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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. Hello, folks! Maybe this has been explained before (could not find a reference to it, though), but why the Radio Signals Intelligence Dish, when used as an antenna, is a mere direct one? Considering its size, it's meant to communicate to deep space, but since it's only direct, it can't relay the signal and it useless, isn't it? Or am I missing something here?
  2. Hey, great news! Let me see if I got it: I have to download NFE, toss everything but the DLL away and put this MM patch of yours on Gamedata folder? Is that all?
  3. What a shame! This cancel-without-penalty thing he didn't tell me...
  4. Well, a friend told me you need to press ALT-F12, then click on "Contracts", then click on "Active" and then click "Complete" on the desired contract...
  5. Unfortunately, I bought KSP on August 2013, but I have no problem paying for a DLC. Like some had said: KSP cost has been diluted in time. Besides I want more KSP thingies... I have one question/request/suggestion though: if we'll be getting missions with "constraints" and "unexpected mission events", shouldn't we have some kind of life support, even a simplified one? Stock communications and mapping turned out pretty nice (not so complex as RemoteTech or ScanSat, but very satisfying)! EDIT1: When I gave communications and mapping as examples, I forgot the new aero and reentry heat... EDIT2: IMHO, stock features have some advantages - a) they are supposed to be more balanced, more optimized and better integrated to the rest of the game (since the devs have access to their previous code) and b) they are often simplified enough to please the player with little time (like myself) but complex enough to be rewarding... And, if one needs more realism, one always can install a mod...
  6. Thanks, folks! One last question (I hope!): is there a (simple) way of correcting this by using an MM patch or only by editing the mod's .cfg? Because I'd like to avoid overwriting when the mod updates...
  7. Got it, but that means these two can't get different effects bases on the mode they're currently using, right?
  8. Thanks for this explanation! If I got it correctly, I should move R.A.P.I.E.R.'s config to the top and change the general config (now the second to appear) to the following? @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[EngineLightEffect],@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]:HAS[!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAtm],!PROPELLANT[FanIntakeAir]]]:FOR[EngineLight] { If so, great! What about the other exception air-breathing engines (Whiplash and Panther)? Couldn't they be treated the same way (individual configs at the top), since they both have two modes?
  9. You can put these MM patches on a separate directory (as long as it is under Gamedata) and they will be implemented without changing the mod's configs...
  10. @StahnAileron, @blowfish, @Rhedd and @dtrauma can you, please, enlighten me? I'm still getting lightning effects from air-breathing (airplane) engines... Some of them (R.A.P.I.E.R., Whiplash on turbo mode and Panther on wet mode) are ok, but how could I disable lightning effects on the others?
  11. Ok, I think I understand what you meant. Here is my suggestions for MM patches. The first one alters the mod's custom flags adding some flags: @PART[stickerbig|sticker|stickermini|stickerv] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { //--textureRootFolder is Base Folder, referenced on texture names @textureRootFolder = zzz_MyTweaks\ //--add ";" in between names, adding names should be "Agencies\CustomFileName" and the Custom File must be on blackheart/Agencies @textureNames = Flags\KerbalStandard //--for ever textureName, you must set a textureDisplayName, can be anything you want, should be same order with textureName. Separate with ";" @textureDisplayNames = Kerbal Standard } } The second one adds a new set of custom flags. I use KerbalHacksFlags to set a function to each craft: @PART[stickerbig] { MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch2 moduleID = 3 //showListButton = True nextButtonText = Next Role prevButtonText = Previous Role statusText = Current Role objectNames = stickerflat;stickerh;stickerv debugMode = true showInfo = false textureRootFolder = zzz_MyTweaks\ textureNames = KerbalHacksFlags\Asteroid; KerbalHacksFlags\Exploration; KerbalHacksFlags\ISRU; KerbalHacksFlags\Logistics; KerbalHacksFlags\Maintenance; KerbalHacksFlags\NoKraken; KerbalHacksFlags\Research; KerbalHacksFlags\Satellite; KerbalHacksFlags\Station textureDisplayNames = Asteroid; Exploration; ISRU; Logistics; Maintenance; NoKraken; Research; Satellite; Station } } @PART[sticker] { MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch2 moduleID = 3 //showListButton = True nextButtonText = Next Role prevButtonText = Previous Role statusText = Current Role objectNames = stickerflat;sticker125;sticker250;sticker375 debugMode = true showInfo = false textureRootFolder = zzz_MyTweaks\ textureNames = KerbalHacksFlags\Asteroid; KerbalHacksFlags\Exploration; KerbalHacksFlags\ISRU; KerbalHacksFlags\Logistics; KerbalHacksFlags\Maintenance; KerbalHacksFlags\NoKraken; KerbalHacksFlags\Research; KerbalHacksFlags\Satellite; KerbalHacksFlags\Station textureDisplayNames = Asteroid; Exploration; ISRU; Logistics; Maintenance; NoKraken; Research; Satellite; Station } } @PART[stickermini] { MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch2 moduleID = 3 //showListButton = True nextButtonText = Next Role prevButtonText = Previous Role statusText = Current Role objectNames = stickerflat;stickerh;stickerv debugMode = true showInfo = false textureRootFolder = zzz_MyTweaks\ textureNames = KerbalHacksFlags\Asteroid; KerbalHacksFlags\Exploration; KerbalHacksFlags\ISRU; KerbalHacksFlags\Logistics; KerbalHacksFlags\Maintenance; KerbalHacksFlags\NoKraken; KerbalHacksFlags\Research; KerbalHacksFlags\Satellite; KerbalHacksFlags\Station textureDisplayNames = Asteroid; Exploration; ISRU; Logistics; Maintenance; NoKraken; Research; Satellite; Station } } @PART[stickerv] { MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch2 moduleID = 3 //showListButton = True nextButtonText = Next Role prevButtonText = Previous Role statusText = Current Role objectNames = sticker125;sticker250;sticker375 debugMode = true showInfo = false textureRootFolder = zzz_MyTweaks\ textureNames = KerbalHacksFlags\Asteroid; KerbalHacksFlags\Exploration; KerbalHacksFlags\ISRU; KerbalHacksFlags\Logistics; KerbalHacksFlags\Maintenance; KerbalHacksFlags\NoKraken; KerbalHacksFlags\Research; KerbalHacksFlags\Satellite; KerbalHacksFlags\Station textureDisplayNames = Asteroid; Exploration; ISRU; Logistics; Maintenance; NoKraken; Research; Satellite; Station } } I put both in a folder, where I put all my MM patches, named zzz_MyTweaks to be the last one to be evaluated. @SpikiestMass15, this might interest you...
  12. Great news, thanks! Since you are using the same name on both modules with the ID as a distinction, how do I refer to the second module using a MM patch? I'm thinking of putting the flags on a custom folder and set it as the texture root folder to avoid deleting them when you update the mod (I use to delete the mod's folder and extracting the new one)...
  13. Oh, didn't notice that either! I'll try it then, thanks! But... What about the R.A.P.I.E.R., the Whiplash (turbo mode) and the Panther (wet mode) engines? Will they get lightning effects? Sorry to bother, but what is the difference between them?
  14. Great news, thank you very much! Since we're talking about electricity, what about JDiminishingRTG?
  15. Tried with the boolean expressions and it did NOT work... ETA1: Actually, neither worked... ETA2: It seems the following patch works, though... @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAtm],!PROPELLANT[FanIntakeAir]]:FOR[EngineLight] {
  16. AFAIK, currently you have to edit some CFG files. I am also waiting for this just-drop-image-in-a-folder-to-add-a-texture feature...
  17. I've quickly tried the plugin. It's great! But I have a question/suggestion: when the ship gets to space (and enters orbit), the plugins automatically tries to create a node. Although I liked the documentation, I confess I couldn't find how to disable this auto generation...
  18. Looks promising! Thanks! Haven't tried the plugin yet, but checked the documentation: it's great! Thanks again!
  19. Very good news! One could set up the ship, thrust, target, pin some right-click menus, etc... I'll try It, thanks!
  20. @ShotgunNinja, I'm sorry, but don't you think we should be able to mantain an atmosphere in a specific compartment remotely? I mean, on an unmanned ship...
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