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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Yeah, my bad sorry. I read comments that Kopernicus worked with 1.7 but I must have been mistaken. Spectra works without Kopernicus, it just won't have any surface/orbital planet textures. Clouds will still work fine.
  2. Hey! It should run fine. The important parent mods work in 1.7 (EVE/Kopernicus) so Spectra should run as well.
  3. Sounds good. Spectra's geysers were made for bodies that don't have massive changes in height (Eeloo and Minmus), but both SVE and Spectra have very similar geyser configs so I wouldn't be sure either. Strange, I had that too. Just updated the link by removing "www" and it seems to work again.
  4. Woah... I might have to test this, I don't use any planet mods so I haven't had the drive to make it work. If this does though I might give instructions in the OP.
  5. I don't see anything that should be causing problems either, I just want to make sure it's Spectra. I've found strange interactions before though, Scatterer and Distant Object Enhancement for example.
  6. Huh... That's very odd. I'm afraid nothing comes to mind right away that might be causing it. Thanks for posting your GameData. Just as a precaution could you move your other mods to another folder and test the save with just Spectra? I want to make sure it's being caused by Spectra and not anything else. This isn't caused by an eclipse either, is it?
  7. Woo I'm so pumped!!! Can't wait to upgrade my rotating engines to servos I stead of docking ports!
  8. My rotor hit the limit too, we actually did a whole bunch of data collection on it as well: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/143IrolQa6QJanAz8UFcFsZQv5D_7QLEX_68QLswrL0E/edit?usp=drivesdk
  9. You reached the rpm speed limit without using landing gear in the bearing?!
  10. Yeah! The problem I ran into was trying to rotate the whole mechanism- I wanted to make a super-sized osprey but wasn't able to get the engines to rotate and maintain speed and stability.
  11. xD It is indeed. I saw your title and thought it worth referencing- I did a lot of tests to find the optimal efficiency on blade angle vs number of blades vs number of jets and that video was part of the results. 237-ish tons lifted vertically by 10 basic jets
  12. Ouch my condolences, that doesn't sound like the most entertaining of tasks
  13. Hey! Spectra shouldn't need any updates, its the parent mods that we're waiting on. EVE for atmospheres/clouds, Kopernicus for Terrain/planets, TextureReplacer for skybox.
  14. Ohh that would be awesome... I could play stock again if that happened!
  15. Hahaha, yeah updates and Kopernicus don't really spell the word "quick"... That said I'm glad to see 1.7 out, and I'm sure updates will come. Spectra works so long as it's parent mods do as well.
  16. Doable in stock but tough: I totally agree that adding some form of stock hinge would be incredible, a piece that has an action group to rotate to a set number of degrees.
  17. Oh, I forgot something about KSPRC too. It does coloring of the terrain a bit differently than stock, by taking the orbital texture and using those colors directly. I reverted back to the original style because it makes the biome transitions look way better. You'll notice in KSPRC the shoreline looks... Pixel-y
  18. Hm... I did make a small change to the grass color of the KSC to better match the textures. Is that it?
  19. Ooohhh I thought you were referring to the surface terrain textures like sand vs rock vs grass. What you are referring to are the "Orbital" or "Scaled Space" textures. I'm not using KSPRC's scaled space textures because I disliked how gritty they were. Endraxial was an old user who made some custom 8k remakes of the planets, and she handed them down when she left. Both @Galileo and I use them in SVE and Spectra this said, you can use the original textures if you want by locating them in KSPRC (I think they're inside TextureReplacer in the KSPRC download), and using the to replace the Spectra textures in GameData/Spectra/Textures/Planets (I think that's the filepath but you might need to search. It'll have a bunch of same named textures).
  20. Can you list the parts with Z-fighting and take some pictures?
  21. You've got it right- Both KSPRC and Spectra use a parent mod called Kopernicus to change the terrain textures. That config you looked at is the Kopernicus terrain config. In a nutshell, Spectra uses Proot's terrain textures with a custom terrain config. KSPRC has beautiful terrain textures (the best I've ever seen in KSP), but it's configs had some problems with tiling. I made my own custom terrain config that fixed a lot of it's problems. You could describe Spectra as more or less a bundle of custom configs and textures. Yes you can change the textures, but it takes a lot of trial and error since there isn't any in-game GUI to quickly see changes. It took me about half a year worth of guess and check and work to get all the planets done. Between all the parent mods Spectra itself had been in work for about 3 years before it's initial "release".
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