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Everything posted by coolitic

  1. I believe "welding" is on one of the lists. Try using another word. The only problem I have is not having low fps with many parts. Also ground stations are nearly impossible unless you send the whole thing at once due to uneven terrain. Like others suggested, use kas.
  2. I just want a "clear all debris" button really badly. Charges is a nice idea, but like they said, no weapons. If you want to not let parts hit your space center (as in the future, parts can destroy your buildings), then use parachutes.
  3. The OP has a point. However, since the game basically plays in an enclosed area, i think it isn't that important to change this.
  4. I disagree too. Exactly how would connecting 2 craft provide any information or "science" at all?
  5. Sorry I meant the Ubisoft Far Cry and the console ports were modified CryEngines. Also another dev who modified an engine is Badspot who modified torque engine for blockland. The dude doesn't have that high of a budget yet he modified the engine so much. Yet I keep telling him on the forums he needs to start from scratch.
  6. I dont want RTG's to decay. Time warp being one reason and also it would take out much of it's reliability (hence messing up it's role). Until they make reasonable ion engines/uses for large power solar panels are useless. (non-tracking ones have the advantage of being extremely light though)
  7. Hmm, not sure what to say to this. Like some other people said maybe have more sciency kerbals that are good at science or maybe an engineer that can repair more kinds of items. However, while I'm fine with special kerbals being more expensive I dont want it to affect flight performance.
  8. Maybe. However, RTG's are perfectly shielded from radiation in real life so that would be unrealistic. Maybe have radiation on only some planets/parts of planets?
  9. I think he meant the kerbal's tendency to destroy everything they touch, particularly when messing with the jetpack in space. (Learned that the hard way with solar panels)
  10. Well one thing they can do is modify the existing unity engine to tailor their personal needs. Far Cry has done this with the CryEngine. EDIT: Of course it would take up dev time.
  11. Exactly. OP should be paying attention as it specifically states this.
  12. But realistically intakes are pressure dependent, not velocity dependent. While high velocities do usually equate to higher pressure, there are other factors involved such as atmospheric density. Of course, I could be understanding your post wrong.
  13. If it were per minute, then people would leave ksp on and do other things.
  14. I will install linux (most likely steamos) just to have ksp 64 bit.
  15. I see almost no use in solar panels. A couple RTG's get the job done almost every time. Of course, due to their high price, I guess in career mode I can see why solar panels are better.
  16. A logical way to use ion engines? Magnetic propulsion? Not make my computer go to 24 fps because im using just 15 lights?
  17. Solar panels are useless imo (there is still no practical way to use ion engines). I ALWAYS use RTG, but, I do think that their price in-game is a bit high even if it contains radioactive substances. (but techincally unless you have many reaction wheels/rover wheels, 1 is enough)
  18. Isn't this on the already suggested/do not suggest list? They are already going to implement this later.
  19. Other than eye candy (which I do love greatly), this wont help at all. Of course you did say that it only sits on low parts of the planet so maybe. (i still want to orbit very low on minmus, so dont make it go too high)
  20. This, if it would ever be implemented, would only come in later versions of ksp and dont expect it anytime soon.
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