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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. anyway this can become a feature? the idea of messin with code scares me. thanks to my ex gf, i know just enough about code to know i dont know enough to alter it safely...
  2. only if they eat pumpkins on christmas! how do i turn on a fan?
  3. stumbled on this thread, but it begs me ask thanks to alshain saying that unmanned ore mining is ultimately pointless: why would squad make it like that? would they not want you to be able to make such a device and leave it unchecked to run other missions?
  4. Coulda sworn someone fixed click thru alrdy but that would explain why I've seen it recently lol
  5. 2 suggestions 1. make sure all mods are up to date <you probably already did this, but, never hurts to suggest it anyway > 2. something may be borked in the game install, so you may want to delete the game and start with a fresh install <save your persistent save elsewhere ofc> and install the mods 1 at a time until something breaks. all i really got in terms of suggestions. good luck, hope these help<ed>
  6. @sal_vager @Vanamonde @Red Iron Crown Can one of you guys please put this thread out of its misery?
  7. Really? It doesnt log me out on my pc... As far as cookies go ive only (far as my phones settings show) blocked them from advertisers and third parties.
  8. Can a mod look into this please? The "mobile" version of this site seems to log me out after less than 120 seconds while trying to post. I only notice it after trying to reply and the save/submit button greys out and does nothing. I hit reload and it demands me log in again after having JUST logged in less than 3 min or less again. Thx
  9. 1. Repeated: numbers are not now or EVER letters. 2. Repeated: "leet speak" was then and STILL is repulsive and stupid. 3. Squads own rules forbid "leet speak" and rightly so. 4. Mods please take this thread behind the shed and burry it under lock and key.
  10. @Torgo It has been suggested by people like dr. Michio kaku that time in fact does NOT exist and is an invention by man. Ill say it again make the blasted mod stock and this blasted nonsense stops cold. @Randazzo Sarbian is not its inventor but its current keeper
  11. procedural fairings are light years in distance of superiority to the stock "confetti fairings". oh side note to our OP did you try the FASA parts mod?
  12. @SlabGizor117 2 suggestions, first it has been said this is basically a lego game, so do like me, treat it like a spaceship themed lego set and play around. Ud be shock how refreshing it can be to just grab random parts and toss it in a blender and see what happens! second is take a break from ksp for a while (while here being a minimum of a full day, up to how ever long recharges you).
  13. @Wingnutt It is impossible for this to be any more true
  14. Time for me to be blunt. It truly needs to be made stock. Then and only then will this "is it cheating" nonsense stop. Besides that, who cares? No, really? Who cares? I mean come on, why are people seeking validation for their point of view on the subject? Why does it even matter?
  15. Firstly letters are letters. Numbers are numbers. Thus numbers =/= letters. The so called "leet speak" was stupid then, still is now.
  16. @Pthigrivi But you are over looking something. Just because the part is there does not mean you must use it. Take for example stock fairings. i find them unintuitive, hard to use, impossible to duplicate should i need to adjust the payload and uglier than sin when jettisoned. SO I do not use them. I use a mod that does the job far more reliably and is more REALISTIC when jettisoned. Procedural Fairings are what we should have. Elegance over inelegance.
  17. This discussion keeps coming up because people are insecure and are seeking some kind of validation. The ONLY way to end them is make mechjeb absolutely stock. Once its stock this discussion stops.
  18. Le sigh! Claw question for you, why cant we have a discussion on it? I really do not see why it cant be discussed.
  19. @r_rolo1 I know, i was just staying on counter point.
  20. kOS is targeted at players with programming skills. Mechjeb is universally easy to use as it requires no programming skills thus more friendly. Between the 2 mechjeb has more broad usability than something requiring code script writing.
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