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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. yes, my config needs CTT and KSPI, and CTT needs TechManager to work.
  2. Very handy tool, now I know which mod gives errors and find them quicker in the log.
  3. I fixed the mayor bugs of this mod and will release a unofficial PRE-release tomorrow.
  4. Thx for the fix. I still didn't figured out where the problem in my CTT config is, I tested it on my other PC with only KSPI, TechManager and CTT installed. I can research every CTT node, all the KSPI parts are available in the VAB and SPH, the parts are automatically upgraded when I research the required node. So I don't know why some people have problems with not upgradable parts. I also don't know what the problem is with your tech tree. It has something to do with your install. This is my CTT tech tree:
  5. Thx for explaining that, but I was just supporting CTT. Same for CRP and Regolith
  6. I didn't said that CTT uses the exact name, I said that "CTT made their tech nodes with keeping in mind of the nodes that already existed, Nertea just gave them a shorter/other name". Just like CRP (changing names). CTT respected the mods and adjusted the node's name for other mods so you don't have a tech node with the name "interstellarTechAntimatterPower" but just "antimatterPower". Also mods don't demand players/mods to use their mod, they just want it to be used by players. With the science cost I can agree, but you can change the cost with MM configs. CTT adds nodes from other mods so you don't have to install a specific mod that you don't want to use just to get a node called "interstellarTechAntimatterPower". Just like other mods, KSPI has to adapt to the changing community/game. Example: What if Squad added the CTT tree to the base game, what then? You'll have to change your nodes to work nice with the game.
  7. My config doesn't have any issues with TechManager or CTT, I made the config like anyone else did using CTT. So if it works for those mods, it also works for KSPI. CTT made their tech nodes with keeping in mind of the nodes that already existed, Nertea just gave them a shorter/other name. Also CTT didn't only made their nodes for expanding the stock tree, but also for making all mods using one tech tree. This is the same thing that CRP wants to do. Well it's obvious that if you install CTT you should stop using the KSPI tree, otherwise it has no use to install CTT if you want to keep playing with the KSPI tree. For the first solution see above. For the second solution: KSPI should stop using its own tech tree and start using the Community Tech Tree.
  8. Then something is wrong with your save game, this is how my tech tree looks like. If you already have a save game BEFORE you installed my CTT config and you didn't choose the CTT tech tree in the beginning, then the CTT nodes will not be available in other tech trees. You have to play with the CTT tech tree if you want to see my changes.
  9. I just placed it in the KSPI folder. it will work as long it is in the GameData folder and if you installed techmanager and the community tech tree
  10. I reinstalled KSPI with the fix of Boris and FreeThinker and also reinstalled my CTT config. Everythings works just fine with the research and upgradable parts. I will test on my other computer with only KSPI and my config.
  11. Sorry that you're experiencing problems with my CTT config, but I can use and upgrade everything when I researched the respective node. I don't know if it's because I play on a heavily modded game or if it's something else. I will check it this afternoon.
  12. I'm almost ready with updating this mod, just a few more things to fix
  13. Thx, but can you include the newest version of regolith (Release: 0.1.3 or Pre-release 0.1.4)
  14. Then it should be collected. Do you have a log? And with Boris' fix it now has the stock and impact functionality back
  15. Thx for sharing, and mods isn't a problem for me, I run a lot of mods atm
  16. This mod is just a combination of 3 mods. The real Star Systems mod is here. And that has a source on GitHub.
  17. 1. Since 2.5.7 the "&" is a valid char for key values and no syntax anymore. This was so that science reports containing a "&" could work when MM was installed. This can be fixed to change a "&" by a "," 2. That is a TweakScale bug, no MM. 3. Like what? 4. See 1. 5. See 1. and 2.
  18. Augustus is working on a new star system via kopernicus. For now his plan is to combine most of the planet packs into 1 pack
  19. Because of the new release of CRP, here are some new resource configs for supoorting it. DOWNLOAD Changes: More Karbonite between planets More Karbonite on Slate Added Water at poles biome (for the future when the biome bug is fixed)
  20. Thats right. Don't forget to put it in a PART @PART[partname] { !MODULE[module you want to remove] {} }
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