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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. It's not new nor mysterious except in the eyes of the sensationalist online media. It's been observed on several occasions. It happens on Earth, too. Here's a small example.
  2. Reporting that, on v1.5.1, this sometimes work and sometimes doesn't. I think it needs to be recompiled.
  3. Kerbin now has seasons. Has anyone tried to look if Kerbol dances in the Moho's sky like the Sun dances in Mercury's?
  4. I've uploaded a minor version update with considerably darker surface and rechecked compatibility and behaviour. Stuff still works just fine. Enjoy.
  5. Older Unity apprently couldn't support it. I thought the new one was unable to do it, too. This should be bought and set up as a feature of the stock game.
  6. Not dumb at all. It's a good question. One more - I wonder how will Trajectories handle this.
  7. This is one of my must have mods now. Are there any plans for making a white spherical probe like Venera 4?
  8. Thank you for working on this mod and thank you for finally including it at spacedock.info.
  9. I like how ESA uses animation and anthropomorphized characters now. This mission launched last night (UTC time) and will take seven years for the spacecraft complex to gradually bleed off kinetic energy by multiple encounters with Earth, Venus and Mercury itself. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Who knows what'll be the state of KSP in seven years...
  10. I wouldn't rely on promotional images at all. They're always made to look neat, and it's something that happens with almost all games. They even use mods to make the game look pretty, something I find controversial. I was playing it when the update notification came up so, after exiting, I quickly set the version to 1.4.5 and avoided the update. As much as I like the new look of some parts (new Mk1 is superb and is directly influenced by Porkjet's Part Overhaul, which engines I use instead of stock ones), I like playing it more, and I use quite a lot of plugins, so... I'll wait.
  11. At least bacon is tasty. Ryugu probably tastes like ash.
  12. [snip] Pluto demotion was not a surprise to anyone understanding a bit more than basics about the Solar system. It was an oddball we classified as planet because we had only one data point. As decades went by, more and more data was gathered and it was becoming obvious something doesn't add up. Even 25 years ago my professor of geography and an amateur astronomer was saying Pluto shouldn't be called a planet and that it's probably part of large family of icy building blocks we're gonna detect with better and better telescopes. Prophetic? I don't think so. Just pure reason.
  13. If you guess this, you get an Internet cookie.
  14. Just the other day I was thinking of how carbonaceous chondrites are almost certainly carcinogenic. Billions of years of exposure to harsh UV in vacuum, sooty crap all over...
  15. "Nibiru" is a term used by crackpots, pseudoscientists and quacks to sell books, films and other crap full of disinformation. They sell fear, anger, distrust and lies. Please don't use it on this forum. Just let it die.
  16. I got the clouds working. Sadly, the Sun is still visible through, and there are shadows... not sure that can be turned off. RSS authors, PM me so I can send you the ground texture.
  17. It's not a meme. It's an image with letters on it. Nothing famous about it. And yes, I agree, we should practice on Antarctica. Even though we have research bases there, they are not self sustainable. Not even regarding food, let alone oxygen.
  18. I've edited the surface texture (negative and lowered some channel brightness and contrast) to make it appear similar to what Venus looks like beneath the clouds because the present texture in RSS is completely unrealistic. Results with Scatterer only. I can't get the EVE clouds to work.
  19. Cosmetic mutilation of an animal. Illegal in civilized countries. Removing pieces of animal bodies for human aesthetic pleasure is a disgusting practice that also has an impact on dog's wellbeing. Dogs use tails and ears as visual signals to other members of their species (wagging, pointing, lowering, ...) so it's a common thing for them not to be able to express their feelings properly. That causes other dogs to feel uneasy around them. In the end, that frustrates the dog and makes it prone to aggression. Any cosmetic removal of animal's body part (or human's body part if there is no consent!) is a barbaric act. If you live in a country where it's illegal, and you see a young dog butchered like this, you can pretty much assume its owner is a douchebag because they went around the law (no decent veterinarian will do it) to harm an animal. You can also assume there's a high chance of the animal being antisocial and potentially dangerous.
  20. What is RSS Venus ground atmospheric pressure supposed to be? It's a fragment of one atmosphere for me. oO BTW I'm using Realistic Atmospheres mod.
  21. I am considering it, but there isn't much hope because this deep in Kerbol's gravity well, both Δv and TWR need to be high, otherwise it's an unbearably long cat and mice chase. I will do some experiments, first.
  22. I haven't checked all planets and satellites, but I know Ablate works. Just make sure you've got the latest Kopernicus.
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