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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. The crew escaped Tal successfully. Polta turned out to be a surprise very similar to Minmus. More like a mixture of Minmus and Tylo, with more ices. Here you can see Kerbol, Eve and Kerbin peeking between Urlum and Polta. Orbital insertion was quite easy. Jebediah was in awe. He was the only one making these facial expressions. Kerty positioned Kron 4 into a polar orbit and the survey started. Even though Kerty warned him not to go out because Urlum is quite dangerous this close, Jebediah had to take some time alone.
  2. ~ Ministry Of No Better Things To Do special report ~ The MONBTTD is considering a short, but probably the most hazardous mission so far - to send Kron 5 to Ablate. Back in the early days, a probe lander called Wolfram 2 has been sent, and a small station called Vulkan that never served its proper purpose. Possible goals for this mission are: 1) visiting Vulkan station to ascertain the effects of longterm intensive oscillation of hot and cold environment 2) visiting Wolfram 2 probe lander to check the effects of permanent exposure to Kerbol's radiation 3) taking samples from both poles of Ablate 4) taking samples from the permanently dark side of Ablate - night landing Kron 5 will have to be modified to endure the enormous heat of Kerbol. - end of report -
  3. This is what I've been waiting for. Thank you so much. I'd rep you ten times, but I can't. I'll probably send Kron 5 to Ablate. I've got no idea how I'm gonna do that because of the heat and everything, but it's an awesome target.
  4. I have no idea. It's been months since I've been fiddling with mods. I think Texture Replacer already comes with such function.
  5. Today Kerbals went to Tal. Warning: Do not go to Tal. Tal will invoke the Kraken and eat your Kerbals. And landers. And flags. Before it consumes them, it will throw them on ballistic trajectories like a cat playing with its prey. So enjoy these screenshots. Right after this things started to do bad. Bob used his jetpack to visit one hill and then died when he touched the ground at some 1 m/s. Quickloading made Kerpernicus and the flag detonate. Another quickloading sent the lander upwards like a spinning ball. Bill barely caught it. Then again the same thing happened. I couldn't even get them into the lander because some form of NaN Kraken appeared, so I restarted the game and used Hyper Edit to get them one by one into orbit. Just don't go to Tal and you'll be fine. It has an interesting rugged surface, but that's it.
  6. I can confirm that the latest OPM works in a KSP v.1.0.2. savegame. I've updated it because I remember people talking about problems with Tal, mainly Kerbals trying to walk on it. Hopefully it will be ok once I land there.
  7. The ship is now in an almost perfect polar orbit, some 45x45 km. Tal looks like a weird wet potato. Or a moldy tit. A wet, moldy tit. In order to maximize delta v, to lateral engines had to be removed at this point. Fuel leftovers were transferred into the upper tanks. Just before the jettison, Kron 4 could reach 1.6 m/s2 of acceleration, but now it's back at 0.6, which is fine. In any case, it's way better than at the start of the journey. Two very radioactive engines are now sub-subsatellites of Urlum. Revolving around Tal, which revolves around Wal, which revolves around Urlum, which revolves around Kerbol. They will remain unavailable for any kind of manipulation for hundreds of years, but it's likely they will smash into Tal or Wal at some point in the near future because of constant perturbing.
  8. After lots of careful computing, Kerty gave a 50% chance of getting killed if they stay, and 50% chance of survival if they go. The team was ok with staying. Kerty performed a polar orbit to polar orbit burn to catch Tal.
  9. It was the one whose muscles made of gold Kerbals like very much. Kerpernicus has made a rendezvous with Kron 4 and performed a successful precision, manual docking. Valentina is discussing the matter with Kerty, who will calculate the risk of continuing the mission.
  10. To put lore that has survived millenia together with commercial stuff that is forgotten in a few decades in the same basket... Not my cup of tea. Every educated person on the planet knows who Shakespeare is. Only a small fragment of them know who "Ralph from that one old show" is, and the number of those is decreasing.
  11. First of all, any usage of the word "ecology" in this context is futile and erroneous. There are no ecologic(al) fuels. Ecology deals with counting fishes in a river and making statistics about number of fox offspring in a forest. You might call them environmentally friendly fuels. Hydrogen and ozone are certainly detrimental fuels, more than the public thinks they are. Second thing, yes, those reactions are real, but they aren't useful in the context of what you're presenting. It takes an enormous amount of energy to make ozone and the gas itself is extraordinary unstable, meaning you can't store it or make it pure in bulk amounts because it would explode on its own. You can just make ozonized mixture by applying coronal discharge to oxygen. What you'd save on reaction products, you'd pay with huge interest beforehand.
  12. Yes, every body in the Urlum system will be visited.
  13. "I have to think rationally. He will kill me. But he's so handsome. But he will kill me.", Bob was thinking while he was running away. "What about the equipment??? And Bill should've removed the RTG first!" "Get in the lander, NOW!", Valentina was relentless. Kerpernicus' ascent stage fires. Good thing Kron 4 with Jebediah inside was nearby for a fast rendezvous. North pole of Wal was visible for a brief moment.
  14. But this is real! They're in real danger, not in a studio, you conspiracy theorist!
  15. Several new raw LORRI photos were released. http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/soc/Pluto-Encounter/index.php
  16. Bob is 100 m away from the crushed rover and begins to feel uneasy with the whole sight. The anomaly is dominating everything, towering above the crater floor. "This is almost as tall as the vehicle assembly building at home!", Bob uttered. However, he proceeds. For science. WalEye is there, mangled. "It OK, I fix!", Bob yells over the radio after taking rest of the data from the probe core. He continues to investigate the anomaly, trying to reach the top. The sphere does not have a very solid surface. It's like a dense cloud. Suddenly, a deep, manly "mmmmm" is heard over the radio. Then again, louder. "MMMMMMMMM..." Could it be? Is it possible, even here? "It can't be! We're too far from Kerbin!", said Bob, already delusional and happy. "Bob, get the hell out of there! Don't listen to him!", yelled Bill. "Emergency evacuation, that's an order!", screamed Valentina.
  17. Kerbals like shiny stuff, and when they see a 100 m tall shiny thing, they like it a lot. The team is busy setting up the instruments and taking precious measurements. Scientist Bob is off to investigate alone. In case something happens, there will be only one casualty. Meanwhile, engineer Bill is examining the WalEye descent stage.
  18. Made a little double aurora today with my manly, rugged hands. And a nice arc in low pressure with mercury vapors.
  19. Philae's view while falling towards Agilkia site. http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2015/07/Descending_to_a_comet I told you it was not powdery.
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