcs blocks and heat shield docked on the front of the tank. the rcs fuel was attached in orbit by hand! yes, it has a single tank inside itself for control prior, but, hey, why not add more after right? hehe @blorgon do my eyes trick me, or is that a proof of concept of a water suppression system? if so, COOL!
  7. except that could trigger yet ANOTHER bug: random VAB crashing. it is happening to a LOT of us modded and unmodded alike. Since I have stopped pinning things I have not seen this issue.
  8. @katateochi if you ask me, there is 0 need for the PC version as developed by SQUAD and NOT flyingtiger or what ever is doing the CONSOLE version to affect the PC version. NONE. Why do we on PC need absurdly large UIs? Make that console only. and all UI item placements should be open to relocation by the player. I hate the new locations of the UI stuff, the resources, contracts thingy mabober is in a BAD spot and interferes with a mod. Please for the love of JEB let us have control over the items on our screens!!
  9. The nav ball is bigger as an "enhancement" for not squadsPC version but CONSOLE which bugs me. Squad isnt handling console version... Worse imho is the new vertical placement of the icons on upper right. Wish i could move them
  10. It's an "enhancement" for consoles, which seeing as SQUAD isn't doing the port and a different company is, it makes precisely 0 sense for PC. That said, I had the same problem a non mod work around is run the games resolution to its highest setting.
  11. huh, so, its the pinning then? ok, i can live with that one by not pinning, alshain, thank you for that clarity! have a like as a token of gratitude!
  12. ah, well, with proc fairings, you have the fairing base with at least 2 green glue bits as das valdez says, and you place the fairing section onto it with symmetry of at least 2 turned on and it auto sets itself to the shape needed. and as its happening with BOTH stock fairings AND procedural, this may be some odd bug no one noticed or something else, which is why I have provided the output log AND the save file that I am seeing this in. until this is figured out, KSP is basically unplayable for me as well, if i cant access menus from the parts, i cant do anything. @ZooNamedGames
  13. @ZooNamedGames i do not use the stock fairings at all, so, their behavior beyond being non user friendly is unknown to me. this is ALSO occurring with PROCEDURAL fairings, so any clue whats up, or am i misunderstanding you entirely, if so, clarifications are really needed here. thanks again
  14. Ok, I am putting this here for visibility sake. I just noticed something very peculiar. When I put a fairing on a ship, be it my primary fairing Procedural Fairing or even that stock fairing, the moment I pin a window, I lose the ability to access my parts via clicking parts or even trying to click away stuff. this ONLY occurs with a fairing on the vessel. Anyone else seeing this? Yes, I run a modded install, MechJeb, Novapunch, KIS/KAS, Proc Fairings. LOG: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_2 Just in case its the persistent file, here that is too, I called it in my game: Test Box Bravo http://www.filedropper.com/persistent Any and all help is welcome. This issue may be game killing for me if I cant use fairings of any kind ya know?
  15. in game resolution is set to 1280X800. I can try your resolution before I go with the mod suggested by @mythbusters844 but i fear at your resolution the text may be the same size as if i shrunk the UI to 80% with the slider. I am needless to say furious that the desktop version has a UI designed to be run on a bloody TELEVISION SET instead of a monitor. I am further enraged by the fact I may need a MOD just to return the UI to a REASONABLE SIZE. What in the &&&& was squad thinking with this DIS-enhancement. it has trashed my quality of life on this game at this time. I will return after trying the 1920X1080 with results. EDIT---------------------- @RA3236 YOU! Id shake your hand if I could! I will need to adjust and get used to everything on the UI being smaller, but, the portraits and the nav ball are back to a size that is not taking up like a third of my screen. Thank all of you for your suggestions. I am relieved that I do not need to run a mod for something that A should not be a part of the non console variants and B that still should have a slider for the various components of the UI. To any moderator: I cannot find the marker to mark this as ANSWERED, will you please tick that box for me? Thanks!
