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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. I'm not sure I follow? The configs are what create the clouds — I.E. Spectra all is more or less just a bundle of textures with a few text files that tell EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements how to generate clouds/atmospheres
  2. Ah thanks for that info that you're on Mac, I know that Mac deals with capitalization more strictly than Windows does, it could be an issue that somewhere in the configs, Eve isn't properly capitalized and that's causing the visual issue - or it could just be a bad install, I'm not sure
  3. It's odd that Scatterer is breaking it, I'd recommend installing via CKAN, since that removes a lot of the small mistakes that can sometimes accrue when installing manually. Could you try reinstalling a fresh download of Spectra and Scatterer and see if it fixes it?
  4. Yes, in fact Spectra is actually cloudpack for EVE Redux; it's just a set of textures and config files that EVE Redux uses to add clouds and effects to the game Spectra doesn't work if you install any other EVE Redux packs, or any mods that change the solar system, or if you attempt to edit and save changes via the EVE Redux GUI. A sidenote, are you installing manually, or through CKAN?
  5. Something is definitely installed wrong/incompatible, or perhaps you tried to modify the Environmental Visual Enhancements configs in game? Modifying them breaks the custom ModuleManager configs I created
  6. Alas I lack the skill for that all I can do is edit config files and textures - enough to run Spectra, but little more
  7. Hey there! Would it be possible to add autotags based on craft name? I.E. if a craft has "SP-" in the name, it's automatically given the tag "Type\Spaceplane", or if it has "L-" in the title it's given the tag "Type\Lifter"
  8. Woah! Wait, are you TheWinterOwl? As in the creator of the original tail connector parts?
  9. I took a look at this, and Auroras don't appear to be working as you indicated- Did I miss something?
  10. Greetings, it seems either KXAPI or Craft Manager seem to be having issues with KerbalX when it's down, creating a strange error message at the main menu. Would it be possible to set an "offline" mode for CraftManager in the future, so that it doesn't need to interact with KXAPI, or even be installed without it?
  11. Thanks! Love your avatar too! @Xacktar?
  12. All good, yeah it sounds like they might not've known about the decreased performance. I love the curiosity though it might be fun for you to hear that I spent a lot of time mucking around inside the files of a number of old EVE packs (Better Atmospheres, the original Astronomer's packs, KSPRC, Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements, Stock Visual Enhancements, etc.) to see how they ran things, and to learn tricks that I could implement in Spectra.
  13. Greetings By EVE Boulder Co., could you link me the page that you're getting this info from? If this is what I think you're referring do, that was the name of the old 'default' cloud configs which EVE used a number of years ago, back when it was run by the original creator — those configs probably aren't relevant anymore. Furthermore though, Spectra's configs are actually very well optimized - I spent many long hours figuring out the best settings to improve FPS while keeping the visuals still within acceptable bounds. It's also worth mentioning that by installing both Spectra and Boulder Co., you've actually lowered your performance from using either, since you're effectively loading two completely separate set of cloud configs and textures at the same time.
  14. Thank you for making this! I've been away from KSP for a while so I've not had the chance to update to @blackrack's volumetric clouds yet, thank you for beating me to the chase
  15. Woah, that feature sounds incredibly useful for SSTOs to be able to set a specific angle to hold! I.E. 10 degree incline, hold until orbit
  16. I'd recommend using CKAN for installing things with KerbalKonstructs since it handles a lot of the dependencies - but yes you should have to install both
  17. Greetings You can run both alongside, although Spectra's configs haven't been rewritten to include them yet; if you run both, it will draw the default EVE volumetric clouds (with their own layers), plus all of Spectra's too. So effectively, it will create double the cloud layers. It works, but some planets look suboptimal. I've been away from KSP and so haven't had the time or energy to upkeep with the new changes. Sorry
  18. Hello! Your picture looks normal to me; some of the OP images may be from older versions of the pack
  19. Hm gotcha. Alas I can't do much troubleshooting for bugs with Scatterer and Eve, all I can recommend is trying to reinstall Scatterer/EVE/Spectra from new downloads
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