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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Hey! I noticed a bug with the linear RCS port with the collider being the wrong scale: It might not seem like much but the linear RCS is one of the most crucial parts in hinge building. As you can see the bigger collider is clipping into the rest of the hinge, breaking it. How quick of a fix would it be to change this?
  2. Yeah, my guess is its something w/ scatterer. On another note though I usually play without scatterer in my games since I cherish my framerate Its a gorgeous mod but when building with 600+ parts it can get slow
  3. Okay, first question, no. Second question, it depends. Are you using the most recent version of Scatterer? Spectra doesn't have any custom ocean configs, so its most likely something wrong with Scatterer. All custom load commands like d311 or opengl are basically pointless now that the game is 64bit/ Unity 5. All messages suggesting them will most likely be from 3-4 years ago.
  4. New avatar! The new face of HafCo. I've been sporting this avatar for some time now outside of KSP, and I figure its time to change here too :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HafCoJoe


      It is in a sense yeah :/ I always recognize you by your pooch :) I've been disliking having my Volta fighter jet as my indicator across the internet recently and wanted to go with a more streamlined icon. If I ever start my own company, this would be its logo.

    3. Spartwo
    4. HafCoJoe


      That's where it started :)

  5. Whoops, I forgot to publish it. Link should work now
  6. Hello! I only sort-of got it working. There's some issues with having regular "space ambience" that plays whenever you are in space, and having specific themes that play when you enter the SOI of a planet. I'll upload what I have so far to Spacedock so you can give it a go. Here
  7. It might be labeled with some for of "Kopernicus" in it's title, sorry. Been a bit of time since I touched my terrain configs . I'd search GameData/Spectra for ".cfg" and delete the config that deals with terrain. It'll have Kopernicus in the file contents, and probably in the filename too.
  8. After installing Spectra, remove the KSPRC folder from GameData, and remove Spectra_terrain.cfg from GameData/Spectra. After that, you should be able to install SVT.
  9. The issue is with EVE Integration on a 2d layer, something is causing the edge to not fade out- I ended up removing my Scatterer configs for Duna in the meantime, and use my stock EVE atmosphere effects I've been unable to recreate the Duna I had in my original release:
  10. Update 1.2.2 is uploading to SpaceDock as I type. I'd love any and all feedback on it, as the Scatterer configs took a bit of guesswork to get running- Still looking for an expert to help me with those if anyone wants to aid with Spectra! * New Scatterer support * More links in Extras
  11. no matter what I change, I can't seem to get rid of this intense extinction on my Duna glow: I'll keep things updated. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear 'em. Its been here ever since I released Spectra, but I've been able to mask it pretty well so far. I'm also having difficulty determining what settings changed to what, the GitHub page isn't clear (or maybe I'm viewing the wrong page, I'm not sure)
  12. :O I might have on accident, could you send me that patch? Scatterer is the mod I know the least about, and for the last update I skimmed this thread for all the suggestions people made, added them, and then pushed a release as soon as I saw it looked good. I probably changed that without thinking. On another note, I always wanted to make Kerbin more vibrant blue but I never figured out how to do it. The .half files couldn't make it intense enough. I might ask for another user to co-author Spectra with who can help me out with my Scatterer configs, if one of you is interested? I got a little burned out when editing the configs last time, so it might be a good idea to pass it to someone who knows more than me. You'd get free reign over the aesthetic of Spectra's Scatterer, and get your name on the OP/config file.
  13. Thank you, that means a lot actually. <3 Most commentary about Duna is dislike for it's blue hue. It's good to hear I'm not the only one who likes it.
  14. Huh... I'll mark that down to fix, thanks! I'm in the middle of finals right now (infographic worth half my grade is due tomorrow, doing it on the space shuttle) so there's going to be a delay before I can get my Scatterer configs working. I should have it in a few weeks. Until then I suggest deleting the Scatterer configs and playing with Blackrack's defaults.
  15. Does this still happen when Near-Future is removed? Or OPM/SVE/EVE?
  16. Wait a second... Maccollo?! @maccollo I haven't see you in years! your Venus mission is one of my all-time favorite KSP videos, up there with Katateochi's constellation mission. Your old videos are part of what got me so interested in building myself. It's good to see you man
  17. True haha. The real question is do they play nice with the .half files I have for each planet. They're the real heart and soul of each planet's appearance.
  18. Thank you I run without Scatterer most of the time nowadays, as it saves a lot of frames. Downside is I don't have sunsets or pretty water
  19. Oh, its good they're getting simpler then . Do you mind if I use your configs as syntax reference when I find the time to update Spectra? Bit swamped in school projects at the moment sadly (Space Shuttle Infographic due on Wednesday that I need to still make).
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