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Everything posted by Heckspress

  1. Stupid question but... How do I turn it off? I miss buzzing the KSC
  2. If you feel like actually trying to launch that whole thing, you might be able to get away with making the rear/girder section into an SSTO....
  3. I've been noticing a slight influx in request posts lately, so I thought I might make a thread to localize them. Also, I'm in need of a MK2/1 VTOL SSTO with some cargo capacity and somewhat simple ascent profile.
  4. British tanks, have the most research in Brit planes, but trying to get my Russkies up
  5. You're mad. Absolutely stark, raving mad.
  6. I'd love both of em, with RCS removed, and replaced with stock, of course
  7. I like the way you used the ladders for the bumpers
  8. What mods do you use for the train's cab and generators?
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