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    Sr. Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Nice mod, kudos and thanks to all the author(s)! A question, though, is there a problem with Ion Engines? They have no sound! EDIT: I removed RSE and the problem persisted, so I get it's from KSP itself. But, how come there is no RSE profile for ion engines? How can one make them?
  2. Thanks once again, @Shammyofwar! Since it worked fine WITHOUT mods (and I discovered CKAN for Linux, yay!), I decided to use it. I labelled all the mods I current use as "favorites" and asked it to install them. I worked very nicely but I think I'm not using it correctly since mods like Bureaucracy (that I've never used) were installed. Even so, KSP ran nicely. So, instead of reselecting mods in CKAN, I deleted all of them AGAIN and copied my old mods (properly manually updated, of course) and it RAN FINE AGAIN! So I'd like to THANK YOU ALL for your help about the freezing! And ask, is it possible to make CKAN "import" all my current mods e update them from now on? I saw an "Import" option but it requests ZIP files... The online manual says to "upgrade" them, but I can't find this option... What am I not seeing?
  3. Hello, @Shammyofwar! At last I could test your suggestions! Based on what you said, I decided to DELETE the whole KSP directory and start over... Good news are: it runs smoothly, thanks! I searched the log files and found NO "ERR" strings and only TWO "ERROR" strings (below): ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jlcarneiro/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jlcarneiro/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Do you know what they mean? I'll upload the two log files (KSP and Player). Maybe any of you can see something I didn't... KSP.log Player.log
  4. Thank you for your help! I am a bit busy right now, but I'll try your suggestions ASAP and will give some feedback. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for your response! The logs still have mod related errors?! I deleted all mods from Gamedata! Can you point me how to identify those mods? About the graphic drivers, I use Nvidia's proprietary ones. Before they were from the repositories, now unfortunately they are flatpak. Apart from that, they seem to run fine. And no, as far as can tell, I have no problems with other tasks on this machine. Since you suspect something with them, could you please help me test the graphic drivers and memory? What commands should I use?
  6. Firstly, thanks for your response! About my specs: i5 (8th Gen); 16Gb RAM nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 - 6Gb Ubuntu 20.04 Now, sorry to not include KSP.log, I looked for instructions on HOW to ask for help (it's been a long time, my memory failed) and read that I should only upload Player.log. I'll upload both (on Fastupload.io): Player.log KSP.log Thanks once again!
  7. Hello, again! Today I checked file integrity (via Steam) without mods, but KSP keeps freezing from time to time (aproximately 20s every 5min). Here is the latest Player.log: Fastupload.io It feels like garbage collecting. Is there any known issues about it? Any suggestions is very welcome! ;-)
  8. Didn't know that, thanks! Maybe I noticed it now because it (seems) do be in .deb format. I'll try it later. Unfortunately, now, even without mods my KSP freezes for a few seconds every couple minutes...
  9. Hello, guys! I'm back after almost TWO YEARS away (real life can be kind of a poodle sometimes) and, after some lengthy mod updates (is there a linux version of CKAN now?! WOW, I must test it!), my KSP keeps freezing periodically (haven't clocked it yet, though). Tried to find out which mod was the culprit but was unsuccessful... I decided to be "extreme", I removed ALL THE MODS but the freezing kept happening(!) and I don't remember how to debug KSP... Initially, I thought the problem was in the maps (or in the observatory) but later I noticed it even happens in the VAB! Ah! Here are the links to Player.log: Filebin.net Fastupload.io Can someone help me? Like "like I’m a 4-year-old"....
  10. Even with the latest version ( If it helps, I have old versions of OhScrap! and Scrapyard running fine with KSP 1.12.3 (without the improvements introduced recently, of course!): OhScrap! ScrapYard
  11. How does Oh Scrap compare to EVA Repairs? I mean, from two different points of view: 1. Reproduction of failures occurrence in real life (adapted to gaming experience, of course!); 2. Complexity and resource consuming
  12. This mod seems FANTASTIC! And taking Snacks! by example it really is! Thanks! I intend to replace another failures mod with Eva Repairs but I have a few questions: 1.What classes should I use to include probe cores, batteries, tanks, antennas and such via MM patches? 2. Is 600hrs too little MTBF? What starting MTBF should I use if I intend to adopt it to so many items? 3. Do I also need to use SandCastle? Nevertheless, SHOULD I use it or tweaking the settings can save me even another mod?
  13. Thanks for your kind (and prompt) answers! But for one of those mysteries only cell phone forum navigation can answer, I meant to post my question in RLA Reborn topic! Sorry!
  14. This is a very fine collection of alternative parts! Thanks once again to all who contributed make it possible and to LGG for mantaining it! One question, though, does anyone know a waterfall config that works with engines added by this mod? Or how I could make configs for other engines work with those from RLA Reborn?
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