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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. the gps network was pointless , then it happenned, but true a satelite alone around don't help much ²+²
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_platform_station
  3. so it seem i m a Singular Art Pun EA'n ghetto aussie too ^^ :3 :3 :3 fr // fr/en/else
  4. cool steps build the nexts meanwhile if you ask neil he may add that many stairs are endless
  5. https://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacciren_zenbakiak
  6. it's been a while somehow prolly because: @Big Jim
  7. Δ(?x?) are sometime localised & observable, weirdly that not exactly the first science field where it apply, then come the distance from here concern it's kinda like saying: "all advanced enough technolgy could be called magic" sort off
  8. A later reminder, use to be usefull when your forget when your are and since where you come or go, naturally it's all ways an unexpected damn age over time
  9. this: the question usually remain before now after could it be worst after , now or before ?
  10. the super power to like some posts in your head when your out of like for today
  11. i m gonna say like usual, take a break a breath if you feel the need or kinda forced/pushed too, "life is strange", and get back later or not eventually , time do it all & often by itself, give it some ^^ ++
  12. it's kinda like the movies "alien"(s), the queen use to be slighty bigger with some specific morphology traits depending the kinds of ants as far as i remind (a few others thing as well, but it fall under feeding & pheromonal stuff and etc. , see also termit and bee &and& ...) here some links if your curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant#Morphology
  13. poetry award ; sort of =(xDr
  14. may i just say, why i m not even surprised ^^ thks for the smile Souper there are pretty rare thoose day here ^^
  15. Another dedicace to dedication ^^ grats ^^
  16. sorry, but well i just couldn't resist Sarb with that one ... https://xkcd.com/1052/ ... "recognized by one peer's" this one always make me laugh for some "weird" reasons in/out ps: i wanted to multiquote a few others things amongst the thread especially between p 13 & 26, but this one is a good sum up ^^
  17. i just figured out that the definitition of emptyness in all dictionnaries is wrong, in fact it should be: emptiness:
  18. nope just a wut the wut ^^ @kerbinorbiter
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