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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. There is a duplicate nodeName on line 1421. Change the duplicate "ct_plasmaPropulsion" to "ct_colonization".
  2. I released CSS v3.0 which includes all the sent in reports atm. @DuoDex, can you update the main post
  3. I'll update the mod for KSP 1.0 because their were some changes in some experiments.
  4. v0.5.0 is now available Updated packs for KSP 1.0 Updated MM Updated license Downloads on GitHub and DropBox
  5. I placed it in a subfolder that I then placed in GameData
  6. It doesn't throw any errors but the " ============== " on line 15 isn't commented out
  7. I don't think so, unless medsouz is waiting 'till Kopernicus goes out of alpha
  8. Not at all, I wanted to give you less work to make the config. EDIT: The only thing I didn't do yet is the positioning of the icons. EDIT 2: I also just took the default cost from the tree, so you're free to edit the cost too
  9. This is what I have atm for CTT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ve6kksjcp9k54d/CTT%20-%20WIP.txt This is a WIP, please do not use this as a new Tech Tree ! TODO: - Some descriptions - Add icons - Positioning the icons The only thing I need to know is what anyToUnlock = (True/False) does.
  10. Just a minor thing but can you correct the tiers on Gliffy? - They go from T3 to T5 - They go from T9 to T11 - There are 3x T12 Also, I'm working on v1 of the new Tech Tree EDIT: Experimental Rocketry isn't a stock tech anymore. Maybe integrate it into CTT.
  11. There is a diagram on Gliffy: https://www.gliffy.com/go/publish/7941469 It will take some time to load the page
  12. Wouldn't it be better if you changed it to the CRP resource "MetallicOre" so we don't need to make a conversion between CRP and EPL? Just a heads up
  13. just wanted to say that I'll gladly help with CTT
  14. I'll try to update this mod to 1.0, but it will take some time because of RL. Also I want your opinions about the airbrakes in this mod. Their are now stock airbrakes in the game, do you guys want to use those or keep the the airbrakes of this mod?
  15. I think you can make a custom TechTree that KSP loads, but you have to load your tree ingame. I need to check this.
  16. The [*] just means that it will search for ALL RDNodes. The :HAS behind it makes the search specific. A good example is @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[gravityScan]], it also uses the [*] even though experiments have no name field. EDIT: @Nertea, I tried the same with other ways, and those doesn't work either.
  17. I updated the Regolith configs (v4) for KSP 1.0 and CRP 0.3.3. You can download them from HERE. Because there is now a basic stock resource system in KSP, Regolith is temporarily disabled but the configs are the same way as stock cfg's. I don't know if the stock resources (ore) are automatically added to custom planets. I'll need to check this when I'll get home.
  18. Now that I have more time for the moment I'll try to finally add a planet for the wiki. It has been delayed for a long time because of RL stuff. I also started working on the regolith configs so it will be compatible with its 1.0 release. Can't wait for 1.0
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