  16. Anyone? Anyone at all? This issue has made ksp nearly unplayable. Pls help.......
  17. Novapunch has some larger adapters in it. Not on my PC ATM so I can't say for sure which ones or sizes but I know it has some that can handle more than 4 motors and it also has some tri, quad and 5 engine bell motors too. Hope this helps
  18. Didnt know 32 bit was stillan option... I use it from steam and its 64 bit default for me. My only issue is a gigantic nav ball...cant reduce its size with out shrinking the entire ui to painfully small text sizes. Swear prior versions had a toggle for the nav ball. Asked this over in gameplay but no ones andwered it
  19. Ok, I have not really played KSP 1.1 all that much since it came out, frankly been busy with culinary school, but, I just noticed something that I just cannot get around. The nav ball is HUGE. I need to shrink it down but the only option I see is UI and that shrinks the entire UI down to the point reading it is painful. Sure, setting the UI slider to 80% gets the nav ball where I need it size wise, but, again, the rest of the UI becomes too painful to read. Before its even suggested, I do not have nor do I use module manager as I am not a coder and cannot write script. Anyway to fix just the nav ball's size only? I swear the used to be an option for this in prior versions of KSP, or am I just being blind? Any help welcome Thanks in advance guys! Here are some pictures: First is from some versions ago, but, since its a picture of the UI against the pad, it is the "control" image: as you see, its a decent sized Nav Ball, not too big, not too small. Fit my needs just right. Next, the current sized 1.1 Nav Ball against the pad: This thing is far far far far too large. How do I make it smaller like in the NEXT picture with out shrinking the rest of the UI to the point of physically hurting me, which, text that small does hurt my eyes. Here is the UI reduced via the slider to 80%, it gets the nav ball to the right size, but again, it has made the rest of the UI soo small as to be painful: As you see, the NavBall is the right size, but now all the text is obscenely small. I KNOW there USED to be a way to tweak JUST the nav balls size, but now, that seems gone. I need help, please help me.
  20. i agree with your first point and there are not enough adjectives in the english language to convey how severely i disagree with you on multiplayer. Here is why: 1. KSP is not a game suited to the multiplayer thing. 2. The list of WHY is long, longer than I am willing to type out, but highlights include: Mods, physics limitations, trolls <any and every conceivable way a troll can troll and more that I promise not all of us a single collective can think of> 3. KSP is not mature enough yet, as in, major bugs are gone, more mods have become stock <thinks like real fairings as in Procedural Fairings not the attempt at fairings they have, as they are not user friendly> and other aesthetic things have been done to the game, after major bugs and mods have been dealt with. 4. Time Warp. I can go on, but, I trust my points made. Its both a bad idea and way way way way way way way way WAY too soon to consider it. Maybe at version 3.0 at the soonest. MAYBE.
  21. if you had an option that said: Make Career Mode function correctly with linear contracts, a proper story line, and a reason to play it beyond the novelty of it. Then id vote, but, since you dont have that option, I abstain.
  22. career mode as a whole had a whole LOT of POTENTIAL, but, Squad flushed that potential away honestly. The problems with Career mode, in NO PARTICULAR ORDER: 1. No reason to play it past the initial novelty. 2. Contracts are not logical. 3. Contracts are not linear. 4. Contracts make no sense. 5. Career Mode has no redeemable story. 6. Career Mode has no real reason to become invested in it. 7. Career Mode has no real reason to be a mode as it currently stands. 8. What reason do I have to play a mode like "Career" when it is poorly put together with no over arching story line, lack of emotional investment, lack of linear or cohesive thought? Seriously explain to me number 8! I have a story arc going in Sandbox mode that has me emotional invested in my creations, has a linear and LOGICAL progression to it, reasons to launch certain craft certain ways. Career mode lost its novelty for me on day 1 when it FIRST ARRIVED so many updates ago. I keep thinking career mode will improve and I am consistently let down time and time and time again by a mode that is so poorly polished and thought out. I am not saying anyone should not play it, if you enjoy non linear, non logical thought processes being provided then, by all means have fun, but, not for me. I tell people who ask me about KSP if its a good game, I tell them this: Kerbal Space Program is a delightful game with some heavy caveats. First, be prepared to get frustrated and addicted to it. Second, avoid career mode, its not a well done mode as it isnt linear, logical or gives a reason to invest time into that mode, Start with Sandbox first, its your best bet. It gives you all the parts and stuff at the get go. Great mode to learn in. If you want something more meaty, then go to science mode, but again, career mode isnt all that great. Its too illogical and non linear. Maybe once all the big bugs are taken care of, and the engine change is done and behind us, they can redo career mode to address all 8 points above, but, till then, ugh. <gets off soapbox, picks it up, wanders off>
  23. @Knaapie Firstly not all of us are coders. Secondly hyperedit is kraken bait like no other thing around. Having tunable hack gravity stock at some point would be nice.
  24. Stock LES? No. Novapunchs LES? Yes. Far more powerful and better size choices
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