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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I am basically angry with people trashing good movies because they're better than average. Such movies make people's "error detectors" get overpowered, they find something small and then it's trash talk time. "Boooo, worst movie ever", blablabla. So childlish. And sometimes it's not even an error, but something very subtle. Nope, let's all jump on the trashtalk bandwagon.
  2. So... I've bought this expansion (I was merely few months away from getting a free version, but oh well) and it's indeed mixed feelings for me. - Those new structural panels... what are they supposed to be used for? - I can't make a Saturn V. The new lander can has some weird nodes. If anyone made it, please show me how you did it, thanks. - After DLC was installed, personal parachutes went missing.
  3. Indeed, textures have improved, but the way they are formed around objects is totally whacked.
  4. This is a must have mod and too bad it's not stock behaviour. I think it is muffling Ship Effects Continued. Is there a solution for this? Can I turn muffling off in IVA?
  5. Oh YES, I love this mod. Thanks for updating it. I think it doesn't work well with Audio Muffler Redux. It's being muffled and I think it's a constant muffle in IVA.
  6. I was already preparing to report this. Good one, you got me.
  7. I consider myself to be quite a purist when it comes to being annoyed by poorly presented science in movies, but my god, some of you people here... Honestly, I don't know what strikes me more - übernerdism or just plain lack of understanding how cinematography works. Honestly, some of posts here belong to the drawer labeled "cringe".
  8. I think there's enough details here.
  9. This mod has a lajoswinkler stock seal of approval all over it.
  10. http://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=37820#TOP Would you sit on such toilet seat? I think not. ˘o˘
  11. I say Friday (UTC), up to 1000 km west of Japan. My hopes were the toilet seat strikes my house but I'm out of the danger zone.
  12. Well, metre is an unit, and meter is a device or a suffix for measuring devices.
  13. @pizzaoverhead, can you change the color of the reentry at the vehicle itself? I don't know why Squad used orange when it's not orange at all. Ionized air is blue-green, and very shiny.
  14. I know, but... What Kerbalism does to the communications is not bad per se, however the way you see it in the map view is extremely annoying. Stock behaviour lets you see the whole pathway, not just one flickery green line pointing into Kerbin. What's the point of having the whole thing if you don't see the path? I really loved this mod but it got overly weird with some issues.
  15. Kerbalism using stock communications system would be nice. There's nothing wrong with that.
  16. It looks way better, smoother. Thing is, when you have a heat shield in front of Mk1-3, you can't see much of it for some reason. But yeah, I don't know why this feature doesn't become unlocked.
  17. Now that we have paragliders, this will be so much fun. Only parachute parts are visible. Balloons aren't. So I guess the mod kind of works... partially.
  18. Wow, that's great! Thank you for using RA. This is the exact type of mission I was hoping people would do. Indeed, default settings of landing legs are way too springy.
  19. This was truly a historic launch. Amazing views. I've lost it when Starman appeared. Does anyone know any orbit properties of this thing? Maybe someone will be able to spot it in the sky in the next few hours? At least with a telescope. It should be moving rather slowly across the sky unless of course it's at perigee.
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