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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. Some people just copy textures from Space Engine without changing anything which makes the planets not suitable with the other KSP bodies. Most planet creators make sure they fit in KSP. Also RSS changes the stock planets into the realistic analogs, but it doesn't work with KopernicusTech.
  2. I made Regolith configs for the original moons. amarius1 will include them in the next release (i think), but I'll keep another version for this OP+ version
  3. I'm still busy with getting my templates to work for the planets. If you want you can make a tutorial page (or someone else).
  4. I recieved it

  5. Thx for the great tutorial. I'll add a link on my wiki to this.
  6. yay! Also did you find a way to upload your biomes somewhere so I can check them to complete the configs you requested?
  7. Done. Also planet pages are delayed because something is wrong with my templates and I'm sick .
  8. I just released v2.0 on GitHub. Sorry for the delay. I'll fix CKAN now
  9. That is very strange, because you did respond to my email. Can you send via something else maybe, or upload the document somewhere and give me the link.
  10. I primarily created it for having all the planet information on one location, but I also planned to have tutorials on the wiki for making planets with KT. It's also easy to contribute, you don't need an account to make/edit a page.
  11. I started a wiki (couple days ago, but didn't had time yet) that will give information about all the planets in the Kerbol System. By this I ask if the planet creators can add their own planets (I'll have a template for it later this day), if you don't have time, I'll add them for them.
  12. Process on configs: - No SCANsat configs needed because it normally should get their scanning info from the textures (Need to test this). - The base of the Regolith configs are done, but I'll need a complete biome information (biomemaps and biome names) if you completed them. You may send them via a PM so you don't give away any spoilers. I'll also be working on configs for PlanetShine and CustomAsteroids for spawning asteroids in the rings of Lyvara.
  13. If you just want to test the other planets you can use HyperEdit to set their orbit to the planet you want to test
  14. For the water config I just need to now which planet/moon is gonna have poles/ice/oceans. I'll see if I can run those. If you have a Google+ account you can publish an excel (google drive) sheet.
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