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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. I'll buy this DLC but I crave for life support and better visual and sound effects...
  2. No RCS sounds. Everything sounds fine, except RCS... To test RCS I even muted Chatterer! The only other sound mods I have are RoverWheelSounds and CollisionFX. I only got one read message in the console log:
  3. About this, I understand Kerbal Academy disables stock rescue missions. But could it disable them using "stock method"? I mean, if I enable stock rescue missions again in the difficult settings menu, they should get back, shouldn't they?
  4. I don't know what am I doing wrong: I'm trying to install version 5.2 on KSP 1.3 under Linux and I get no sounds at all... Actually, I tried stock sounds and got nothing either... Can someone help me, please?
  5. Thanks! Don't know how to code upgrades (specially through MM). Do you know any tutorial?
  6. Sorry to bother you again, @magico13! I have a question/request: I assumed with ScrapYard installed, StageRecovery should be deleted. Should I? If so, could you please include the parachute calculator feature in ScrapYard? Or create a tiny module that did just this parachute checking...
  7. Thanks, man! See, kids, don't try these dangerous moves without supervision, you're not kerbals! Hey, @magico13, I've got an idea: how do I force KCT to distribute the points again? I think I'll go on with this (pretend something terrible happened to KSC and I lost a lot of money, production had to begin again and it lost its upgrades but I could salvage some of them and could get a jumpstart, headstart...
  8. Hi, @magico13! I know I did a silly thing: I installed beta ScrapYard on my "production" (career) game. I know, I couldn't resist... When I loaded the game, I received a message that my KCT data was corrupted. I downloaded your latest KCT version and the message went away (yay!), but my "point usage" was lost. I THINK I remember where I used each one but, when I started using them again, they simply weren't enough. How do I give myself new points without spending money or science points? I can deal with the lost of built crafts and ongoing building line, but I'd like to get my KCT situation back...
  9. Oh, my memory still serves for something! About the requirements (SCANsat and scan the planet) I did scan the planet, problem was SCANsat. Hope you can solve this shortly! If I can help with something... And thank you very much! For your hard work and for your attention!
  10. It's very good to see this back on track! I have a somewhat embarrassing question, though: I can't remember how to show the map view on a screen... If memory serves me, it should be one of the leftmost buttons on the top or bottom rows... ETA: I vaguelly remember something about those maps being Scansat's... Is that correct? I would be a shame... I gave it up to ease the load on may notebook. Can't Kerbnet be integrated? ETA2: Apparently it won't do...
  11. I'm terribly sorry and I feel kind of dumb, but I couldn't find the link to your fork on the OP and the development branch on Github has only a .svg file. I give up: what am I overlooking?
  12. I think @AlexSheFF's version is from before the 1.2.1 one, isn't it? It doesn't include those antenna info...
  13. I meant the latest one (with antenna info)...
  14. @Kowgan, the work done in this thread (yours and others') is invaluable! Thanks! May I suggest that the latest version is converted to KSPedia?
  15. I'll once again suggest on that topic that someone with the correct tools (and knowledge) convert the latest version to KSPedia...
  16. About the revert, maybe just an option to manually create and increment/decrement counters... What do you think? I mean, in-game, without resorting to .cfg editing...
  17. Didn't think of this! It makes sense, I think I'll do something like this... I'll specifically delete KER module by adding this line: -MODULE[FlightEngineerModule] {}
  18. The VesselType did it, it worked, thanks! Here is the snippet now: //Add basic command capacity to KER unused parts //Author: jlcarneiro @PART[EngineerChip]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand|ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @cost = 200 @category = Pods @TechRequired = engineering101 @mass = 0.001 // just a circuitry board, same weight as the Cubic Strut @crashTolerance = 8 // low crash tolerance @maxTemp = 800 // same to heat tolerance vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.005 // low consumption, less than a lamp } hasHibernation = False // doesn't hibernate } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 5 // small electric reserve, just a board, remember? maxAmount = 5 } MODULE // cheapest control unit, smallest range { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 1250 optimumRange = 625 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } } @PART[Engineer7500]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand|ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @cost = 250 @category = Pods @TechRequired = engineering101 @mass = 0.005 // same as thermometer, heavier than real life notebook @crashTolerance = 10 // has low cost casing, low crash tolerance @maxTemp = 1000 // same to heat tolerance vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01 // low consumption } hasHibernation = True hibernationMultiplier = 0.375 // when hibernating, uses 3/4 of chip's EC } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 // small electric reserve maxAmount = 10 } MODULE // small range, low cost control unit { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2500 optimumRange = 1250 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } } How does this hibernation thing work? I mean, what is that "hibernationMultiplier"? Got it! What do you think of the balance I propose?
  19. Interesting topic! It's good to know our "forummates". Apparently, I'm like pandaman: primarily an Engineer, with a hint of Scientist and of Pilot. Can't remember if I've taken part in any projects, though...
  20. Thanks for your tips, folks! @Streetwind, I forgot MM is an add-on (duh!), I'll take that in consideration, next time! Thanks for your help! I've put my current snippet to the OP. @Alshain, this is very instructive, thank you! @Ruedii, I agree with you, I won't delete KER modules. I've added both ModuleCommand and ModuleDataTransmit (with reduced range), I won't add ModuleSAS nor ModuleKerbNetAccess, because this should be just for basic control and telemetry... About EC reserves, the parts are VERY small, if I need more power, I must include a battery. I noticed I did not include VesselType. I'll try including it...
  21. I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this (I think it isn't gameplay...) so moderators feel free to move it... I use KER, but I always set it to "partless" mode. Since those two beautiful parts are not used, I want to use them as poor's man probe core, installing one of them on manned vehicles to put on the brakes, turn lights, etc. I used some MM code to change some properties and add modulecommand and the internal antenna. My code seems right (I can see the changes), but I can't control the rover... Right-click menu keeps saying its command state is "no telemetry"... Whatam I missing? Can someone please help me? P.S.: I'm currently on my phone, I'll add the snippet I used ASAP... P.S.2: As promised, here is the code I used (I'll probably change it according to your tips): //Add basic command capacity to KER unused parts //Author: jlcarneiro @PART[EngineerChip]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand|ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @cost = 200 @category = Pods @TechRequired = engineering101 @mass = 0.005 // It's just a circuitry board, same weight as the thermometer @crashTolerance = 8 // low crash tolerance @maxTemp = 800 // same to heat tolerance vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01333333 // low consumption, just a board, remember? } hasHibernation = False } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 5 // small electric reserve, just a board! maxAmount = 5 } MODULE // small range, low cost control unit { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2500 optimumRange = 1250 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } } @PART[Engineer7500]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand|ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @cost = 250 @category = Pods @TechRequired = engineering101 @mass = 0.010 // same weight as the smallest battery @crashTolerance = 10 // has low cost casing, low crash tolerance @maxTemp = 1200 // same to heat tolerance vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01666667 // low consumption } hasHibernation = False } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 // small electric reserve, just a board! maxAmount = 10 } MODULE // small range, low cost control unit { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2500 optimumRange = 1250 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } }
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